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Trump Polling

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Dog Wonder said:
Trump will teach the brothas how to riot.
Farrakhan, Sharpton and Jackson beat him to it.  
After watching some videos of Trump rallys....I can only say...I guess it WAS a documentary
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Donald Trump’s Working-Class Appeal Is Starting To Freak Out Labor Unions
Over the course of five weeks, Working America, the non-union affiliate of the AFL-CIO labor federation, did extensive canvassing in union-dense, blue-collar areas of Pittsburgh and Cleveland. They called it a “front porch focus group.” The idea was simply to listen — to let likely 2016 voters sound off about their thoughts and concerns headed into the presidential election.
What they discovered, among other things, was a lot of support for Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner. 
townpete said:
Dog Wonder said:
Working America goes door-to-door talking to people about political issues and working families.  Do you believe everything you see online?
townpete said:
They are just another far left LWNJ organization trying to influence politics.
townpete said:
Over the course of five weeks, Working America, the non-union affiliate of the AFL-CIO labor federation, did extensive canvassing in union-dense, blue-collar areas of Pittsburgh and Cleveland. They called it a “front porch focus group.” The idea was simply to listen — to let likely 2016 voters sound off about their thoughts and concerns headed into the presidential election.
What they discovered, among other things, was a lot of support for Donald Trump, the GOP front-runner. 
LWNJs have credibility now?
delldude said:
Latest endorsement:
Donald Trump gained the support of another union — the New Hampshire Department of Safety Workers.[/size]
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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