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Trump Polling

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Found Goldman Sachs do Cruz, Rubio.....
Look up Hillary, damn......no contribution info for the 2016 run, but its all there for Bernie and the GOP....isn't that a coincidence...."Open Secrets"....nice name.
Ooops, found it. No Goldman but Soros # 1  HC takes the cake in big contributions.
No GS for Drumpf
delldude said:
Found Goldman Sachs do Cruz, Rubio.....
Look up Hillary, damn......no contribution info for the 2016 run, but its all there for Bernie and the GOP....isn't that a coincidence...."Open Secrets"....nice name.
Ooops, found it. No Goldman but Soros # 1  HC takes the cake in big contributions.
No GS for Drumpf
HC takes it every dirty way possible ,Foundation under the table ,envelope etc . she learnt well  from Bill
xUT said:
The real 'fear' is this guy might win.
Looks like another election where my vote will be against.
Crap, for once I would like to vote for a President because he/she/it is best suited to be President.
RepubliRats and DemoRats screw us equally.
Take Care Sharon!
B) xUT
I totally agree xUT. Donald Trump IS dangerous and is in my opinion
not fit to be President of the United States. It looks like my vote will be
against also...
Cruz/Kasich at the convention. Trump runs as independent after he loses the brokered whip vote.

Hillary goes to the White House and the senate goes back to the dem's.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Cruz/Kasich at the convention. Trump runs as independent after he loses the brokered whip vote.

Hillary goes to the White House and the senate goes back to the dem's.
I guess if you keep making predictions your odds of hitting one increases 
delldude said:
Step back from the ledge, Teduardo is having a good day so far.
Indeed...he won Kansas...the state that elected Sam Brownback twice...despite putting his state so far in the hole it may never get out.    Kansas was the "experiment" to prove Laugher's theory.  It's been 4 years and has failed miserably.  But Cruz wants to make the rest of the country just like Kansas. 
cltrat said:
I guess if you keep making predictions your odds of hitting one increases
Yep. If I get all of them wrong I can join eolesen and rove for the win.

I know it will burn you but the one who is most often correct in the prediction department is bears.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. If I get all of them wrong I can join eolesen and rove for the win.

I know it will burn you but the one who is most often correct in the prediction department is bears.
                                                Can you Bear it?
Aw, THANX... '700, dell and Glenn  !
It sure looks like  ' MARCO '  is on a one-way trip to...PALOOKAVILLE after tonite.  (Actually, I'm hoping the LITTLE  rectum cavity  stays the course forever) (Better for T-Rump, which in the end will ultimately be best for President  Clinton.  That's Clinton with an  " H ", plus democrat control of the Senate , and maybe  a male, GAY Hispanic Supreme court Judge ) !
I guess the old farmers are still correct.  The  RE  PLUB  BLICAN  Chickens   ARE coming home to ROOST !
Lets see. I'll be  70.5 years old when   'HILL gets sworn in,  then add 8 MORE years to that  making me 79.5 years old.  Maybe  I'll never have to vote in a POTUS election ever again ?   (But I DOUBT IT )   !!!!!
The Republican Party.
The GIFT that  KEEPS  on  G I V I N G  !
Bears, have you noticed Trump does even better in states thay allow crossover? i.e. dems and independent can vote for him. there's a lot of angry middle class dems and indys out there may not be a lock for the criminal 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Lets see. I'll be  70.5 years old when   'HILL gets sworn in,  then add 8 MORE years to that  making me 79.5 years old.  Maybe  I'll never have to vote in a POTUS election ever again ?   (But I DOUBT IT )   !!!!!
The Republican Party.
The GIFT that  KEEPS  on  G I V I N G  !
70.5 years old when Trump gets sworn in...
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