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Trump Polling

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Glenn Beck thinks Trump is dangerous.


"Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying"
The right-wing media personality called Trump a “dangerous man” during his appearance Sunday on ABC’s This Week with host George Stephanopoulos. “We all look at Adolf Hitler in 1940. We should look at Adolf Hitler in 1929,” Beck said. “He was a kind of a funny kind of character that said the things people were thinking. Where Donald Trump takes it, I have absolutely no idea. But Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying.”
He used to be great on inside info, sourcing and so on. Like the CNN and start up at his place in Texas.
Somewhere along the way he got tetched........
This looks a little....um...
If the GOP establishment has their way and scuttle the nomination resulting in another democrat win, then they don't deserve to be in power anymore. Ever.

Either way the GOP establishment is done for.
townpete said:
No worse then the crowd shots of Obamabots during 2008 election.
I don't seem to recall Obama supporters giving the Nazi salute.  
KCFlyer said:
I don't seem to recall Obama supporters giving the Nazi salute.  
lol that's a bit of a reach, the obama supporters would have had their hands out waiting for him to give them something
One county.
About 1,000 Democrats in Mahoning County so far have switched their party affiliation to Republican with election officials saying several did it to vote for Donald Trump, the GOP presidential front-runner.
“We are seeing something this election cycle I’ve never seen before to this degree,” said board Chairman Mark Munroe, who’s also the county Republican chairman. “Every day I take phone calls or get voice messages from people saying they’ve been Democrats all their life and they’ve had it. They want to vote for Donald Trump. I’m surprised at the volume of inquiries we’re getting. It’s remarkable.”
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