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Trump Polling

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Glenn Quagmire said:

"Eric Trump ‘Charity’ Spent $880K at Family-Owned Golf Resorts"

"The younger Trump swears his foundation gives all of its money away to good causes. Which is true, if you don’t count the cash spent on Trump-owned resorts. Or the plastic surgeon."

So now that you've brought it up let's look at the Clinton foundation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOWebCMpSio
they like to bring up Trump calling some beauty queen fat as another way to show how Trump treats women, but Hillary destroying the rep of Bills girl friends or taking millions from countries who treat women like second class citizens or stone them is just fine, not to mention they pretty much just kill gays thats fine too.
I pretty much just ignore the hypocritical morons. 
No outrage here, but just an observation.  Clinton has apparently (according to infowars and the right) used money or favors from the Clinton foundation for personal gain.  The right is "outraged" at this.
 Then it turns out that the twitter candidate has used HIS foundation for personal gain...and that makes him "business savvy".
So my takeaway from this is - even though I'm not voting for Clinton - she understands government AND has a keen insight on what it takes to be business savvy.  Trump gets the business savvy, but hasn't a clue on government.  Seems your point is that Hillary is more qualified to be president. 
Harry Potter said:
Of course, only you would say something like that.
And only you (and the right) would take  the "appearance" of conflict to be WORSE than the actual abuse of "legal tax law" when it comes to Foundations.  
Harry Potter said:
Abuse of tax law?
Only a lefty would something so ridiculous.
It's not that he didn't "pay" taxes. Rather he didn't "owe" any taxes per the current tax law. Theres a big distinction. 
I didn't realize you were a lefty.
Harry Potter said:
Just as Clinton made donations to their own charity as a deduction, Trump used existing Tax law deductions.
If anything it shows how business savy he is.
Clinton (supposedly) does it - bad.  Trump does it - business savvy.  
Harry Potter said:
Your ever juvenile "I know you are, but what am I" defense seems typical for you. Sad
Okay...let's say we have two candidates for president.  Both have Foundations in their names.  Both make tax deductible contributions to said foundations.  Are both the same in your view...or is one worse?  
Harry Potter said:
If anything it shows how business savy he is.. 
His income was a negative $900 million in one year, you cal that business savvy I call it living on someone else's dime.
Dog Wonder said:
His income was a negative $900 million in one year, you cal that business savvy I call it living on someone else's dime.
now there's a funny comment coming from you for a change considering what your girl got rich on
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