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Trump Polling

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CMH_GSE, on 08 Jan 2016 - 08:45 AM, said:
Carter refused to build the B1, or the B2 or the MX missile.

Cater did not refuse to build the B-2. In reality the initial R&D for the B-2 started under the Carter Administration. It was one of the reasons for the decision to kill the B-1. Why spend the money on an airplane that would be obsolete once the B-2 flew. Reagan of course used the B-1 cancellation to attack Carter with. Carter unfortunately could not come out and say that we were in the initial stages of building an airplane that was invisible to radar
There is a real chance that our next president will be Donald Trump.
            I am not happy about that – I’ve found a media niche as a hardcore conservative who outlets call to get the right wing view of why he’s terrible (Well, at least media outlets without Don Lemon).  Yet it’s foolish not to face the potential reality – we are sort of just hoping he goes away thanks to flaws that never seem to actually hurt him. 
  People keep underestimating Donald Trump.  Now, do I think he will win the nomination, much less the election?  No.  
Donald Trump has a path to the nomination and the presidency, like it or not.
  Trump’s nomination challenge is three-fold:
  1. His antics appall many Republicans
  2. The hardcore conservatives detest him as a fake con
  3. Many Republicans hold it as an article of faith he will eventually stumble
These may all be true, but these obstacles can also be overcome.  First, let’s assume the worst case scenario in which his people actually show up and vote without a massive get out the vote drive – in other words, they self-motivate.  Then let’s write off the fussy Republicans who won’t support him because he’s tacky; it’s clear there is not going to be some gaffe that finally makes everyone else say, “Oh wait, this time I finally think he’s terrible!”  And disregard the hardcore cons like me who will be going for people like Cruz or Rubio.
Say that’s just 15% of the electorate.  Add that to his existing base in the polls of somewhere between 25%-35% and you are near 50%.  Now, if he exceeds expectations or even wins Iowa, then does the same in New Hampshire – which is very possible – he then heads into South Carolina and Nevada with momentum.  And momentum is exactly what he needs to convince the voters concerned with electability to go his way. 
 Trump can totally win the nomination.  But then he has to beat Hillary and he can’t possibly do that…can he?
            Yes, he can.
But, of course, Trump’s strategy is not a Rovian play to motivate the base to squeak out a 50% + 1 win, but to broaden the coalition by bringing in new voters to add to those of us who will pull the tab for any Republican.
Look for Trump to not only bring out working class whites left in the dust by coastal elites who look upon them and their concerns with contempt, but to make plays for blacks and Hispanics.  Who says he can’t?  Trump has something Hillary doesn’t – love him or hate him, he’sinteresting.  She’s human Ambien.
 Trump’s second advantage is that Hillary is bitter, arrogant, and stupid – she’s Flunk-the D.C.-Bar-Exam dumb, and that’s really dumb.  Together, these characteristics will make it easy for Trump to get inside her head and throw her off.  Moreover, the past manifestations of these qualities might likewise doom her. 
The recent revelation of new emails in which she blatantly committed what, to a colonel/lawyer who didn’t fail the bar exam, are multiple, indisputable feloniesregarding classified information could well lead to a reboot of the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre.  Imagine when the corrupt Department of Justice refuses to follow the FBI’s recommendation to indict this future felon.  Imagine, then, that the FBI director resigns in protest, launching a crisis.  Now, Americans are a lot of things, but fans of double standard justice for friends of the powerful is not one of them.  And Trump will beat her over the head with it.
     Trump can win the nomination.  I don’t like that, because I don’t think he’s a conservative.  He can also win the general, and I do like that because this country can survive a Donald Trump administration intact, assuming he learns what the nuclear triad is.  But a Hillary Clinton presidency?  A presidency for a woman who has not mere contempt but active hatred for the half of the population that she labels as her greatest enemy, and who aspires to restrict every amendment in the Bill of Rights that doesn’t keep her from having to testify to her own crimes?
If it’s Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, Trump all the way – and, thankfully, he absolutely could win.
777 fixer said:
This whole whiskey tango thing must really be bothering you. Did I hit too close to home?
Does it?
Looks like you have your own fair share in your own camp buttercup.
townpete said:
Party of old white dudes....
Looks like Hildabeast Sr back there in the cankle row 12. Led Zep dude looks like he's been smokin ganja with Wonder Mutt down at the kennel.
townpete said:
Most humiliated award goes to....
Bern looks like he backed off so Black Lives Matter (except Chiraq) have room to destroy...his old white man campain. Real old....
And how'd those polls go in '12?

Remember Rove stammering and stuttering in disbelief?
Abdullah was asked, “What’s your reaction to Donald Trump saying that there should be a temporary ban on Muslims coming into the United States, until the US can figure out what’s going on?”

He responded, “Well, I think that’s the same challenge that we’re being pushed to at the moment, with the group that we’re talking about. We’re saying to those — you know, we’ve had this comment given to us by the united states that you need to allow these refugees into the country. So, we’re going back to the United States, where these comments have been made, saying, look, we understand, we are trying to bring these people in, but we’re trying to make sure that the mechanisms that we put in place, make sure — it’s never going to be foolproof, but we’re going to try and make it as sterile as possible. You know, we’re accepting 50 to 100 every day, from an area that we know there’s a major danger. Obviously, it’s those that are ill, the elderly, women and children. I know some people can be callous and say, well, let all the women in, but as you saw in California and we’ve seen in Paris recently, women, unfortunately, have been part of terrorist organizations and terror strikes. But we can’t ignore, and just keep refugees isolated. So you’ve just got to be smart, and you’ve got to think with the heart.”
Glenn Quagmire said:
Abdullah was asked, “What’s your reaction to Donald Trump saying that there should be a temporary ban on Muslims coming into the United States, until the US can figure out what’s going on?”

He responded, “Well, I think that’s the same challenge that we’re being pushed to at the moment, with the group that we’re talking about. We’re saying to those — you know, we’ve had this comment given to us by the united states that you need to allow these refugees into the country. So, we’re going back to the United States, where these comments have been made, saying, look, we understand, we are trying to bring these people in, but we’re trying to make sure that the mechanisms that we put in place, make sure — it’s never going to be foolproof, but we’re going to try and make it as sterile as possible. You know, we’re accepting 50 to 100 every day, from an area that we know there’s a major danger. Obviously, it’s those that are ill, the elderly, women and children. I know some people can be callous and say, well, let all the women in, but as you saw in California and we’ve seen in Paris recently, women, unfortunately, have been part of terrorist organizations and terror strikes. But we can’t ignore, and just keep refugees isolated. So you’ve just got to be smart, and you’ve got to think with the heart.”
The major issue with vetting these people is where they come from, most everything 'government' has been ground into the rubble without any thought by crazed rebels hell bent on killing the previous regime and everything it stood for.
Also, a surprising amount of these people just happen to be male, military age and in pretty good physical shape.
As an aside, it would be worthy to note that here in the US, a number of previously vetted and settled refuges, a number quickly exceeding 115, have been caught, arrested, indicted, etc for involvement in terrorist activities against us here.  Senate Intel Committees have requested the background info the Obama administration has on these people only to be stonewalled and denied.
Wonder why? I bet they have no vetted background.
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