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Trump Impeachment Discussion

Don't say the L word. That would cause some serious triggering.

Pete seems to understand pictures better than words. I wonder what this would do

Sorry my friend, but in 11/2020, unless he chokes on a Big Mac, Trump will once again lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote.

No, J, I've got to digress here. There's NO WAY in Helll, the M O R O N wins PA again. I'm doubting he wins MI, either. The polls show that African american's genuinely like ol' white Joe. There's 6 zillion A A's in Michigan. Helll, DTW alone, along with the Flints and other auto cities, can make the difference in MI. Of course, as usual, they've got to show up at the polls !
KC Flyer.
In Michigan, T-RUMP won by 10,704 votes.
Jill Stein and Gary Johnson pulled in "223,599 votes"

In Wisconsin, T-RUMP, won by 22,748 votes
Stein and Johnson pulled in "137,746 votes"

And in PA, T-Rump won by 44,291
Stein and Johnson pulled in "196,656 votes" !

It's early, but I don't hear of any "Steins or Johnsons " !!
Bears, you seem to have much more confidence in ol white Joe than you’re fellow Democrats do and I’m not speaking of the ones here, though they don’t have any in here either.
Bears, you seem to have much more confidence in ol white Joe than you’re fellow Democrats do and I’m not speaking of the ones here, though they don’t have any in here either.
Biden's time was 2016. Had he run, he would have won. IMHO, Biden, Bernie AND Trump are too old for the office. Trump's mental state scares the hell out of me...especially after his novella to Pelosi. When he gets past the Senate "trial", I fear he will be on a "get even" rampage that may well send this country into a spiral downward from which we might never recover.

The one candidate I see (who hasn't got a chance with the DNC) is Tulsi Gabbard. I think she might actually be able to get the country turned around and back to being the "United" States. The good minions in flyover red state America are being given their lessons in "Bad Socialism 101", even though the Republicans have NOTHING to give them.

And God forbid that Wall Street gets a little nervous and the stock market starts to fall and the country enters another recession. Trump was ranting about the Fed being "very political" by keeping interest rates artificially low, yet just the other day was twiting that the Fed should lower interest rates even more. Interest rates near zero - spending (and debt) rising at an "Obama-like rate" and tax cuts in a booming (the best in the recorded history of man if you listen to our dear leader) economy means that we don't have much wiggle room when (not if) it hits.
KC Flyer.
In Michigan, T-RUMP won by 10,704 votes.
Jill Stein and Gary Johnson pulled in "223,599 votes"

In Wisconsin, T-RUMP, won by 22,748 votes
Stein and Johnson pulled in "137,746 votes"

And in PA, T-Rump won by 44,291
Stein and Johnson pulled in "196,656 votes" !

It's early, but I don't hear of any "Steins or Johnsons " !!
You like Johnsons?

All the chaf you're trying to pop with Johnson and Stein....Trump still won.
You like Johnsons?

All the chaf you're trying to pop with Johnson and Stein....Trump still won.
he just can’t bring himself to admit what a terrible group of candidates the “good guys” are offering up

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