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Trump - confiscate all guns from Muslims?

townpete said:
You cant reason with pajama boys.
Ya know, if you're gonna keep posting that picture, you could at least ask me what I think of PPAC.

Half credit; Like Krupp, I can usually be found with a cup or mug in hand. Mine has coffee in it, though...
Kev3188 said:
Ya know, if you're gonna keep posting that picture, you could at least ask me what I think of PPAC.

Half credit; Like Krupp, I can usually be found with a cup or mug in hand. Mine has coffee in it, though...
Ok what do you think?
Im pretty sure i already know but hey, surprise me.
700UW said:
Learn the terms of service.

First of all I don't drink, don't care for alcohol and never did.

You have the nerve to post your bs in the dl thread and you do the same behavior you attack me for.

Hypocrite and liar.
Stoner, I knew it. 
Kev3188 said:
It's awful.

Thanks for asking.
Care to expand?
Its not like people weren't warned that it was going to be a disaster.
Kev3188 said:
Oh. You have proof that board user 700UW is an alcoholic? If so, what kind?
I don't agree with 700 on anything but comments like those have no place here
Ms Tree said:
Drunk posting again?
Keep up.  We are not talking about armed citizens any more and I only posted what the FBI studied.  If you have issues with them they have a number you can call and let them know.  
700UW said:
700UW said:
You just need to put a breathalyzer on his keyboard.
cltrat said:
I don't agree with 700 on anything but comments like those have no place here
How true.
townpete said:
Tell them upon entry that they have to sign up for Obamacare!
I do not understand why you keep saying you want to ban Muslims and have no idea how to do it.  Seems foolish but I guess that's how you roll.
It's funny how every time you get called out and you don't have an answer you deflect and doge the issue.  It makes your unsupportable claim even that mush more obvious.

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