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Oppose The Second Amendment


Oct 29, 2002
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June 8, 2013

Oppose the Second Amendment… Pay The Price

by Dave Dolbee

They say all politics are local. Perhaps that is still true, but if you asked Colorado’s Senate president, John Morse, he may tell you otherwise. That’s likely because he could soon make Colorado political history—by being the first lawmaker in the state to be recalled. Donations to support his recall have come from much more than simply local advocates. In fact, they have been attributed to every corner of the nation, from Washington D.C. to Alaska.
Morse was first elected to the Colorado Senate in 2006 and reelected in 2010. He is term-limited after next year and—if he survives the recall—will be the first state lawmaker in Colorado to face a recall election; nationally he is only the fifth to ever face such a vote. Of the first four, three were recalled which bodes well for Second Amendment advocates.
The reason for Morse’s recall should not be much of a surprise. He represents a historically conservative district, but has proven to be a staunch advocate of gun control demonstrated by his support of background checks for private and online gun sales and laws that limit magazines to a maximum of 15 rounds. According to the individuals that filed the petition, Morse’s actions do not represent the will of his district.
The entire endeavor has been a huge success for Second Amendment advocates. Recall organizers gathered more than twice the number of signatures necessary to force a special election, which according to at least one report was more than the total number of votes Morse received in the last election.
Morse could resign and his seat would remain in Democratic hands with an appointed successor. However, indications thus far are pointing to Morse fighting to keep his seat. A resignation would be a victory for Second Amendment advocates, but unseating the Senate leader will send a much stronger message that will be heard across the nation and at all levels of political leadership.
Morse is only one of four Democrats being targeted for recall and the chances of success look positive. Robert Harris, one of the individuals responsible for filing the petition was quoted as saying, “We had many Democrats who came up to our volunteers and told them they had voted for Morse, and they needed to rectify that situation by signing the petition.”
A recall would reverberate across the nation and show the political will of the people without the damper of the liber media. It may be the best tactic to send a chill up the spines of lawmakers and cause them to consider the ramifications of whimsical and abusive gun control measures such as those recently signed into Colorado law.
With Morse as the pawn in the middle, the real fight is shaping up to be the NRA against New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. An overstatement perhaps, but it will certainly play that way across mainstream media.
Morse has two weeks after petition signatures are validated to challenge the results. However, as soon as the secretary of state deems the recall effort valid, residents of the district may file candidate affidavits. Afterward, the special election would likely be held in early September.
The big take away from this effort is that politics are not local. Industries, businesses and citizens beyond Colorado’s borders were all affected by the legislation. As a result they came together pooling money and resources in a united display of indignation. As the recall effort progresses, stay tuned for ways you can become involved. One of the easiest ways is to join or renew your NRA membership or make a donation to one of the organizations involved in protecting your Second Amendment rights.
Remember, the rights this recall saves may be your own—whether or not you live in Colorado. Restrictive legislation such as the laws recently passed in Colorado have a habit of going viral if not quashed early, SO GET INVOLVED!