Trump Cabinet picks, and others

Tell you what! I feel President Trump should appoint Hillary Ambassador to Libia. ...... So what do you think?
your and others here lingering butthurt over the election results are quite enjoyable to the rest of us
The butthurt expert chimes in.

lol well that's funny for a change just not the way you intended ,you others here,, the protesters many who didnt even bother to vote, the liberal pundits like Maddow and Matthews have become the butthurt experts since Nov 8
We are all,how did you used to say it? Ah yes pointing and laughing
He needs to be hiring White House Counsel. This will be the most ethically challenged administration in modern history unless he divests.
Seriously, (since THEY won, and WE Lost, ) I don't G-A-F who Donald appoints to whatever,.......' EXCEPT ' , as long as he doesn't appoint The ' Guy with the FACE of a HUMAN ANUS ', Giuliani,... to anything !