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Trip Report 8/6-8/7

The attitude stinks!


If you were on US 1021/06 AUG, you had a PHL crew, except for the extra F/A.

The two male F/A's were relatively junior, based on their payroll numbers.

Sorry you had a bad experience. Just as the passengers shouldn't take out their frustrations on the F/A's or Gate Agents, the frontline customer service employees shouldn't do likewise to you.
So, here are my thoughts.

I used to be a CP. I haven't flown USAirways since Jan, 2007. I NEVER will again! I fly a lot for business. They lost my business.

I know it hurts, but you will make it. In many ways, it's like leaving an abusive spouse. Eventually the realization comes that they're not going to change and you've got to move on with your life and not be held back by them anymore.

There are airlines that strive to be true airlines of choice and this whole experience will make you appreciate them much more when you're on your next trip....the first trip of the rest of your life.

You're in my thoughts during this difficult time.
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Just imagine how awful it is to work with these folks over a number of days...hearing the complaints from passengers about how rude the fa is and pretty much knowing that these abusers will get away with it because there's not too much your flight crew can do about it...except for professional standards - yawn.

You can however do something much more effective and memorable, your boarding stub is your friend. Please copy, cut and paste your experience that you wrote about here and send it to the address on the back listed on your boarding card.

Please, follow through with this action. I think you will be glad that you did and so will many, many other crew members who have to work with these lazy, inconsiderate slobs.

Please don't worry about hurting him, he's a marine - he can take it.

***I really do believe that you should come visit us again...stop by either galley and let us know that you are a US/A reluctant flier due to past hassles. I think the crew will be sympathetic to your experiences and will do their best to make you comfortable.

***Also, if you are thirsty just tell your crew that you need a glass of water to take a pill - its free. I have already spoken with a few people about water charges and expressed my pov that it should be free...especially since the a/c environment is drier than normal.......
And, I am sorry you work for such a sorry airline. Good luck to you in the future.

You don't have to be sorry US1YFARE. You are an example of someone that is pissed off with the company and takes it out on the frontline employees. I don't make corporate policy and I can't change it. I enjoy working here and as long as the ride lasts I'll be here. If the company fails then i'll work somewhere else. But thank you for your concern.
OK, I did not book a flight with a tight train connection. I booked my flight. This morning my boss, the owner of the company, asked me to be a part of a very important meeting. I told him of my flight plans and said that I would do my best to get the first train out when we arrived. Unfortunately, I had to get the next train out due to the GA's lack of empowerment or else just lack of caring. And while he told me I should have booked the $15 exit row seats, they were already gone.

I did not ask for anything for free. I just expressed my concern over the policy. The FA lashed out at me with a diatribe about Exxon Mobil. Yes he was gay--he said so. That is why he chose to leave the Marines and not take a high powered position that would require him to travel to the Pentagon, so he said. I don't care about that. I care about the attitude of the company that does not empower employees to take care of customers who pay high fares.

Oh, and my husband does not work for SWA--they don't unbundle. See you assume so much and are so very wrong GuntherA320. Again, FA's getting fingers shoved in their face is unfortunate, but not the issue I am presenting. That is like the GA saying to me that he has another passenger with a 10 minute connection. That is not the issue.

Yes it is a new airline. The model stinks--don't you get it?

This will be a case for HBR.


I would like to clarify my post with you. I truly am sorry you had a bad experience. I have had them on my own airline as well as other airlines. I have worked at this airline for 20 years, so I have seen the changes from Piedmont, to US Air, to US Airways, to the new and improved US Airways. I care that the frontline employees are not empowered to take care of the customers. It hasn't always been that way. There just isn't anything a frontline employee can do about it. The policies come from on high and we are expected to follow them. With all that said I believe you truly did run into some F/A's with bad attitudes. That should not be condoned. However, as another poster said you should write a letter to corporate. I understand you are venting. We all have to do it from time to time. I don't take it personally. I really do hope that you understand that it isn't uncaring. It's just inability to do anything to help you because our hands are tied by policy.

It really doesn't matter what airline your husband works for, however knowing he works for an airline and he used to work for this airline tells me you know how things used to be and how they are now. Expressing your concerns to an F/A about the drink policy is like me raising the issue about US foreign policy with the department of motor vehicles. It's not going to get me anywhere. (Yes I do see the irony when comparing my airline with the DMV) Whether you believe it or not, I do get it. This is the new model. It's doesn't matter whether I like it or not. This is what it is. I am simply asking that you raise your concerns about rude employees and corporate policies with the correct people.

I'm sorry you missed your train. However, you are taking that out on the wrong people. Your boss asked you to present after you had bought your ticket. I understand you did not book a train connection. The flight was full as you stated and it was a last minute ticket. It simply sounds like you are upset that you missed your train (perhaps you got into trouble with your boss) and are mad that the agent could not change your seat. I know you think this is uncaring, but the agents hands are tied. I know you stated that you will never fly US again. However, I truly hope that if you do fly US again that your experience is better next time.
So I had my r/t PHL to CLT for a grand total of $950.

I wish you all the best. It breaks my heart.


I am sorry you had such a horrible crew. There is no excuse for them to be rude to you or anyone else. If I were you I would follow up with an email to corporate and tell them your story. Personally, if I still worked at US, if you showed me you ticket stub and it said you paid $920 RT to CLT then I would have at least offered you a glass of water or cup of coffee, as I would personally be drinking one of those 2 on that flight anyway. I am just glad I no longer have to worry about spending 4 days on trips with F/As like this.
I don't recall US1YFARE ever mentioning taking anything out on the front line.

However if you are one of the rare front liners who thinks of customers as "Self Loading Cargo" that needs to shut up, sit down & do as your told then that too is a different story altogether.

You don't make corporate policy however you can choose not to be like those in the trip report who IMO should be disciplined.


Do you ever read US1YFARE's posts? I happen to agree with most of the things posted. I have a sympathetic ear to many of our CP's plights. What has happened to them sucks. However, when you tell someone over and over and over their company sucks it is taking it out on the frontline employee. I don't mind someone venting, however if it is a constant stream aimed at the employees and not corporate then it's whining and we begin to tune it out. I agree that if the F/A's did and said what was posted, that they should have an attitude adjustment.
The fact that the front-line employees are no longer empowered to do anything speaks volumes of the management style at work here. It speaks of inherent distrust they have for their front-line employees, either because they think they're dishonest or because the management doesn't feel they're intelligent enough to handle that kind of responsibility. That's no way to run a company long-term. Yes, in the short-term, if you buy a company you know nothing about, you can seize control to try to get a handle on your operation. It happens a lot when there's been a lot of financial impropriety or gross mismanagement and a new team is brought in. They tend to go the extra mile early on to reign in the cash flow.

But, that has to lead to, upon further assessment, a gradual return of authority to those people who are able to handle that responsibility because there literally are not enough people in management to handle the day-to-day customer issues that DO require intervention. If management believed that there were people at the front-line level costing them millions of dollars and they found that to be true...those people should be eliminated... don't punish the good, competent employees and the customers because you don't think that some of the front-line people can handle it.

Right now, it appears as though management at US Airways wants to have their hands on virtually every aspect of the daily operation and simply doesn't trust their staff. No one likes to work in an environment where they're constantly being reminded of how little their management trusts them...and being reminded of it via e-mails sent from behind closed doors in Phoenix, Arizona.
NCFL (I think that's his/her name) can probably back me on this...

But at least in Expressworld, we've always been "passively" taught to take care of US!/2 and high revenue ticket holders... meaning management will be a little "hesitant to punish" if we do any favors for them.

Back when Sabre was in existence, I did my share of "taking care" of our high revenue flyers - never gave away the farm - but I did do things I wouldn't - and DIDN'T DO - for Ma & Pa Kettle. Waived ADC (airfare diff) for a few minor changes on open flights, called the upline station to clear upgrades, "let the bag 10 #s overweight go", put pax on the OS list as OS1/2 who wanted different seats with a RM in the PALL (which amazingly seemed to work everytime!), call inventory to open X on "completely open" flights, etc. (and yes, we'd do 5H- comments). Tadjr may even remember my station calling TPA asking for assistance with some flights - such as OB'ing a few and swapping seats around.

When we felt we were going to have hiccups with the E170s or the CRJs were going to be weight restricted, we dumped the US1/2s immediately, as well as anyone on full fare or intl connections. didn't have to wait for something to come from OCC or DAY.. we just did it. Even when weather was looking bad, we'd INVOL their tickets just to get rid of them (that sounds a little bad, doesn't it?)

I believe if we did any of the above tasks for someone on a Y/B fare ticket or a US1/2 this QIK system may send flags up and down the system.

After the merger things changed. I put an HP dependent on a flight without a ticket - she lost it - and promised us she'd have it comailed - which she did, we didn't get it till the next day - I still took some heat from mgt, but oh well. NRSA's are customers too. No, they're family.
but back a few years ago, at least in my "region" our EN/JS upper managers never seemed to have a problem with the above type actions.
Not that this has anything to do with you being unsatisfied with your service, but why did you pay $950 for a last minute ticket if your husband works for Southwest? I'm sorry you wanted the flight attendants to give you things for free and they would not. This is the new airline. You don't have to like it. But if you want to go non stop from PHL to CLT you pretty much don't have a choice. Why would you book a flight that left you only a 15 minute train connection? You have a husband that used to work for the company. You should know more than anyone that probably isn't going to work. The F/A's don't have control over management decisions. You are asking them to break the "new" rules for you because you had a high dollar ticket. The company has observers flying around now to make sure the F/A's are following procedures. It is not their fault. I hope you will find satisfaction with whatever airline you choose next time. This is a new world and times they are a changing. Please don't blame the frontline employees for corporate decisions. Yes there are a few cranky employees out there. But for the most part people that i've run into seem to be happy. The job is thankless. I watched a F/A get "the finger" shoved in her face yesterday because she made a passenger put her bag in the overhead instead of keeping at her feet in the bulkhead row. So please cut them some slack. Asking about drink policies when you already know what they are doesn't make things better. There are Starbucks and concession stands in every airport. Just bring it with you if you don't want to pay the airline. Again, i'm sorry you feel you were owed something more. Good luck in the future.
Amen to your response!
If you were on US 1021/06 AUG, you had a PHL crew, except for the extra F/A.

The two male F/A's were relatively junior, based on their payroll numbers.

Sorry you had a bad experience. Just as the passengers shouldn't take out their frustrations on the F/A's or Gate Agents, the frontline customer service employees shouldn't do likewise to you.

Is US putting extra f/as on domestic flights like a real airline?
I wish some of those flts PHX-Las had some extras especially on the '57!
The fact that the front-line employees are no longer empowered to do anything speaks volumes of the management style at work here.

I don't buy that one bit! Our f/a's are an older group of people and should know better. Empower my ass!! Just do your freakin job and GROW UP!! Stop taking anger out on the customer and stop airing dirty laundry in front of our customers. If you get on the a/c looking for trouble, guess what? Trouble will follow. Fly PROUD for YOU!!!

Selling bevs on the a/c has been no big drama because my current crew isn't looking for it or stressing over it! I just don't get some of you. The service takes all of 20 minutes on a full 757. Poor babies, working so hard. Perhaps reading a self help book for the remaining 3.5 hours will calm you down. Thank God I can now do an excellent service to the 8 F/C customers on the 757 without feeling guilty that I'm not throwing the food at them so I can serve the damn patio!