OK, I did not book a flight with a tight train connection. I booked my flight. This morning my boss, the owner of the company, asked me to be a part of a very important meeting. I told him of my flight plans and said that I would do my best to get the first train out when we arrived. Unfortunately, I had to get the next train out due to the GA's lack of empowerment or else just lack of caring. And while he told me I should have booked the $15 exit row seats, they were already gone.
I did not ask for anything for free. I just expressed my concern over the policy. The FA lashed out at me with a diatribe about Exxon Mobil. Yes he was gay--he said so. That is why he chose to leave the Marines and not take a high powered position that would require him to travel to the Pentagon, so he said. I don't care about that. I care about the attitude of the company that does not empower employees to take care of customers who pay high fares.
Oh, and my husband does not work for SWA--they don't unbundle. See you assume so much and are so very wrong GuntherA320. Again, FA's getting fingers shoved in their face is unfortunate, but not the issue I am presenting. That is like the GA saying to me that he has another passenger with a 10 minute connection. That is not the issue.
Yes it is a new airline. The model stinks--don't you get it?
This will be a case for HBR.