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Tricks and Treats Pickets Planned

Do you think the general public knows that a 1st year F/A on PSA earns about $14,000/year? Or that the obscenely high hourly rate is only paid when the plane is in the air? Or that a 14 hour work day can yield as little as five hours of flight pay?

sky high states: Correct, again. Bob. Katie Couric, once commented on the Today Show during a labor dispute. The flight attendants make 45 DOLLARS AN HOUR. She then added her OWN COMMENT, which was, "boy, that's EXCESSIVE!"

only posting opinions.
Maybe if they cared more about their customers, some of those concessions might not have been necessary?

I wish it was as simple as that. The decline of the entire inustry has many people and situations to blame.

I think some of you are taking out of context the statement of not caring what the customer thinks. We aren't talking about actions on the airplane. That statement was made in context to some customers who may not agree with someone protesting the company they work for. There is a BIG difference here so please don't try to turn this statement into something it DEFINITELY IS NOT!!! <_<
Ya know, I just thought about it. How many reserves were able to hold Halloween OFF? Probably not the majority. Guess you won't have much reserve turnout. LOL.. We will be out there working the holiday for those more senior that are "cough cough" sick. 🙄
Ya know, I just thought about it. How many reserves were able to hold Halloween OFF? Probably not the majority. Guess you won't have much reserve turnout. LOL.. We will be out there working the holiday for those more senior that are "cough cough" sick. 🙄
They probably wont even get to any of us on the 31st. By the end of the month if you are in the 45 or higher bucket..they usually dont touch ya..and its a Tuesday...not many trips. If it was a weekend..yes there would not be a huge reserve turnout. Most people I know are gonna go.
And you think they don't know? They do, they just don't care. Don't waste your time.
If it results in one positive change then it is not a waste of time. If you don't support the need for change, then don't support it. But, don't belittle the people that are standing up trying to make the change. Somewhere down the line you have to take a stand for or against a position. Otherwise, we would all be sheep.

The passengers have been :mf_boff: as much as any employee and is more likely to be a little understanding of the reason behind the protest. It isn't like they are going to be blocked from entering the terminal or missing their flight.
Ya know, I just thought about it. How many reserves were able to hold Halloween OFF? Probably not the majority. Guess you won't have much reserve turnout. LOL.. We will be out there working the holiday for those more senior that are "cough cough" sick. 🙄

I was recalled in June and to my suprise I was able to hold it off! :up:
This is the challenge the AFA faces! MORONS like Katie Couric.

sky high states: Public perception is huge! Another one of the reasons why AFA members bring their children to picket lines. To show the flying public, that we have families to support. Out of uniform, we're just like them.

only stating opinions.

Thanks for the compliment, sir

Permit denied for Boston.

sky high states: As posted: http://www.afausairways.org/BOS/bosnews10_18_06.htm

only stating opinions.
So because of this "security threat" code orange a usairways f/a with a company ID cannot picket outside of security on the sidewalk yet any cookaloo with a trunk full of TNT can pull up out front? That is the biggest load of bull. 🙄