As a customer who loves this airline and it's people, I want to second (or third or fourth or whatever) Piney's comments here....
My hope is that whoever can go to the meeting, leave the emotion out, ask questions....and listen with a critical ready to follow up with more logic (as opposed to emotion) when someone hears something that just doesn't quite seem right.
I really, really, really would like to see this blatant missrepresentation of the facts (potentially) be an inflection point where things change....
Best of luck for a great meeting!
Q for Travis: In recent company docs, we were told that the Company "meets with FFOCUS on a regular basis. We now know this is not correct. Can you explain your thoughts and comments toward FFOCUS?"
A from Travis: Well, we have met them, they are some customers who fly us a lot...we listen to them.
Follow up Q For Travis: How many times did you meet them?
Answer: 2
Follow up Q: Does that really constitute "a lot?"
Q for T: We're told we want to become The Airline Of Choice, do we ever take time to really listen to what our customers say? Have we ever had a true panel of our Elite travelers come to Temp or have we met them out to listen to them?
My advice is to not hit them with "everyone's pissed and we hear bad comments all the time." Instead, ask questions that lead you to where you want to go.
Google "Socratic Selling" and practice it in the meeting....
Good luck!