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Flight Attendant furlough (EAST)

Honestly, I can't make any excuses on their behalf. We're all professionals and that should be reflected in the way that we communicate. That is not meant to take away any appreciation of all the hard work done out West

Agreed, however when you are told to "fly it and grieve it" it gives me a whole different opinion of 66. This is professional?

In addition, if the departing members were so "courteous" then why this?

When the old MEC lost the election ALL cooperation ceased. They provided the new people with ABSOLUTELY ZERO TRANSITION. They simply packed up on June 30th and left the keys on the desk. Ask Mike Flores how up to speed they are, he'll tell you they aren't. Sad thing is the members suffer when elected representatives behave this way.

This sort of behavior is reprehensible and how much do you pay a month?????????????????????

It's a shame and still no numbers..... ps. you voted them in
It's a shame and still no numbers..... ps. you voted them in
Who? Voted who in? AFA66? umm__no.gif
I realize this is a post about furloughs on the east.... It got sidetracked into discussions about the AFA 66, which new members were "voted" in. My apologies for the diversion.

And yes, didn't AFA 66 just have an election and that is how this got diverted?

So, anywho back on topic.... no numbers on the EAST? I realize the west was undersubscribed and the East was oversubscribed.
rumour is that they will not do voluntary on west because they are understaffed and the east was late 80s ... there is more but we shall see what happens .... they never did offer a buyout

Just received this from 66

AFA Awaits Final VLOA Information from the Company

Company management had planned to provide final VLOA
information to AFA today. The VLOA form stated that final
numbers would be posted by noon today on theHub and at the
airport. As of 5:45 this evening, management stated that they
are still working on the processing of all VLOA requests, but
that all requests would be awarded. Company management
reiterated that due to the number of VLOA requests received no
west flight attendants will be involuntarily furloughed at this

The company will forward the results of the awards to AFA
when they are completed sometime this evening. As soon as they
are received, AFA will post those awards on the AFA website and
in an E-Communication. In addition, that information will be
available at the AFA Office tomorrow 480-966-1231.

Company management stated that the awards will be mailed to
flight attendant homes with additional information regarding
details for those who have been awarded a VLOA.

Further information will be posted later this evening.
While I can't defend the grammatical errors in the most recent AFA66 hotline, I think people should cut the new MEC just a little slack. They have only been in office since July 1st and a week of that was spent at BOD. When the old MEC lost the election ALL cooperation ceased. They provided the new people with ABSOLUTELY ZERO TRANSITION. Ask Mike Flores how up to speed they are, he'll tell you they aren't. Sad thing is the members suffer when elected representatives behave this way. So, I think Ms. Lecarre's most recent hotline was an attempt to sent the tone for a not so acrimonious relationship with management. This is somewhat important since it APPEARS that even though the VLOA's on the west were undersubscribed that we won't be seeing any INVOL. furloughs. It's not a bad thing to "thank" someone when folks aren't going to be laid off, don't ya think?

Maybe it's just me but I didn't read the hotline regarding the Focus groups and A La Carte as a slam to those working in the groups, but instead management's notion that if they hold Focus groups that doesn't mean they have fulfilled their contractual obligation to notify the union of changes. :unsure:

Cutting them some slack for gettting their knowledge base going is reasonable but they will not get too much. These are important times and we do not need representation that will be tilting at windmills instead of learning.

This is the second person who wants to make this the former PHX LEC's staff's fault. If there was a communication break down I submit that perhaps the new officers may have some culpability for that situation as well.

The A La Crape' letter states that managment is taking our jobs through their final degradation and that much of the discussion and development of the program was derived from various rounds with the Focus Groups. That is not factual. This indicates that in her haste to have a platform for bashing she didn't check her facts but started slinging bad slang and inferring that the flight attendants involved were participants in turning us into Vending Machines. The Focus groups are quite aware that they do not have contractual responsibilites or make policy. It would be wise for the new leadership to know what the Group's functions are before making inferences.

There are some very basic rules for professional communication particuliarly in positions that have the responsibility to represent and influence people. It does bother us that they are not up to speed on these because they are basics. They are my representatives to the company and coming up with "I am not a Vending Machine" bag tag is not quite what we are looking for.

Thanking someone is fine, just get it right and keep it tight.

This is an VLOA thread so I will not take up any more bandwidth here.