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TPA Hangar is done!!

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Aug 19, 2002
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For those of you that have been following the saga of TPA Heavy Maintenance. The worst has come to pass as of about 0400 this morning. The official closure time was as of 0500 this morning.
All assigned Mechanics and Stores people have been given thier paperwork....and those that are eligable for relocation via senority will be allowed to do so by contract. All the employee's will draw full pay pending this process being completed.
3 Stores Clerks will remain on duty to aid in moving out the needed items to other stations...and the final destinations for the Airbus narrow-body checks items and tooling.
My heart goes out to all my good friends in TPA. Line Maintenance will continue in a somewhat normal fashion...with a normal compliment of people to support 6 to 8 RON Acft. Line stores will operate with a 3 person staff , as of this point.
I wish all the good people in TPA the best of luck....and some will certainly be finding new positions within other stations through-out the system. Thank you folks for all the great efforts in the past. Your work ethic and friendship is something that I will always appreciate and value....and I look forward to having further dealings with you all in the immediate future.
News regarding the disposition of our soon to be former hangar , has not come to light yet. I'm sure additional news will trickle in during the course of the day.
There is a special place in hell for those who have brought this to pass. Closing a place down a few days before Thanksgiving? That just reaks of corporate nastiness.

Labor friendly, Dave? Dude, you are a sick m-fer. Days before Thanksgiving! This goes down as one of the most low-ball and dirty things US management HAS EVER PERPETRATED.

Wouldn't suprise me in the slightest if the whole S check coming to TPA was a ruse to keep the guys working on the cockpit doors.

Boys and girls, the lesson for today is: NEVER TRUST MANAGEMENT AGAIN. How many times does this lesson need to be learned the hard way?

Let us pause and remember all the facilities that have closed because of management's stupidity:

SAN Res and Base Maintenance
All the California Stations
UCA Maintenance
ROA Base Mtc.
INT Base Mtc.
GSO Base Mtc.
IND Hangar
All the Florida downsized and closed stations
TPA Base Mtc.

Sorry if I forgot any
On 11/26/2002 7:33:38 AM 757fixer wrote:

My sources in TPA also report that Jan 1 an additional 2250 employees will be let go.501 of those will be mechanic and related.Also there will be a 5% reduction in line operations.And the FAA has allowed the company to extend the upcoming Airbus Q cks by 1 to 2 years.
Nothing would surprise me about additional cuts between now and Jan 03.

What does surprise me is the FAA buying off on an extension for the Airbus S-Checks , if that is what you ment by Q-Checks?

Previous Info related to the extension requests was said to be denied for a number of logical reasons posed by the FAA itself.

(1) The Corrosion related issues already being noted during lessor checks already.
(2) USAirways has never performed the first S-Check...and thusly has no expierience or track record to base a logical extension request upon.
(3) IMHO..if this is allowed? Safety is being sacrificed for ill-founded reasons.

Hopefully this is all nothing but terrible rumors , If not? Things are worse than can be imagined. Then they can just keep my Flying Benefits when I'm furloughed!! No Thanks!!..I'll just walk or drive!!
My sources in TPA also report that Jan 1 an additional 2250 employees will be let go.501 of those will be mechanic and related.Also there will be a 5% reduction in line operations.And the FAA has allowed the company to extend the upcoming Airbus Q cks by 1 to 2 years.
Take note of this companies complete lack of care,concern and credibility about being Employee Friendly. What a joke!!

They have effectively ruined a holiday for almost 400 more people..and who knows how deeply some will be hurt beyond that?

During the 0500 Maintenance Conference Call...nothing was asked or mentioned about TPA Base Mt. being closed..nor has thier been a single press release regarding this subject. CNN Business news is the only source as of 0922 this morning. The Hub is also void of comment too.

This kind of treatment of people will only play against things ever getting better here. U might as well stop fooling people..and at least give up on our Tax dollars bailing out a heartless and un-ethical rabble. The Employee's are the only asset this place has ever really had..and now that's being stressed and stretched past anything close to acceptable limits.

I'll be outta here in a couple of weeks now that TPA has entered the Senority Sweepstakes...and frankly it's going to be the best thing that could have ever happened.

2003 is going to be a change for the better..the Status Quo of negative with this company has done it's last to harm me.

The lies are just getting to be too much here. I listened to Dave talk about..and speak against un-friendly suiters for this company...What's been friendly so far?

I listened to VP of Maintenance Charlie Nardello tell a room full of CLT Hangar Staff that cuts would come...and many of your jobs will still be waiting for you in TPA. Nobody in CLT wanted to hear that..but the results of today clearly point to yet another bold face lie..or a complete lack of having an honest plan to present to the folks that offered Millions to save this airline.

Folks...WE have been royally had..and it's not even getting started. This latest mess will get us down into the low 30,000 range on people. Will it become labor friendly at that figure? ..or is 25,000 people the magic figure?
I see the moderator deleted my last message. It seems as though LABOR FRIENDLY DAVE ISN'T FRIENDLY TO LABOR ANYMORE.
I agree the timing of the announcement was bad and I empathize with the effected employees, again. Here's a link to what the news media today. Apparently, the company is going to make a formal statement later today.

US Airways Shuts Florida Maintenance Base, Eliminating 300 Jobs

ARLINGTON (Bloomberg) -- US Airways Group Inc. closed a maintenance base in Tampa, Florida, eliminating 300 jobs at the facility, as part of a plan to reduce costs.

Complete Story: http://quote.bloomberg.com/fgcgi.cgi?T=mar...eOPKxX8VVMgQWly
We've got two threads on the same topic. I'm going to close this one and refer folks to the other:[BR][BR]
[P][A href=http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=2076&sessionID={7FB2EF69-06AA-4A0E-81D6-33F9698140F4}][FONT color=#336699]The word has it![/FONT][/A][/P]
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