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Town Halls, Crew Meetings, and Doug

Aug 20, 2002
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We all know that Doug has meetings about every six weeks with pilots and F/As which are posted on the hub. The last town hall, at RNO res, was in October of last year; the one before that almost a year earlier IIRC. Why does he eschew meeting the rabble of the company, the Customer Service and Ramp folks. It would be nice for the CS group to air their concerns about the continuing disaster of QIK/SHARES, their perception of the US product for the VFFs, the draconian Attendance Control Program, and other concerns.

Are these front line people not as important as the other groups Doug and Scott?

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?"
Why go into an obviously hostile environment knowing that someone would e-mail FFOCUS, the media, US Aviation and FlyerTalk?

Why would this be any different than DP meeting with the Pilots and FA's? Why would the whole world all of a sudden "know" and be involved because he met with Customer Service?

So given the above why would Doug Parker want to meet with people whose worklife he has completely disrupted in an extremely negative way?

Again, makes no sense. He meets with the Pilots and FA's, and he has not exactly created a pleasant work environment within these two workgroups. Why would he then be hesitant to meet with Cust Svc as you imply?
"US Airways: the Airline it Could Have Been"; is a story that could have written so many times. Imagine what it could have been under the visionary leadership of Gordon Bethune. As the company lurched from crisis to crisis in the '90's there were so many missed opportunities.
Thing did look uo fir a while in the Wolf /Gangwal era, but hopes were dashed again. What an airline teh HP/US combo had a chance to be. Maybe another title for the book could be "the Airline that is still here. In spite it itself."

IMO the rancor in PHl and CLT from the agents would make any commentary from the other workgroups pale by comparison.

Or I could be totally wrong and the real reason is that the arrogance of Kirby & Parker causes them to feel that agents aren't worthy of their attention.

If I knew all the answers my name would be Jesus and since it's not then my opinions are no better than yours or anyone elses.

Right, and I was simply offering a different opinion. I don't believe for one minute that the Cust Svc groups are more "vocal" than the last two work groups that are still working under separate, Bankruptcy Era contracts, with no end in sight. That's not even touching on the USAPA debacle, which has plenty of threads full of, shall we say, 'disdain'. DP may be a lot of things, but I highly doubt he is 'terrified' of the backlash he would receive from a Cust Svc session.

I just watched one of the Crew News, and DP states in the beginning that he does these for flight crews because they are always "on the road" and are the hardest workgroups for managers to disseminate information to.

Take it for what it's worth.
ws, and DP states in the beginning that he does these for flight crews because they are always "on the road" and are the hardest workgroups for managers to disseminate information to.

Take it for what it's worth.

not very much at all, IMHO. I'm afraid that Bob is right; the agents are rabble of the company is Doug's and Scott's eyes.
I am certain the SHARES conversion was a 'resounding success'.

Don't you trust the company?
Why would this be any different than DP meeting with the Pilots and FA's? Why would the whole world all of a sudden "know" and be involved because he met with Customer Service?

Doug Parker just had a crew session with the flight attendants and pilots Today in Phoenix. 25% reduction of pax flying, bag fees here to stay, and our helping. We are losing money, but told everyone we are in better shape than what is being said in the media. He seemed very postive that US will weather out this hard economy. Kept looking at the floor the whole time??? He also had no clue as why our schedules for fa's were getting worse, more contract violations, etc. Said they would contact scheduling dept and look into the issue.

Some of the main issue that directly affect the customers in how you get there or not kind of way. And the hype in the media on all issue of flying. The passengers service group voice can be truth revealing. I know customer service/safety on the a/c is just as important but the agents have strong tool
the problem is most CSA wont step up to the plate....many are just plain tired. The union knows how bad things are but there is not an ounce of pressure being applied....I am not convinced that it would even do any good....
It really is no different sending Kerry Hester to Res. You talk and they don't listen! Add in the calls that are just sales and service coming in and call monitor reviews and compliance. Why have a specialty department??? Nothing makes sense to me!