Talented management, as found at Southwest and Costco, and as many on this board experienced at PI, create win-win-wins for customers, shareholders and employees.
Less talented managers need some help, and inevitably, that help comes out of labor's pocket.
Often, the downsizing strategy fails to produce the desired outcome - savings are not realized, profits do not increase and customers are less satisfied.
One definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, and expect different results.
This is not to say downsizing is not sometimes the right strategy. OTOH, it is not always, and perhaps even not often, the right strategy. It takes talent to know the difference, and after two BK's at US, I think a strong case can be made US management wasn't up to it. BK was not inevitable in 1999, and I'd bet large Kellerher could have stepped in at that point and created a win-win-win situation.
At what point do we stop creating a politico-economic situation in the US that keeps working class purchasing power on the downward path of the past 20 years? That period, by the way, covers an American workforce that was the most educated and productive on the planet.
Do we stop when compensation equals Mexico? China? Vietnam? Let's just push back the needle back to the American South of yesteryear, when profits were easy, and any moron could run a plantation.