It seems this debate will never end. Now I understand how TWA folks probably feel they got the raw end of this deal, I mean, after all, they did. But that's life, more importantly, that's business. Some of you make it sound horrible that AA would wish to profit from their aquisition. I mean, they didn't buy it because they wanted to keep TWA ramp/cs/fa/pilots in good paying jobs. They bought it to try and give themselves an advantage in the marketplace. This IS the airline industry. Stuff like this happens. It's not cool for the folks involved sometimes, but that is completely irrelevant to the folks who have to answer to shareholders. This can happen to any airline guys. Someday it may be AA'ers wishing they had the big tub o vasoline. Could be my airline. It may unfair, but life can be unfair. I don't see how it's AA's fault that TWA made poor decisions that put themselves in a position to be acquired.