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Today's Special News:

There is much drama being played out in the media with regard to the airlines. UA still has some challenges ahead, and IMO in the long run we will overcome these challenges and prosper once again.

We have come such a long way in the last 20 months. There may be some more pain before the skies brighten. But I encourage all the employees here, even the most skeptical, not to engage in the speculations of the outsiders.

There are many ways our current situation can play out. Some better than others. All consisting of some more changes. Until our union representatives hear of a proposal from the company, NO ONE knows what's in store. So rather than getting wound up by all the worst possible outcomes, take a deep breath and keep the faith. Your best source of accurate information is your union representatives.

A very wise man once said, "Worry is negative goal setting. It is focusing your mind on exactly what you DON'T want to happen."
It really is an investment - you need to think about the future and forget about the past.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....Now that is funny....sounds like somebody doesn't have plan B :up:
Don't kid yourselfs, all the airline execs are shooting for top Captain's pay at well under 120K a year . . . . and if you don't think they're not talking among themselves, I think your crazy.

Pensions? Gone. The "little" people don't deserve them. When the corp execs can dump the existing pensions on the government, you can bet the BODs will be passing out plain envelopes full of money. When times are extra tough like at U and UAL, you'd best watch out for how much money is going out the back door into the Caddies, Lexus', and Hummers parked out back. That's when it really time to make money for the execs. Just look at Siegel's sweetheart deal along with the waiving of option restrictions before the final fall.
A couple of items. I don't think the narrow body guys should take any further cuts. They are already below SW. I would like to see the 777 guys taking the same cuts the narrow body guys gave up. It is only "fair" all the pilots take the same percentage of cuts in both pay and work rules. As for the pensions. Say good bye. Go for the 401K that you can control.

"But at least he got to take a forty percent paycut. Under the current contract, he says his job sucks and he mentioned he can't imagine working more for even less money (he currently flies around 90 hours per month)." It is easy to whine about your job until you don't have it any more. One of my friends got furloughed and now he is earning 29K a year teaching. He goes in at 7 and comes home at 7. He misses flying and would gladly take some of your friends trips. I started my own business and make similiar pay to what I made on the bus, but no flying. I would glady go back and fly, sitting in an office all day and dealing with people leaves a little to be desired. I'll keep the business for the added income. Like "The Ronin" says "Always have a plan B"

If you don't like what United is doing leave and make room for those of us that want to come back and make it work. I can see the possibility of future where United is the dominat player again kicking some LCC arse.
you need to think about the future and forget about the past.

" Coach "Bear" Bryant" said:
When you make a mistake; admit it, learn from it, and don't repeat it.

" George Santayana (1863 - 1952) " said:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

" Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)" said:
doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Yea, OK, I’ll just forget everything that’s happened in the past and hope my new ‘opportunity’ to be ‘engaged’ will be rewarding in the ‘future’…. (not!) 😛

Thanks for the inspiration!

The Ronin said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....Now that is funny....sounds like somebody doesn't have plan B :up:

Exactly what is funny about it?? I guess you are saying you should live in the past and think about "the good 'ol days"????
herkav8r said:
A couple of items. I don't think the narrow body guys should take any further cuts. They are already below SW. I would like to see the 777 guys taking the same cuts the narrow body guys gave up. It is only "fair" all the pilots take the same percentage of cuts in both pay and work rules. As for the pensions. Say good bye. Go for the 401K that you can control.

"But at least he got to take a forty percent paycut. Under the current contract, he says his job sucks and he mentioned he can't imagine working more for even less money (he currently flies around 90 hours per month)." It is easy to whine about your job until you don't have it any more. One of my friends got furloughed and now he is earning 29K a year teaching. He goes in at 7 and comes home at 7. He misses flying and would gladly take some of your friends trips. I started my own business and make similiar pay to what I made on the bus, but no flying. I would glady go back and fly, sitting in an office all day and dealing with people leaves a little to be desired. I'll keep the business for the added income. Like "The Ronin" says "Always have a plan B"

If you don't like what United is doing leave and make room for those of us that want to come back and make it work. I can see the possibility of future where United is the dominat player again kicking some LCC arse.

Don't you want to see how big that schlong is before agreeing to have it shoved up the nether before you acquiesce?

If you don't like what United is doing leave 🙄

Now that's an original statement. Where have I read this before?

😛 UT

This same drama is being played out at USAirways and Delta. There has been a fundamental shift in industry economics. The problem is not isolated to United.

DUDE, USAIR is on the verge of liquidation when they hit their second BK. Delta
Didn’t get their head out of their A$$ in time to avert a BK, not like AA did. UniTED
Has had the same issues for 20 years now, nothing changes at UAL.

It really is an investment - you need to think about the future and forget about the past. It sounds trite, but all I hear on these boards is references to the past or how much someone else makes, or what UniTEDâ€￾ owes them". It’s a culture of entitlement that has brought United down.

I am glad you haven’t said that UAL Management is TRULY the ones that have single
Handedly brought UniTED to near collapse. None of your fellow employees would
Agree with you on that one.

Take some sacrifices now, and make sure your leaders negotiate for some share of the upside when it comes. It will come. The industry will rebound - but pay rates will NOT be what they were in the past.

Seque, how long have you worked at UAL? Wasn’t ESOP and the loss of the employees
5.5 billion in past give backs enough for YOU. Get your head out of the sand; it’s not long before the end is near at UniTED.
Segue said:
Exactly what is funny about it?? I guess you are saying you should live in the past and think about "the good 'ol days"????
Ahhh...What GOOD OL'DAYS????? I wasn't making jack sh*t in the greatest economic boom in American (and United) history. On top of that, I wasn't even able to contribute to my OWN retirement because "I was investing in my future" Idiots like you make me want to puke. The one saving grace is because I couldn't afford living like most people, I started my own side business. And I really should thank United somewhat, because all my shop equipment is paid for. I love these machines, but I'm about at the end of the road with the rest of this sh*t.
UA has got to adjust the way it flies and does business. I am familiar with LAS and will say there is money to be saved there. UA(Ted) has 41 or so flights out of LAS, yet UA has 5 gates. IF the flights were just slightly adjusted, they would need just 4, or even possibly 3. This could save UA some money. The ticket counter is very rarely completely staffed, having 6 or more positions open is common. Move to a smaller ticket counter, save some money. Behind the UA gates it looks like there is about 60 or 70 "cans", the big pods that go in the widebody a/c, just sitting there. LAS is all Ted all the time, so get the "cans" to a city that needs them. I am an outsider and can see things that UA can do to improve themselves and there are probably more ideas from the inside. Hopefully UA can get this turned around, and quickly.
The Ronin said:
Ahhh...What GOOD OL'DAYS????? I wasn't making jack sh*t in the greatest economic boom in American (and United) history. On top of that, I wasn't even able to contribute to my OWN retirement because "I was investing in my future" Idiots like you make me want to puke. The one saving grace is because I couldn't afford living like most people, I started my own side business. And I really should thank United somewhat, because all my shop equipment is paid for. I love these machines, but I'm about at the end of the road with the rest of this sh*t.

I was reading the board in 1999 Planebusiness.com. A lot of people in California were lamenting why they did not make $300/hr like some Oracle database programmer was making....well a lot of these people don't have jobs now and have been on the street for a long time. Your job right now is probably more secure than many in the tech sector. You guys were not making $300 an hour, but a lot better than many blue collar workers of comparable skills.
Segue said:
Your job right now is probably more secure than many in the tech sector.
"Ahhhh....this is ground control to Major Tom..."
What planet are you on??? Do you have West Nile or something or just enjoy looking like a dumbass. I WORK IN THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY AND FOR THE LARGEST BANKRUPT CARRIER IN AVIATION HISTORY.
coolflyingfool said:
..... I am an outsider and can see things that UA can do to improve themselves and there are probably more ideas from the inside.

Yes, there are many things that could be done but it seems almost obvious that those at the helm of this great ship are only interested in getting cash to fund their next business idea or venture. They just love to sit in their offices and cubicles figuring out how to blow through as much cash as they can get their hands on. We take big paycuts - they decide to do a costly reconfiguration of aircraft and start a new company. All sorts of exciting advertisement and gimicks, outside consultants to hire and interface with, new office furniture! More outside vendor management duties.

They have spent the past 6 months branding the entire maintenance division as 'United Services - Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul' with posters and signs and fancy new bulletin boards. The maintenance division is obviously going to be one of the first assets to be sold to generate cash to continue playing this fun little game.

United simply has too much management period. Too many yahoos doing absolutely nothing but dreaming up new ways to blow through cash.
Winglet said:
People in this country better start waking up to what kind of economy the Republicans are driving us into. RECORD trade deficits, record lows in exports with record highs in imports, EVEN WITH record lows on the dollar's value. And Mr. Bush wants to convince you that exporting jobs overseas is GOOD for you. There's not going to be much of a "working" middleclass at the rate this country is going down the tubes.
Well said and very true.

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