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Report From Glenn


It is so sad that you have to dwell on your FORMER employer so much. Move On!!! You don't like United -- we certainly don't like you. You need to realize how big of an idiot you look like when you dwell on the past. I am starting to look at F9 employees in a different way because of the way you act. We, UA employees, seriously don't care that you wish us all out of a job. We will be here --- get over it.

I'm suggesting a company party (with TED as the host, of course) where we can drink some beers and grill some FISH.
csrgal...I'll attend! I'll bring the grilled Grizwald and some fried Flip...
(FYI Grizwald is the Grizzly Bear, and Flip is the dolphin adourning the F9 a/c tails).
WorldTraveler said:
would you like to share w/ us what provoked that little outburst?

Sorry WorldTraveler, I went back to see what I was commenting on here at the same time I commented to Cosmo. It should have been Whatkindoffreshhell and not you. I apologize.
Is this a hoot or what? I just noticed the Ads down the side of my screen: www.freshfishnmore.com, www.great-alaska-seafood.com, and www.salmongram.com. Hmmm, what a coincidence.

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