Fly said:The banks mentioned in the article would be up in arms if this wasn't a true statement of their support.
I remember some (on these boards) stating that Frontier was going to start tankering soon, so they'll be fine . . .novaqt said:Oh Fishy!
We've been waiting on you. Better yet, what does your LCC Frontier think of $70/per bbl. and rising. United is aware of the high price of oil and has taken steps to deal with it. How about Frontier. Your margins cannot absorb the shock too much longer?!
whatkindoffreshhell said:Nope. Doesn't cost the banks a dime to be mentioned, actually the free publicity is better for the banks' image than being ignored.
Again, Glenn can spout anything but the only folks who have money in this game are the employees, vendors and customers.
UA's fate will be determined whenever GE decides it is time.
Everyone else is just a puppet.
mrfish3726 said:boeing787
😛 UniTED is in a real bad way as oil goes UP, UP, & UP
mrfish3726 said:You all keep saying that, but we are still here! A thorn in UinTEDS backside