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Report From Glenn


Thank you, your comments are well-deserved by all and much appreciated.


Go back to bed and climb out the other side. It really strains you to say anything nice doesn't it?
Fly said:
The banks mentioned in the article would be up in arms if this wasn't a true statement of their support.

Nope. Doesn't cost the banks a dime to be mentioned, actually the free publicity is better for the banks' image than being ignored.

Again, Glenn can spout anything but the only folks who have money in this game are the employees, vendors and customers.

UA's fate will be determined whenever GE decides it is time.

Everyone else is just a puppet.
I wonder what Glenn thinks of $70 dollar a barrel for OIL, and these so called lenders?
Oh Fishy!

We've been waiting on you. Better yet, what does your LCC Frontier think of $70/per bbl. and rising. United is aware of the high price of oil and has taken steps to deal with it. How about Frontier. Your margins cannot absorb the shock too much longer?!
novaqt said:
Oh Fishy!

We've been waiting on you. Better yet, what does your LCC Frontier think of $70/per bbl. and rising. United is aware of the high price of oil and has taken steps to deal with it. How about Frontier. Your margins cannot absorb the shock too much longer?!
I remember some (on these boards) stating that Frontier was going to start tankering soon, so they'll be fine . . .
whatkindoffreshhell said:
Nope. Doesn't cost the banks a dime to be mentioned, actually the free publicity is better for the banks' image than being ignored.

Again, Glenn can spout anything but the only folks who have money in this game are the employees, vendors and customers.

UA's fate will be determined whenever GE decides it is time.

Everyone else is just a puppet.

'GE = Industry Consolidation'




Frontier isn't in BK, or even close to facing BK. You can rest assured that this will AGAIN be a delay for UniTED to EXIT BK! I am sure that managements business plan that the banks looked at wasn't for $70 a barrel oil! B)
Hey FISHY why don't you all do us a favor and go choke on all the contaminated water in New Orleans you idiot! Your little company is finished!
Frontier isn't exactly smelling like roses either....more like rotten Tuna. DIA isn't exactly the most economical airport to operate at Fish; F9 has alot of eggs in THAT basket. Is F9 somehow impervious to the rising cost of fuel? I don't think so...you need to find a better 'Fear Factor' Ace. While you're at it, look the word 'impervious' up in the Dictionary while you're on break--they have one at the Bookstore on A Con.
mrfish3726 said:

:lol: 😛 UniTED is in a real bad way as oil goes UP, UP, & UP :shock:

Let's see about that fish. We are hedged at around 38% of our needs. Where are your hedges? In the yard? LOL

Keep digging fish. When we bury you in your own grave will be a fine afternoon. :lol: : :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
You all keep saying that, but we are still here! A thorn in UinTEDS backside :up:
mrfish3726 said:
You all keep saying that, but we are still here! A thorn in UinTEDS backside :up:


From the time you devote to trying to spin everything that is printed in a negative manner against UAL it appears the thorn might be poking you in the hind quarters versus the other way around.

If we cause you concern and sleepless nights then the job is being done perfectly. Tell you I don't think anyone misses an ounce of energy worrying about a 30+airplane airline with one hub and no interline agreements.

Your airline will either need to merger, grow or die. That is the choices. Growth will be difficult with no hedges and merging might just put you on the street. The last option would be nice but we will see what happens. :up: :up: :up:

This is UniTED last stand! The judge is not giving UniTED another exclusivety period. Time to face the gravity of your situation, (edited)PERIOD! :shock:

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