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Today's Special News:

The Ronin said:
"Ahhhh....this is ground control to Major Tom..."
What planet are you on??? Do you have West Nile or something or just enjoy looking like a dumbass. I WORK IN THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY AND FOR THE LARGEST BANKRUPT CARRIER IN AVIATION HISTORY.

Perhaps it is you that needs a dose of reality - you still have a paycheck while many Californians do not, and have not had for a long time. Count your blessings:


People like you choose to support or not to support United's effort in transition will largely determine if you have a paycheck in the near future. Think about it.
Segue said:
Perhaps it is you that needs a dose of reality - you still have a paycheck while many Californians do not, and have not had for a long time. Count your blessings:

People like you choose to support or not to support United's effort in transition will largely determine if you have a paycheck in the near future. Think about it.

Two questions, one statement....
(1) What do you do for UA?
(2) What do I need to do exactly, to support United in it's "transition".
(3) You don't HAVE to stay in California ya know. I believe there are least another 49 options last time I counted.
Segue said:
Perhaps it is you that needs a dose of reality - you still have a paycheck while many Californians do not, and have not had for a long time. Count your blessings:

People like you choose to support or not to support United's effort in transition will largely determine if you have a paycheck in the near future. Think about it.

Ronin is ORD, I am in SFO.
You can thank the 'powers that be' for the H1B fiacso.
It never was an issue of hiring 'qualified' US programmers, it was (and is) an issue of 'cost'! Cheap workers = bigger profits.......EOS!
Drive by Oracle today and you know what I mean.

kcabpilot said:
Yes, there are many things that could be done but it seems almost obvious that those at the helm of this great ship are only interested in getting cash to fund their next business idea or venture. They just love to sit in their offices and cubicles figuring out how to blow through as much cash as they can get their hands on. We take big paycuts - they decide to do a costly reconfiguration of aircraft and start a new company. All sorts of exciting advertisement and gimicks, outside consultants to hire and interface with, new office furniture! More outside vendor management duties.

They have spent the past 6 months branding the entire maintenance division as 'United Services - Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul' with posters and signs and fancy new bulletin boards. The maintenance division is obviously going to be one of the first assets to be sold to generate cash to continue playing this fun little game.

United simply has too much management period. Too many yahoos doing absolutely nothing but dreaming up new ways to blow through cash.

We only have 42(?) VP's!!!
Soon we'll need a VP of VP's to monitor the VP's.
😛 UT
Have Ailing Airlines Found a Cure?

While the symptoms of bankruptcy vary from patient to patient -- in addition to the above infectees, Northwest (Nasdaq: NWAC - News) is said to be looking a little green around the gills -- managements across the board agree that one magic elixir can cure every case of the illness: wage concessions. I know what you're thinking -- what altruism! The airline managements want to forgo their salaries, bonuses, and stock options to save their airlines! Ha-ha. Silly Fool. With a few marquee name exceptions, management just wants wage concessions from the staff: 😛


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