one time in Key West I had a customer come up to the counter with a TURTLE with a USAir bag tag on its "paw" that said "Service Animal".
She said she will NOT fly without it... I would have DB'd her, but needed to find a good reason.
I looked in every manual to see if we could allow it, FOCUS, etc... eventually had to call the regional director and he was baffled by it.
We eventually spoke to the captain about it and he said he will allow it -- the problem is USAirways policy was NO reptiles allowed on the aircraft, anywhere, while the ADA had guidelines about service animals, and I couldn't find in Focus anywhere that required a note from a doctor (my thinking was we needed a letter from a doctor or psychiatrist stating the turtle was, in fact, a service animal).
Only reason this was wierd - a few days earlier one of my agents got a phone call asking if they can check a turtle as checked luggage to ILM.