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The Truth in MSP

Safety is first. If I perceive a threat to the safety of my passengers, crew, or aircraft, the threat will be removed before continuing the flight. These guys were out to make a political statement pure and simple. They raised every red flag that they could think of. I fully support the crew and US Airways on this matter. I would have made the same decision.
You weren't there and neither was I. Many pilots are ex military and frankly have a great deal more training in these areas. Faced with a short decision window the PIC reacted and made a decision.

What training (specifically in an MOS that involves flying an aircraft) does one receive to identify a threat such as this?

Being ex-military means zip, unless the guy/gal did some time running around the Sunni triangle trying to determine which civilian-looking person was going to shoot and which was simply going to the market. I suppose anyone who has been thru their respective SERE schools post-9/11 might (and I emphasize might) have had some veyr limited training in this regard, but I know a bunch of the guys who cook this crap up (at least over at Bragg) and have not heard that it is a newfound emphasis in such a fun curriculum.

It's not like these guys have an IFF to interrogate in their pocket. And that's the point.

Who the F__K are any of us to second guess him/her???

I'm guessing that anyone who is unfortunate (in today's day and age) to be law abiding, American, and of arab descent.

From what I've gathered they were a bit loud and boisterous throughout the boarding process and perhaps taunting the crew daring them to act knowing full well that it would spark a media firestorm thus making us MORE vulnerable going forward.

If nothing else, it serves to illustrate what those who can put two and two together (and the bad guys) already know--we operate in a paranoid overreactive mode and quite easily go for the head fake.

There is a known, wanted Arab terrorist who uses my rather common name as an alias, so I get flagged a great deal of the time. Do I like it? HELL NO! But I think checking in at the counter is probably prudent thing to do.

And if you are willing to sit still while you (a presumably law-abiding citizen) are harassed because your name matches the potential alias of a terrorist, you are more of a lemming than your posting history would have led me to believe.
On an issue such as having a passenger removed before leaving the gate I'll tell you that 95% of the time the Captain will back the cabin crew without nary a thought. Why? Because: 1) they will be owning the problem and not him if they get in the air and; 2) there would be hell to pay if there was a request to have someone removed, they weren't and there was a subsequent problem.

What the Captain usually will do is make sure the FA's in question aren't complete idiots and creating a problem. Abscent that, the passenger(s) in question will get shown the door.
This from a person who has this as a personal photo in their profile.

You have a problem with the fact that we are killing innocent people and, in the process, creating "insurgents"? If you don't, you are an, and I mean this in a nice way, idiot.

Perhaps you should wonder at the havoc we wreak world-wide in our pursuit of the almighty dollar. But, then, with your barely two brain cells to rub together, I guess I can tolerate your apparent stupidity. Pity.
You weren't there and neither was I. Many pilots are ex military and frankly have a great deal more training in these areas. Faced with a short decision window the PIC reacted and made a decision.

Not that many are ex-mil. Many from the PI side are "good ole boys" who can drink better than they can fly, not that that would be a bar very high. Exceptions noted, I can vouch for those few.

Who the F__K are any of us to second guess him/her???

I don't, but the neocon media has gotten ahold of it and skewed it for their agenda.

From what I've gathered they were a bit loud and boisterous throughout the boarding process and perhaps taunting the crew daring them to act knowing full well that it would spark a media firestorm thus making us MORE vulnerable going forward.

Specifics would really help here because I talked with someone pretty close to the action and he never mentioned anything about that.

Consider if say a college basketball team was equally loud taunting and boisterous, I'm guessing this particular PIC would have booted their asses off as well.

Not what happened there, but I am certain we can adapt.

We have to face the cold hard fact that there are certain factions of Islam that are coming to kill us one and all if they can. It's a matter of record throughout the world.

Wow, perhaps you should reschedule that "doctors" appointment because you got the wrong message.

There is a known, wanted Arab terrorist who uses my rather common name as an alias, so I get flagged a great deal of the time. Do I like it? HELL NO! But I think checking in at the counter is probably prudent thing to do.

and someone did not? Help us out here. Is it possible to not check in at a counter?

And you know for a fact that this person is a "known, wanted Arab terrorist"? You know the Arabs are our friends? and what makes him "known"? Was he convicted of terrorism? or is this just another Cheneyism muttering about monsters under the bed.....

Please deal in facts and hard evidence. Because when it comes to survival, your feelings really don't mean squat to me.
Sharktooth -

For your information, TSA was involved, all the way to TSOC in Washington. As was the local law enforcement and the FBI.

Yet, the settled history seems to support the captains decision, sans TSA input. If you are saying that the alleged miscreants passed all "federal" obstacles, then you are correct and should point that out.

The captain, to avoid a "issue", decided correctly. The TSA, according to my sources, had nothing to do with that particular decision.

The fact is, the captain made the correct decision, at the time, at the place. The captain could have the local authorities make such a decision but chose not to. As I have stated before, I respect his decision.

I would take issue with your, "markmywords", comment because it does not comport with the facts, as we know. Perhaps you could elucidate us or, more likely, hide behind secrecy, just like all tyrants.

It is the old, "common strategy" which was to defer to FBI/whatever authority. Sorry, you dudes gave it away over 11Sep and have little to no cred now. Follow the moronic "leader", you get moronic results. You chose your leader, no one respects you.
I guess they got tired of hanging around MSP so they acted normal on NW. Funny how that happens,
You have a problem with the fact that we are killing innocent people and, in the process, creating "insurgents"? If you don't, you are an, and I mean this in a nice way, idiot.

Perhaps you should wonder at the havoc we wreak world-wide in our pursuit of the almighty dollar. But, then, with your barely two brain cells to rub together, I guess I can tolerate your apparent stupidity. Pity.
Shark...very well said...most have there head in the sand and not a clue...I would worry more someone that has a pix of Rick Santourm (sp) or as I like to call bush's lap dog thank god the people of PA got him out...than your pix that might make one stop and think what a mess we started...

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