Sharktooth -
For your information, TSA was involved, all the way to TSOC in Washington. As was the local law enforcement and the FBI.
Yet, the settled history seems to support the captains decision, sans TSA input. If you are saying that the alleged miscreants passed all "federal" obstacles, then you are correct and should point that out.
The captain, to avoid a "issue", decided correctly. The TSA, according to my sources, had nothing to do with that particular decision.
The fact is, the captain made the correct decision, at the time, at the place. The captain could have the local authorities make such a decision but chose not to. As I have stated before, I respect his decision.
I would take issue with your, "markmywords", comment because it does not comport with the facts, as we know. Perhaps you could elucidate us or, more likely, hide behind secrecy, just like all tyrants.
It is the old, "common strategy" which was to defer to FBI/whatever authority. Sorry, you dudes gave it away over 11Sep and have little to no cred now. Follow the moronic "leader", you get moronic results. You chose your leader, no one respects you.