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to all usairways pilots

propjok I don't know who you are, but you DO NOT represent the views of the PDT pilots. If you want to contiue your ridiculous, badly worded trash do it under your own name and leave PDT out of it. To the mainline pilots. The best you could do is stop this forum now by not adding anything futher. propjok will be that forever, a prop jock!
Signed A proud PDT pilot
Dave how long have you been here, 1yr maybee 11/2. talk to me when you have been here as long as i have. for the last time this is my opinion if you dont like its a free country dont read it. i dont post just to rattle someones cage. as for those who think i cannot spell i am sorry i will try harder to check my spelling at 3am after a 16hr duty day and 6 days of rr.
On 12/13/2002 12:47:53 AM propjok wrote:

Dave how long have you been here, 1yr maybee 11/2. talk to me when you have been here as long as i have.

Hmmmmm......Prop, seems to me you don't like a junior guy blaming you either!!

as for those who think i cannot spell i am sorry i will try harder to check my spelling at 3am after a 16hr duty day and 6 days of rr.

Your Posts..... 4:18 pm, 10:49 pm, 9:01 am, 5:42 pm, 9:34pm, 9:21pm, 11:39pm, 6:54pm, 3:51pm, 6:35 pm...........don't see any 3 am ones.....do we need to send you to time telling school also!!!
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] (I could not resist!!)

As far as 16 hr Duty day and 6 days on.......So what...every pilot in the country has your same schedule....that is not an excuse for your attitude.
its not an excuse, take a look at your new ta. lets see the wo grt 25 large rjs. We have a total of about 1000 pilots.Getting rid of turbo props were does that put us. we keep getting SHAFTED. there is no reason that we cannot operate all of the jets. if we had even a good portion no body would even complain about j4j because there would be enough jobs to go around yet the ml mec gives a majority of them to mesa and fredom. fredom a non union company go figure. i bet you didnt know that on friday at around 4pm usair made a motion to the bk judge to provide midway with up to 9 mil in dip. they could use the money to put rjs at the wo yet they chose to give it away to somenody else. Dave read the rj ta and tell me how you feel now.
On 12/13/2002 10:02:20 AM propjok wrote:

its not an excuse, take a look at your new ta. lets see the wo grt 25 large rjs. We have a total of about 1000 pilots.Getting rid of turbo props were does that put us. we keep getting SHAFTED. there is no reason that we cannot operate all of the jets. if we had even a good portion no body would even complain about j4j because there would be enough jobs to go around yet the ml mec gives a majority of them to mesa and fredom. fredom a non union company go figure. i bet you didnt know that on friday at around 4pm usair made a motion to the bk judge to provide midway with up to 9 mil in dip. they could use the money to put rjs at the wo yet they chose to give it away to somenody else. Dave read the rj ta and tell me how you feel now.

Like I said earlier, Mgmt. and RSA is calling the shots. Jets at Midway, and freedom etc. USAIR does not pay for these, or the crews (9 mil does not buy many airplanes) You must face it Propjok, the ML pilots are not the ones throwing away your jobs.....I wish we had that kind of power. Dave and management (read RSA) have a plan. I do not think that plan includes 50% of us and 100% of you. But to say that the guys flying the A/C at ML did this!? Would that be the 1800 on the street or the 4000 that took massive pay cuts? Twice. We are all being outsourced, please direct your energy where it would do some good... Send an e-mail to call me Dave

How about setting up a web site like the Junior guys at U did, get some petitions going, etc. The rank and file ML guy did a lot to try and help the WO's get hired and to get jets. It did not work for us, Mgmt still did what they wanted. But who knows, maybe 1000 regional pilots will have more luck than we did.

I am sorry that they are returning a few of your airplanes and I am sorry that 1000 WO pilots might lose their job. So far ML has parked more airplanes and furloughed more pilots than all the WO's operate combined. So of course, that must mean that we ML pilots are calling the shots here......Gee we didn't really want to work anyhow.....We were all just itching to work at Wal-Mart.

Using your logic, I could make a damn good case against the WO pilots as to why so many of us are on the street....Wo's guys are willing to work for peanuts, Flying ML routes etc... But that would not be right, You guys are in the same boat we are.....No say in mgmts plans.

How about all the guys at the Contract Carriers....oooohhhh yea...lets blame them, it's their fault....all those guys willing to pay training contracts and work for even lower wages than the WO's Yea its their fault!!

Wait wait how about the guys that are learning to fly as we speak....its their fault for trying to flood the market with too many pilots for the jobs! or the customers....why those dirty little...It their fault that they don't want to pay $2000 for a 40 min airplane ride.

Let see, we could blame the Arabs, for gas prices, lawyers for high ins. prices, terrorists for even higher ins. prices and additional security costs and delays. The list could be endless.

The point of this is there are many factors as to why the airline industry is in the crapper....But I hate to disappoint you. We are no more to blame than you are. Everybody is just trying to survive here. The airline industry is changing, No one knows what it will look like when its done. I suspect it may end up looking like the computer industry, or the auto industry. 3 or 4 massive powerhouses and a hand full of also rans. U is pretty much done, UA is in bad shape (possibly worse than U, just farther behind.) AA is starting to show lots of cracks.

Southwest...No RJ's, No WO's, No regionals, No furloughs, No problems. I suspect that is the future of air travel.

Good post. We on ML getting demonized is getting old fast. I am sure of one thing. Had the company had access to financing, the WOs would be flying jets right now. No money, no jets. Would 9 Million even buy one RJ...I'm not sure. The real kicker here is we manage to throw 25 airplanes, jet no less, at the WOs and this guy is still screaming like a stuck pig. NO WAY does he represent the WO pilots. Just one very unhappy guy.

A320 Driver
I doubt that it really matters, It looks like everything in U colors will be parked in the desert shortly anyhow. Or be repainted in 12 different airlines colors to match the ones who pounce on the carcus.

I guess we can be like the old EA and Braniff boys and debate the subject in the Airlines of the Past forum.
They would not buy these planes they would lease them, and with the number of RJ's they claim to want I am sure they could get great deals to start up. Look at what jet blue got, no payments for years.
well dave what do you think now. they are throwing 25 rjs at us i hope you remember the agreement we all signed a few weeks ago. a320dvr you arent throwing anything at us the only reason we are even getting a shot at 25 is because we finally have something in writing from mgt and they finally made a public statement about wanting to put the large rjs at the wo. 25 jets for 1000 pilots man thats a good deal. if 50% are filled by you guys at a staffing level of 8 per a/c that gives us 100 jobs thats 10% of our pilots you are so right i am just one unhappy pilot.
On 12/1/2002 9:01:36 AM propjok wrote:

first of all to the pdt maint. dude. if stop wasteing your time on this mes. board and actually do some work maybee we would be having these prob. at pdt. as for everybody else i have been in this buis. longer then you may think look at the other major airlines how come evrybody had or has a flow thru with thier wholly owned partners but not us they all have rjs but we dont you guys havent done jack s for us. i unfortunatly know for a fact that we had a deal to getrjs we were going to have them on the property when your mec found out they went ape sh*t. our mec chairment broke the whole deal because of it. so to sum it up look at everybody else find me one mec body (except u mec) that has a jets for jobs deal. none nobody is that evil to decide that one group of pilots is more important then another one. i would have no problems with any of this if we worked for a real airline except we work for usair. you guys are getting major airline pay for regional airline work and it is about time sombody changed that.

Does your computer keyboard have a Caps Lock key?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/13/2002 12:01:21 PM A320 Driver wrote:
[P]ONTHESTREET,[BR][BR]Good post. We on ML getting demonized is getting old fast. I am sure of one thing. Had the company had access to financing, the WOs would be flying jets right now. No money, no jets. Would 9 Million even buy one RJ...I'm not sure. The real kicker here is we manage to throw 25 airplanes, jet no less, at the WOs and this guy is still screaming like a stuck pig. NO WAY does he represent the WO pilots. Just one very unhappy guy.[BR][BR]A320 Driver[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][STRONG][/STRONG][/P][STRONG][FONT face=Times New Roman] hasnt chip said over and over that someone somewhere is going to finance 200 rj's for U?[BR] wait, you dont mean chip was wrong do ya?[BR][BR] so you get furloughed from a mainline alpa airline and gladly march off to work at a non union airline? maybe ual will sell clickers to us, looks like well need em.[/FONT][/STRONG]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/13/2002 12:47:53 AM propjok wrote:
[P]Dave how long have you been here, 1yr maybee 11/2. talk to me when you have been here as long as i have. for the last time this is my opinion if you dont like its a free country dont read it. i dont post just to rattle someones cage. as for those who think i cannot spell i am sorry i will try harder to check my spelling at 3am after a 16hr duty day and 6 days of rr.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P][STRONG][EM]hey pwopjowck....weepeet after me:[BR][BR]i am we todd did....[BR]sofa king ....[BR]we todd did.....[BR]try three times in rapid unison....[BR][/EM][/STRONG]
Thanks for the historical accuracy and the good wishes. Apparently most still don't care, which, as you outlined, is how we got here in the first place.
On 12/5/2002 1:48:58 PM TBONEJ4J wr


I can assure you that wholly-owned pilots couldn't care less about flying a 'Jet'. This is about Jobs, regardless of aircraft type.

Hear, hear. It would be nice if ML at least paid us lip service before you destroy our careers.
wait a minute....PSA isn't getting RJ's? Funny...they told EVERYBODY that works for them they were!!!!!

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