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Time To Depart!

Oliver Twist

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
I would like to keep this short and sweet. It's been awhile since I posted, but never more than a few days between visits here. I have read with intrest the many different viewpoints offered and agree with some and disagree with others.

One view I would like to put forth - I think US Airways can and will make it as a corporation, but it will not look anything like it has in the past. There will be many who applaud the moves and many who deride it. Many will say it has no chance and many who hope in their hearts it will work and many who will have no choice but to stay and make it work.

I have no doubt about the heart of this company - it's employees, who will once again rise to the challenge. A challenge not of their own creation but one created by events, mistakes and public opinion.

It is with great sadness that I leave this company after 21 years of hard work, good friends and great times. I also feel a sense of relief that it's over and I will be moving forward with my life and my families life - after all, thats what makes me strong - my family.

I have been given the opportunity to take on a new challenge in the aviation field and I have accepted it.

To those of you who know me, I will miss you deeply and hope for nothing but the best for you as I know you hope for me. To those on this board whom I have read and know by tag name, good luck and don't let the negativity of a few become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

To Chip, thanks for your diligence and your courage to speak up and say your peace. To the doomsayers I can only say that your are your own worst enemy.

As a soon to be EX-employee of this proud company, I will continue to visit this board and read with great intrest what is evolving, but my future comments will be as an outsider.

Good luck to you all !!!!

Oliver Twist. Good luck! BTW, are you leaving for "Virgin" territory in the aviation world? Best wishes!
Not sure who you are but would like to wish you ALL THE BEST !!!!
Thanks for the good thoughts- as for my new career, its with the one entity that will remain, no matter who comes or goes- The airport itself!

I always enjoyed reading your posts....
congratulations on your new position!!! Lucky you....

I'm sure you will be missed....

Best of luck to you...


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