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A New Beginning


Jun 22, 2004
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B) Good Day to all! Just thought I'd start a post for former employees like myself . Hopefully this post will allow curent and former employees catch up and find out how their former comrades are doing. Good Luck to all who are going thru the transitional part of airline afterlife.

I am now a Courier with FedEx here in CLT. I have weekends and major Holidays off. I still have a spot in my heart for the labor groups at U. I wish them nothing but success in finding true happiness. My wife likes the change from U to FedEx, as do my kids, they get to see me more and they said I seem much more laid back. Last night my kids and I camped out for the first time. We had a great time! Life is good again 😀
fatherof2 said:
B) Good Day to all! Just thought I'd start a post for former employees like myself . Hopefully this post will allow curent and former employees catch up and find out how their former comrades are doing. Good Luck to all who are going thru the transitional part of airline afterlife.

I am now a Courier with FedEx here in CLT. I have weekends and major Holidays off. I still have a spot in my heart for the labor groups at U. I wish them nothing but success in finding true happiness. My wife likes the change from U to FedEx, as do my kids, they get to see me more and they said I seem much more laid back. Last night my kids and I camped out for the first time. We had a great time! Life is good again 😀
Congrats on the new life.

The time you spend with your kids will pay off huge dividends in the years to come.

Fed Ex is a great company that knows how to treat its employees.My brother has been there about 15 years and loves it.Good luck.
When my hanger was closed I took the layoff then decided to take the retirement. My wife and I moved to Asheville N.C. where I bought a piece of land and am building a house full time. 28 years working on aircraft, I had enough, just got sick and tired of all the bull... Now I work dayshift, days off as I see fit and whats best I AM my own boss. The only lazy person I can yell at is the one in the mirror. No nightshift, no skydrol, no pencil wipping bosses, no more being a gypsy, moving from hanger to hanger. I love my new career, the work is harder but ever more fulfilling. There is life without Usairways, just do it...........

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