fatherof2, good luck! I'll be leaving here soon as well. Best wishes!
I was furloughed after the almost complete annihilation of the utility classification. Before that I was a numbers casualty in the stores department. Using the 85 point system, I was 25 points shy of full retirement benefits.drifterreno said:Good Luck Father. Your children will now know what it's like to have a Father who is happy and has some time to spend with them. Do that and your rewards will be great. Just remember not every airline is like U is these days. Some of us have actually found happiness in other airlines. Fly, and fly often. By the Way, did you retire or get furlough??? Get as much out of this as you can. Do the furlough , severence thing then retire. I understand you can still retire from furlough??? Am I right or did they take that away too. Good Luck again.
The meaning of "Hell" to Management is: Not geting their millions in salaries, bonuses, and their buddies on the gravy train. Also: Not being able to place the blame of their mistakes, bad decisions, and piss-poor planning on others. "Hell" to Management is, not being able to fool anyone, anymore, of how great they are. When their ego is broken, so are they. I'm wishing them a loss of their finances, egos and family life. That would be the worst "hell" for these leeches.............To fatherof2: Wishing you the best in your future and "Good Luck". You will be a happier person soon.marco90821 said:Thanks for nothin'. Wishing anyone to rot in hell is absolutely appalling, even if it is U's bad mgmnt.
We don't have to wish, they've got reserved spot. I betcha satan collects their souls himself.marco90821 said:Thanks for nothin'. Wishing anyone to rot in hell is absolutely appalling, even if it is U's bad mgmnt.
fatherof2 said:To Management, I HOPE YOU ALL ROT IN HELL! Your future, I could care less about! :down:
Father of 2