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Time to combine the US and AA boards into one board.

Bother way, I might actually be excited to combine the forums if all the FUN usair people came back-- like SegmentKing, beachboy, US1YFARE and legacy-to-LCC… since they've been gone that board has really fallen by the waist side
(hahah, "bother way" and "waist side" are old running jokes from that board, if anyone from there remembers)
The first thing the "New AA" should do is change every employee number in hire date seniority order, or with a random number generator program.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Bother way, I might actually be excited to combine the forums if all the FUN usair people came back-- like SegmentKing, beachboy, US1YFARE and legacy-to-LCC… since they've been gone that board has really fallen by the waist side
(hahah, "bother way" and "waist side" are old running jokes from that board, if anyone from there remembers)
That's a long list!
Off the top of my head, I'd add Colby & Dea Certe; I'm sure I'll think of more the second I hit "post."   🙂
Force Majeure said:
The first thing the "New AA" should do is change every employee number in hire date seniority order, or with a random number generator program.
Doesn't work... The first thing people ask each other when meeting is which carrier they're from.   :lol:
Until the US Airways gets their in-house knock-down-and-drag-out fight over with between their own pilots, I don't want any part of that crap. We've got our problems at AA, but by comparison to US, we look like a love-in.
It's not as bad out there as what you see on this board.   Most avoid this board anymore due to the lunatic fringe element on it.    We have the east and west issue, that will be decided in court eventually.     Most of the junk you are seeing on the pilot board is just a few that love to stir the crap.   I fly a full line every month and hardly ever see any of the junk you see on here even mentioned either in the cockpit or the crew room, at least on the east.  I have no idea if it is a major topic in west crewrooms or cockpits.   Most of us on the east don't give it any thought except keeping up with whatever the latest court development are......if that.
I cannot remember the last time I heard a conversation about the east west thing except major news items like the recent mixing of east and west metal.    The recall issue now being discussed so heatedly over there will be decided in a vote,  many on the line do not even know a recall is underway yet,  or if they do nobody sees it as interesting enough to bring up while out flying.
I will vote how I feel on the subject,  but I won't bring it up out flying,  no point in it.
As of Dec 9th everybody is on the same contract,  basically the AA contract with a few tweaks until the AA US JCBA is finished.     But to answer your question, for the last 8 years the west has had the better contract.    East has been under their BK contract since 02 and west under their pre merger contract. (US/AWA merger)
Obviously you don't know how arrogant AWA pilots are..... They're living for the NIC. Good luck guys.....it's going to be a mess for a long time....
Just remember they ( AWA ) had career expectations. Like we all did......
Force Majeure said:
The first thing the "New AA" should do is change every employee number in hire date seniority order, or with a random number generator program.
And what's that gonna do? 
OldGuyinPA said:
Obviously you don't know how arrogant AWA pilots are..... They're living for the NIC. Good luck guys.....it's going to be a mess for a long time....
OldGuyinPA said:
Just remember they ( AWA ) had career expectations. Like we all did......

Darn right we have expectations. It's called live up to your agreements. The Nic was a compromise which gave East pilots the first 500+ postions before integrating the first West pilot. An arbitrator the East brought to the table.
Remember a guy named Bradford, who is one of the founding "fathers" of USAPA? The same one being recalled? The same one who went shopping for an attorney who would aid in wriggling out of an agreement? The same person who was concerned about getting sued by West pilots if he went down the path of evasion and deception? It's a mess all right, one created by people and the followers of people who have a deficit in integrity.
Not all East pilots took this path and this East blogger saw the deception. Usapians consider him a traitor like others who had a conscience.
Here's his take on the founding of an organization bent on the destruction of a pilot group who found themselves in the minority. A minority who has been descriminated against and sued to maintain their rights to be fairly represented.
The following text reveals the context of the legal opinion from respected labor attorney Chris Katzenbach of Katzenbach and Khitikan. Mr. Katzenbach’s firm was interviewed in May 2007 in the early stages of Mr. Bradford’s expedition to form a new organization, an organization with the singular goal of destroying the careers of the former America West pilots. Although the letter was marked confidential, in the fanaticism to gain support of the East pilots, this material was published on a public Web site thus piercing the normally ironclad veil of attorney/client privilege. As a result of this all too common recklessness and oversight within USAPA’s founding leadership, this letter was admitted into evidence and became an important component of the Addington trial and subsequent verdict. In the discussion, Mr. Katzenbach warned Mr. Bradford by stating,
[SIZE=14pt]...the language you use in setting up your new union and how you go about talking and writing about your solutions to this award can be used against you. You need to stress [t]he positives of the new union and not dwell on the award.  Don't give the other side a large body of evidence that the sole reason for the new union is to abrogate an arbitration, the Nicolau award, that in the opinions of most judges, should be allowed to stand due to no gross negligence or fraud[/SIZE]
^^ Guess it was only a matter of time before this thread, too, became an US pilot East vs. West thing.
^^ Even more evidence that it is not yet time to combine these forums. :lol:
Overspeed said:
People identify who is from what pre-New AA airline by their employee number
 Tempe did that after the US/HP merger. ( At the old US, you could tell whether someone was AL, PI, or PS by the payroll number. ) Unfortunately, the new "badge number" only  only carried over for some functions, others still required the payroll number.

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