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AMFAMAN.. I am done with answering any of your posts, you are obviously uninformed and outmatched here.

Buck...I definately...without hesitation, blame each and every member that was in the TWU/AA at the time of our absorbtion for the loss of my seniority. You peeps think that I have not blasted Bobby Gless and others for this you are wrong. He at least had the nerve to face us with his obvious concern of our disapproval, say what you like about him , but he has a spine, unlike most here I have found.

I was asked by my local to "pull the rear view mirror off "as I enter the gate now, not to worry about the past but to attempt to make the future better for us...I'm having a problem with that also but am getting better as time cures all.

I also have no regrets in my short tenure with management, I learned a lot of the operations aspect. Also guys...it was not years...about 10 months, but regardless of the time it was time well spent and does not reflect on my unionism but to make it stronger.
Steve I wish you were done with this bulletin board. Your a legend in your own mind. I don't pretend to understand all the problems, but the TWU has seem to just continually Sh#t on the AA members and then you a recently aquired so called asset is going to preach that it's braver to eat sh#t and give the TWU a chance, rather than give AMFA a chance. I'm a laid off low timer with 3yrs seniority and 1 of the many that got sacked (15+ in industry) but I moved on knowing the TWA aquistion has ruined my chances of ever working for AA again, but so be it. I have no ill feelings for any TWA LLC members, but I'm starting to everyday I read your so intelligent garbage. I can handle us fouled mouth mechanics rantings but I can't handle someone who is to smart for anyones good. I don't mean to come down on ya but read your archive of statements you definately sound like the union is paying you, just take AFLCIO and move on, your convincing no one of anything.
By the way if your so anal about names mine is Bob Wilson and I was in ORD/AUS, Just so you don,t have to state how brave you are for posting your name.
Name: AMT
Employer: AA
Location: AFW
Date: Friday, September 19, 2003
Time: 09:54 PM

Just saw your BB for the first time, I LOVE IT. I can only hope that other AAer's will see it before they make the worst mistake of their careers and vote AMFA in. If they can't see that overhaul is an endangered species under the AMFA organization, I don't know how else to make them see the light. AMFA's track record should be speaking loudly about now. It seems to be too easy to play on peoples' egos and emotions, this is what they do all too well, then simply leave you high and dry without a job for thousands to save the few. Thanks for the space.
You're welcome. Yes, send your people here. AMFA is all screwed up. It doesn't work. In order to get us a contract they gave away our work. The IAM only has 8% of their members laid off while AMFA here has approximately 53% laid off. It wasn't September 11th, The Iraqi War or Sars, it was their terrible negotiating skills. Then Delle had the gall to go around the Country and brag it up so he could fool the SWA and UAL Mechanics into voting for AMFA. Please print off this bulletin board and make all the copies you want and pass it around your facility. Send em all here for the facts. We have to stop these amfa Judas Goats now or their won't be any US Union Overhaul shops left.

Compliments of; full story

CIO, please don't tell me you found one.lol All the hard work you put into trashing AMFA while on UB, I would have thought you could have found a couple dozen or more. There has to be another disgruntled officer somewhere at NW. Keep looking and just maybe you can find another. 😉
Steve I wish you were done with this bulletin board. Your a legend in your own mind. I don't pretend to understand all the problems, but the TWU has seem to just continually Sh#t on the AA members and then you a recently aquired so called asset is going to preach that it's braver to eat sh#t and give the TWU a chance, rather than give AMFA a chance. I'm a laid off low timer with 3yrs seniority and 1 of the many that got sacked (15+ in industry) but I moved on knowing the TWA aquistion has ruined my chances of ever working for AA again, but so be it. I have no ill feelings for any TWA LLC members, but I'm starting to everyday I read your so intelligent garbage. I can handle us fouled mouth mechanics rantings but I can't handle someone who is to smart for anyones good. I don't mean to come down on ya but read your archive of statements you definately sound like the union is paying you, just take AFLCIO and move on, your convincing no one of anything.
By the way if your so anal about names mine is Bob Wilson and I was in ORD/AUS, Just so you don,t have to state how brave you are for posting your name.

Very insightful Bob, thanks for posting, I seriosly doubt he can see it though. He can't see anything else but, we can hope!!!

Now thats Democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀

The old saying "little boys make promises, but men make commitments" has never been more true.

Through the years amfa has made many blue sky promises to the aircraft mechanic and related employees at many air carriers. If you are truthful you must admit that most were just that, promises.

Here at NWA we have seen our ranks thinned by more then 4,000 in the MCC. The majority of the work these people performed is now being done overseas. amfa says they are reviewing the mass layoffs here while the IAM is moving forward in Federal Court Here to defend their members rights.

This is a shining example of amfa making promises while the IAM continues to fulfill their commitments to the members they serve. While amfa is busy organizing the next carrier we are left to fend for ourselves.

Normally a docket date in Federal Court it takes months however, the IAM was able to secure a court date in just two weeks . The injunction_ will force UAL to honor their commitment to the IAM represented employees. The contract will be defended and the outcome will be known is a very short period of time.

We at NWA are still awaiting the outcome of the last mass layoff from September 11, 2001. To date no court action has been taken by amfa and none is scheduled.

The IAM has protected heavy maintenance and the jobs associated with it for better than 50 years. amfa has set the stage for the majority of the mechanics jobs in the industry to be shipped overseas with their poorly worded language in the NWA 2000- 2005 contract. In less than 4 years, of representing the NWA MCC, 47% of all NWA MCC jobs have been lost, never to be returned.

When you UAL mechanics have a choice you had better take a hard look at what you are getting yourselves into with amfa. You may not like the individual representatives but you can't argue with the jobs the IAM has been able to protect and preserved throughout the years.

Full Story: The Old Saying
The Twu made promises also. Jim Little said "Not on my watch" would we take cuts like USAIR and UAL, well maybe he kept that promise, we took more.

Bobby Gless made loads of promises to members in Local 562 in order to get elected. According to those members he did not keep them so thats why he hid in the International.

In this organization the "Little boys" get moved up.

The move to Foreign maintenance was made possible due to changes in FAR 145 that happened during the first Bush administration. At the time I dont think AMFA represented anybody.

AA has been using foreign maint, just ask the guys in JFK that lost the A-300 interior check to England and the line guys who see checks and SICs signed off in foreign countries. Since these are AA employees they are not considered contracted out, even though they are not in our contract. The engine shop at JFK used to ship the engines to MTU but stopped when it was determined that we could OH cheaper in house, it was not strong language but cheaper costs that kept the work in house.

What ever happened to our force majeure grievance? You know the one that Jim Little said would bankrupt the company?