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This is a story about a man and his weiner named Weiner

I also do not want the party to have a say. I just want him out of office because I think he is a douche. I cannot vote for/against him so I have no dog in the race but as a general feeling, I would want him out if here were my rep. He is an embarrassment. I am not interesting in paying the salary of a douche like him. Pack up and hit the road. It's the honorable thing to do IMO.
I also do not want the party to have a say. I just want him out of office because I think he is a douche. I cannot vote for/against him so I have no dog in the race but as a general feeling, I would want him out if here were my rep. He is an embarrassment. I am not interesting in paying the salary of a douche like him. Pack up and hit the road. It's the honorable thing to do IMO.

You know the root issue here is not technology and its misuse or IMO even one of infidelity or lack of moral integrity. Sadly it's text book case of the arrogance of those who perceive themselves as the ruling class.

There is a potential huge positive to come out of this for the average voter. If he stands for reelection and I hope he does then we the people have an excellent chance to remind our alleged public servants just exactly who the ruling class is. HINT: It isn't him and his 433 Congress Critter pals in the House. It's folks like you and me.

Last cycle, the ruling class got humbled when 100 newbies got elected, many with little to no political experience. My prediction is there are going to be a lot more humbled members of the so called ruling class. Humility is often a hard lesson to learn and it appears that Mr Weiner is having a particularly difficult time completing his homework on the value of humility.
I would add stupidity to the list. How many have to be caught before they realize that they hiding is difficult at best? If it gets out, own up to it at the very least. Your still a scum bag for doing it but at least own your actions. I'll have a bit more respect (very little) for someone who owns their action from the out set as opposed to someone who denies and denies till it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I would add stupidity to the list. How many have to be caught before they realize that they hiding is difficult at best? If it gets out, own up to it at the very least. Your still a scum bag for doing it but at least own your actions. I'll have a bit more respect (very little) for someone who owns their action from the out set as opposed to someone who denies and denies till it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
You must be referring to Bill Clinton 😛
Why can't a man be proud of his boner?

Come on guys, post your junk! 😀

Love Life in a Funk? Post Your Junk!! OR "Don't be a twit, tweet your Meat" Both are perfect ad slogans for Celias or Viagra

Or you could market an especially plump hot dog as "Randy Andy's BallPark Weiners"

Or maybe he should retire and open a chain of Deli's, "Andy's Deli, Where you can't beat our meat but you can send a pic of it anywhere"


Oh I wish I had a tweet of Andy's Wie - ner
That is what I'd tru-ly like to see
'cause if I had a pic of Andy's Wie - ner
Ev-ery one would pay me to see


What kind of Girls love Andy's HOT DOG?
Sexy girls, shapely girls, Girls who climb on rocks
fat girls, skin-ny girls, ev-en girls with chicken pox
love HOT DOG, Andy's HOT DOG
The dogs Girls love to bite!

Well that's enough silliness for one night.
This just keeps getting worse. Mr. Weiners wife is pregnant. Someone put a fork in the story. It's done....I hope.
This just keeps getting worse. Mr. Weiners wife is pregnant. Someone put a fork in the story. It's done....I hope.

Blood is in the water, even his own party is circling for the feeding frenzy on the carcass of a once up & coming politician.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!
Sir Walter Scott,
If your Missed this:

Touting $9 fares that are “just too hard to resist,” Spirit announced “The Weiner Sale” on its company website and in promotional e-mails. The emails featured a photo of a hot dog, along with the subject line: “Want To See Our Weiner?”

At no point did Spirit’s announcement specifically mention Congressman Weiner and his crotch-photo sex scandal — the company didn’t need to. For those who’ve been following Weiner’s downfall, the references were loud and clear.

“Hurry to book now,” the Spirit website read. “Before this sale gets hacked.”

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/06/07/2255440/hot-dog-spirit-airlines-runs.html#ixzz1OpcmadaQ

Seems kind of a shame. From what I have read his district liked him. Said he was a good advocate.

If the dumb ass would have owned up to what he did instead of lying it would have been no big deal. What an idiot.
Seems kind of a shame. From what I have read his district liked him. Said he was a good advocate.

If the dumb ass would have owned up to what he did instead of lying it would have been no big deal. What an idiot.

Yeah....have to agree Dude.

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