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This is a story about a man and his weiner named Weiner

Biggest issue involving this is his not asking for FBI intervention, rather seeking outside IT intervention.....looks like hes guilty for sure.
If FBI looked into it, was reported they'd know in 5 minutes whose IP did it...also he'd be guilty of some type fraud or false reporting.......... FEDERAL CRIME

Like I said before:

Palin's email gets hacked, FBI gets involved, hacker gets jailed.
Obama 's Twitter gets hacked, FBI gets involved.
Weiner's Twitter gets allegedly "hacked", hummuna hummuna hummuna

Wiener boy can't report it to the Feds like Dell said. It will do nothing more then blow up in his face. And he knows it. He's inches away from his career and marriage imploding. Couldn't happen to a nicer ####.
Its not perjury, perjury is lying under oath during a trial or deposition.

Its making a false police report.
Its not perjury, perjury is lying under oath during a trial or deposition.

Its making a false police report.

Thank you for splitting the hair. It could also be Obstruction of justice, depends upon who in the Prosecutors office has a hard on for Mr Weiner, no pun intended

It's likely a tempest in a teapot.

No one, especially no lawyer would advise Weiner to respond the way he's been responding. It's as if he were to set a record for mishandling that is.
Wiener finally calls the police!

(on a reporter): Weiner’s Office Calls The Police After CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer Asks 4 Interview http://goo.gl/fb/LwG3d
Headline of the day!!
Is Weiner Being Frank?

Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York is a very busy man. He sits on several important committees. He's newly married to a high-powered wife. He's planning a run for mayor of New York City, which they call "the city that never sleeps" for a reason. In fact, he's so busy that from 2007 to 2010, he reportedly racked up more than $2,000 in unpaid parking tickets in Washington, D.C., partly due to his penchant for parking his car --WeinerMobile, if you prefer -- with expired tags at a taxi stand.

So when the busy Mr. Weiner was asked on Wednesday if he was the guy pictured in the photo of a man in tight gray briefs in a state of readiness the folks at NORAD might describe as "Defcon 1," the congressman responded that he just couldn't say for sure. "I don't know what photographs are out there in the world of me," he told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

And, really, who can blame him? I mean, how can we expect him to be able to keep track of all his groin shots, either in his personal archives or out there "in the world"?

Can Justin Bieber account for all of his headshots and cell phone pics? Of course not. So why should we expect Weiner to know for sure whether that's one of his pics? So what if the person in the photo also took the picture? Again, he's a busy guy. Do you remember every time you dropped your pants and took a picture of where your codpiece goes? Weiner's not saying it's definitely not him. He's just saying he can't be sure.

And I, for one, take him at his word.

Funny thing to me is the Headline was the best part of the article. If indeed he was "Pranked" it's pretty funny. If not, it's rather disturbing. Frankly the arrogance of the unpaid parking tickets to me speaks more about the integrity of the man. Next time maybe he should tweet a pic of the skid marks in his under drawers.

More from Weinerville
Well, the dumb ass admitted what we all knew already. It was over the second he said he was not sure it was his (yea right). He is a depraved perv who lied. Why politicians think they can get away with this is beyond me. That level of arrogance and utter stupidity is amazing. I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners. I hope the SOB resigns and just crawls under a rock.

Wieners weiner.
Well, the dumb ass admitted what we all knew already. It was over the second he said he was not sure it was his (yea right). He is a depraved perv who lied. Why politicians think they can get away with this is beyond me. That level of arrogance and utter stupidity is amazing. I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners. I hope the SOB resigns and just crawls under a rock.

Wieners weiner.

Only a person on the level of your moral compass would wish those kind of things on another person.
Yes. I believe he should have consequences for his actions. I do not think an idiot like that should be in public office. You got busted, fess up or tell the media it's none of their business. Don't lie about it and if you're going to lie, at least come up with something better than 'I'm not sure it's mine'. Even my nieces can do better than that.

Assuming his wife did not know about it or agree to it, I sure as hell hope she takes him for every nickle he is worth. He violated his marriage contract and he violated her trust. If she chooses to forgive the prick, that's up to her. Should she decided to leave the idiot I hope she nails his butt to the wall. I take my commitment to my wife seriously. Cheating on you spouse if the lowest of lows.
Yes. I believe he should have consequences for his actions. I do not think an idiot like that should be in public office. You got busted, fess up or tell the media it's none of their business. Don't lie about it and if you're going to lie, at least come up with something better than 'I'm not sure it's mine'. Even my nieces can do better than that.

Assuming his wife did not know about it or agree to it, I sure as hell hope she takes him for every nickle he is worth. He violated his marriage contract and he violated her trust. If she chooses to forgive the prick, that's up to her. Should she decided to leave the idiot I hope she nails his butt to the wall. I take my commitment to my wife seriously. Cheating on you spouse if the lowest of lows.

All well and fine, I just don't wish more on the guy than he already brought to his own door step.
Divorce, resignation or whatever is by his own deeds not my wishes.
I guess I just get ticked off when I get lied too. Clinton was a prick for all the lies. So you got a hummer in the WH. Were I not married, I'd have been shouting from the roof top (assuming the SS let me up there). If I were married, I'd have dodged the question and not answered. None of your dam business what I do in my private life. But if you start lying to me, I get pissed off. I have no idea why Ms. Clinton stayed with him. I have my hunches but I do not know for certain.

I have told my wife in no uncertain terms, if she cheats, don't come back. I do not give second chances. Trust is an absolute for me ( I have very few). If it gets violated, it's over.

Weiner lied to his wife (presumably) and he lied to the electorate (yea I know they all lie). Two strikes. My rules say you only get one. Too each their own. I would not elect him to dog catcher.
Frankly, this guy Weiner is a real hot dog :lol: :lol:

I don't like the Democrats trying to push him out of office through resignation. As of this very second he has not been charged with a crime and stupidity isn't illegal.

In my little perfect world he'd face the ultimate jury, the electorate in his district and they would as they should IMO render the verdict on his conduct. This is NOT something IMO that should be placed in the hands of the party big shots. If his district buys his story and they feel he is the most capable citizen to serve their needs/interests then he should continue to be their representative. If the DNC decides to not with money that's certainly their perogative

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