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They Pay me just enough not to quit! So I do just enough to not get fired!

Ain't this grand!

Mr.SuperUnionAA guy himself using a non-union airline because of "necessity".

Kinda like your former customers who got tired of being raped for airline tix, eh?

Once again you have revealed the level of your credibility.
😉 -----"Raped for Airline tix"??? I beg your pardon? That sir is the reason you just had your wages "reajusted" in bankruptcy!!!Haven't you noticed?Airline employees have been "subsidizing" low fairs for the general public for some time now!!!
😉 -----"Raped for Airline tix"??? I beg your pardon? That sir is the reason you just had your wages "reajusted" in bankruptcy!!!Haven't you noticed?Airline employees have been "subsidizing" low fairs for the general public for some time now!!!

Anyone who blames unions for everything that's wrong in this country, and then questions the "BEARS" credibility for flying the most unionized airline in this country, isn't even worthy of a response.
I stay because I'm unemployable elsewhere...

What's funny is that I've been hearing this same line of "this job sucks but not enough for me to quit" since I started...

Did you ever think that many employees are too old to quit and start elsewhere?

I say stay on the job and be a thorn in their sides!

And to you, FLYHIGH:

You said you never worked for AA!

Enough said!
Too old...??? Based on what? If that were the case the entire city of Kansas City would be teaming with old people walking the streets with nothing to do given the layoffs the old TW base incurred. In reality, however, everyone I met who was laid off from AA is as happy or happier than they were at the airlines. Did it take some adjusting, sure. Was it easy, no. Was it what they planned, no!!! But circumstances necessitated change. That's a weak excuse for lazy.

As for not having worked for AA...what's your point. I'm quite familiar with the company. Competed against them, been around them my entire life, know a lot of people working there. If you think AA is a bad place to work, you ain't seen nothin'!

There's no doubt it sucks to lose pay...I know, been there. To act like mechanics don't still make decent money and that the job is akin to working in some slave labor camp is silly. To act as if there is no other choice is communist. This isn't a planned ecoonomy where you have no choice and are told you are going to be an airplane mechanic and that's it. It's a tremendously talented set of skills you have in that arena. Use them to do something else. Does that mean having two jobs for a while...maybe. Join the American dream...we're all doing it. I grew up in an AA mechanic home...don't remember a time he wasn't working two jobs. Always kept his skills in other areas up. Never assumed the gravy train was a non-stop to the grave. That would be like believing the housing boom of the 80's would never stop or the tech boom in the 90's would go on and on forever. All good things have downfalls...it's called reality. The sooner you realize that the sooner you're prepared for the next cycle...
Wake up!
Do you really expect a 55 or 60 year old to quit after 30+ years?

You seem to miss the entire point of why AA employees think this place sux. They tell you we all share in the sacrifice..Management at all levels did not take the same cuts we mechanics did!

With EVERY aspect of concessions rammed down our throats considered, the mechanic lost about $20,000 a year.

Show me one supervisor or manager that took that hit.

And you think that ANY airline employee should have to work TWO jobs? Is that the reality you speak of?

Face it, the airlines got what they long wanted and they used 9/11 as the excuse. THEY BROKE THE BACK OF EVERY AIRLINE WORKER AND STILL CONSTANLY THREATEN US WITH MORE PAIN TO FOLLOW!

The reality is CORPORATE GREED!

Have you not seen the CEO's of UAL, NWA, DAL AND USAIR ask a bankruptcy judge to tear up all labor contracts and the next day go in and ask for "SPECIAL" compensation packages to keep the key executives?

That's the reality! And you are correct, flyhigh! Working two jobs is the norm for most now, because of corporate greed! Do you see any mangers working two jobs?

I suppose that you may be a management sympathizer who believes your worth is more than that of the hourly worker.
...from the mechanics I know and the one I'm related to, mechanics at AA took about a 25-30% hit (25% is what I hear, but I'll bump it 5). I don't know anyone in managment who didn't take as much as that. Was it $20k? Maybe not in all cases because mgmt isn't paid what a lot of the mechanics are and even fewer are paid what pilots make.

It's not a matter of being a "management sympathizer" but more a realist. I think it's horrible that EVERYONE has lost money and livlihoods in the business. It's a great business but has lost it's luster. Is it any different from any other business? Not really. Instead of trying to lift world standards like this country used to, we're trying to get as close to Chinesse standards as possible. Why? Because we invest our 401(k) money in companies that do that. It isn't corporate greed, it's American greed. It's buying gas gussling SUV's to drive on flat road that get plowed immediately when it does snow because we can even though a fuel efficient mini-van would do just as well. It just doesn't look as cool.

In case you weren't aware, airline pay sucks and always has the higher you go (when compared to similar jobs across industries). It's the only industry I know where a person on the bottom rung (pilots especially) make more than people halfway up the ladder. Do I think mechanics should make more...sure, but only if the business can afford it. Right now...there's no way American can afford it...
...from the mechanics I know and the one I'm related to, mechanics at AA took about a 25-30% hit (25% is what I hear, but I'll bump it 5). I don't know anyone in managment who didn't take as much as that. Was it $20k? Maybe not in all cases because mgmt isn't paid what a lot of the mechanics are and even fewer are paid what pilots make.

It's not a matter of being a "management sympathizer" but more a realist. I think it's horrible that EVERYONE has lost money and livlihoods in the business. It's a great business but has lost it's luster. Is it any different from any other business? Not really. Instead of trying to lift world standards like this country used to, we're trying to get as close to Chinesse standards as possible. Why? Because we invest our 401(k) money in companies that do that. It isn't corporate greed, it's American greed. It's buying gas gussling SUV's to drive on flat road that get plowed immediately when it does snow because we can even though a fuel efficient mini-van would do just as well. It just doesn't look as cool.

In case you weren't aware, airline pay sucks and always has the higher you go (when compared to similar jobs across industries). It's the only industry I know where a person on the bottom rung (pilots especially) make more than people halfway up the ladder. Do I think mechanics should make more...sure, but only if the business can afford it. Right now...there's no way American can afford it...
Wake up!
Do you really expect a 55 or 60 year old to quit after 30+ years?

You seem to miss the entire point of why AA employees think this place sux. They tell you we all share in the sacrifice..Management at all levels did not take the same cuts we mechanics did!

With EVERY aspect of concessions rammed down our throats considered, the mechanic lost about $20,000 a year.

Show me one supervisor or manager that took that hit.

And you think that ANY airline employee should have to work TWO jobs? Is that the reality you speak of?

Face it, the airlines got what they long wanted and they used 9/11 as the excuse. THEY BROKE THE BACK OF EVERY AIRLINE WORKER AND STILL CONSTANLY THREATEN US WITH MORE PAIN TO FOLLOW!

The reality is CORPORATE GREED!

Have you not seen the CEO's of UAL, NWA, DAL AND USAIR ask a bankruptcy judge to tear up all labor contracts and the next day go in and ask for "SPECIAL" compensation packages to keep the key executives?

That's the reality! And you are correct, flyhigh! Working two jobs is the norm for most now, because of corporate greed! Do you see any mangers working two jobs?

I suppose that you may be a management sympathizer who believes your worth is more than that of the hourly worker.

You are worth what you are paid. Some are paid more because they have more specialized skills, some less because they lack skills that are in demand.

You chose to enter a profession that pays based on seniority, others didn't so they can "start over". You benefited from that seniority system for a long time, live with it. Funny, the seniority system is what allows management to have so much power over the unionized worker yet, unions defend it without question. Interesting.
How aa could fly paying passengers in on this peace of trash I'll never know! Aircraft #320, an aa 767 came in for a "C" check, and now the big boys have let a small problem turn into a big one!

You must be talking about the creatures with the long skinny tails! Then ones that like to munch on the netting in the baggage compartments. This is not the only a/c with the problem.
You are worth what you are paid. Some are paid more because they have more specialized skills, some less because they lack skills that are in demand.

You chose to enter a profession that pays based on seniority, others didn't so they can "start over". You benefited from that seniority system for a long time, live with it. Funny, the seniority system is what allows management to have so much power over the unionized worker yet, unions defend it without question. Interesting.

Tell me, O Great One Flyer!

I have 31 years experieince as an aircraft mechanic!

What do you think I'm worth?

I bet you'll say "what the market rate is"

Let me tell you about these CEO's and other overpaid greedy execuitves:



You see, O great ONEFLYER, the average working person doesn't have the luxury of having his/her compensation determined by a peer unlike the fat cats.
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='377797' date='May 4 2006, 11:07 PM']You must be talking about the creatures with the long skinny tails! Then ones that like to munch on the netting in the baggage compartments. This is not the only a/c with the problem.[/quote]

If you are talking rats, they are probably laboratory rats that got out of a shipping container. I have found several who met their end chewing through an electric wire. Too bad, as they are nice little critters. Bred for easy handling. But they are destructive.
I find it interesting that managemnet was in charge of the Miami North Terminal expansion (that they mis-managed costing AA $10 million to have Miami-Dade take over)yet they have no problem accepting bonuses for their great management skills. The $10 million should have been taken out of the bonuses.
I find it interesting that managemnet was in charge of the Miami North Terminal expansion (that they mis-managed costing AA $10 million to have Miami-Dade take over)yet they have no problem accepting bonuses for their great management skills. The $10 million should have been taken out of the bonuses.

It's a lot worse than that; AA agreed to pay MIA $105 million over the next 10 years to get out of its contract management role:


I think that AA took a writeoff of about $75 - $80 million (present value of the payments) late last year for this expense.
Good post. Too bad this is the general attitude I see among many co-workers. Mechanics who once literally ran out to an aircraft to get an on time departure no longer do so. No one does any more than they have to.
The company's response to the moral problem is the AIP $25 payout that we should jump for joy when it comes. Their attitude is that be happy to have a job,,be happy we are not bankrupt and if you are so unhappy here,,you have the option to quit.

"You're lucky to have a job,BROTHER"!
[quote name='Nor'Easta' post='377797' date='May 4 2006, 11:07 PM']You must be talking about the creatures with the long skinny tails! Then ones that like to munch on the netting in the baggage compartments. This is not the only a/c with the problem.[/quote] <_< ----- Problem is,these were munching on more than "netting in cargo compartments"! And there more than just a few of them!And who due you think has to clean up this mess? I'm a AMT, not an exterminator! :rant:

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