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There Goes Todays Pay (Down the Toilet)

Hours in day = 24
Hours worked at US = 5
Time to sleep =8
Time to work somewhere else = 11 Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seems to me you are waiting on Corporate America to take care of you, rather than taking the time to take care of yourself!!!!!

If your going to use math to defend your stance then add it up correctly.
Hours in a day =24
Hours worked 8.5 (unpaid lunch) or 5.5 (unpaid lunch)
Travel time to and from work = 30 to 60 minutes
Time to prepare for sleep or work (shower, etc...) = 15 to 30 minutes
Actual sleep (if average) = 8 hours
Time to fall asleep (average) = 15 to 30 minutes
Time left over to work another job after eating the other 2 meals needed for
a day and seeing your family and attending any functions that require you to
be there , God forbid a funeral or God bless a birth = 5.5 hrs. for a F/T or 8.5
for a P/T.

Good Luck, I believe anyone working for a company making record
profits and returning to profitability off the backs of the concessions
given and or forceably taken from them, should pay that employee a
wage that provides that employee with the opportunity to make a fair
or decent living based on a 40hr. work week.
That use to be and has been lost especially in the last 7-8 years.

''Goldenram'' you post like a Mgr. or Union official, your answer of 11hrs. !!!!
is not an answer but a post of someone who seems out of touch with the workers.

Really out of touch. If everyone followed your way of thought they'd leave and
let the company fail. Some wish to stay and fix matters that seem to need fixing.

''The Times They Are A Changin' ''

Middle class is the socioeconomic class betweenn the working class and the upper class. BUT, unless a democrat is voted into office there will be a total phase out of what is left to the middle class.
No matter how you do the daily math, the OP worked 5 hours in TWO WEEKS, not one day. So both of you have bad math.
This the classic lawyer straw man which his moron juries bought into. He never was able to prove that the "nonintervention" was the actual cause of the disability, or that an "intervention" would have prevented such. In fact, thanks to him and a few other sleazebags, Caesarians skyrocketed with no appreciable benefit. Cerebral palsy cases did not decline.

If you didn't limit your information input to union magazines, you might find out that Europe and Canada have far lower Caesarean rates than the US, and not because they are less concerned about their newborns. They actually have no higher rate of palsy cases. The difference is that their legal systems are not friendly to the kind of out of control lawsuits and "awards" that are plaguing this country. You might also note that they have no shortage of OB/GYNs, unlike many parts of this country, including John Edward's home state. Just how is that contributing to the well being of children?

I would again point out that the Edwards of this world would have a field day if the public were able to sue aircraft mechanics for malpractice. It wouldn't exactly be difficult to convince a jury of nitwits that the mechanical delay on their flight could have been prevented. No doubt the ruined vacations and business meetings caused by such malfeasance would entitle the plaintiffs to substantial damages. It's vitally important, don't forget, to send a message to the negligent.

I'd love to see your response to such a scenario, because you'd be the first one wetting your pants about the unfairness of it all. Don't lose any sleep, though, over the dedicated doctors who have been ruined by John Edwards.

Juries, moron or otherwise.

You got a better way to do it?

I would lose sleep if even one doctor had been unfairly ruined by anyone. Having been on several juries involving such, I can say I don't lose much sleep. I am certain you can dig up one, probably not involving John Edwards, but to the red meat eaters, it will do.

About your scenario, a "nitwit jury" would be ruling on some law and not "malfeasance", per se. I seriously doubt any trial involving a "late flight" would ever make it past the "laughing out of court" stage, at least in the courts I am familiar with, your mileage may vary.

But, hey, scaring the citizens worked for at least one political party. It may work for you too.
Middle class is the socioeconomic class betweenn the working class and the upper class.
Sorry, I am still not sure what that means in terms of $.

Again, can anyone here give a salary range as to what constitutes "middle class"?

"Working class" goes up to what maximum salary? "Upper class" starts at what mimimum salary?

Some people have principles. Some people never believed that need was a claim, regardless of how much others earned, and thus, the appeal of so-called "social justice", "living wage", or other egalitarian bromides never was that appealing.

By the way, Edwards, along with the other Democratic front runners are a sad collection of empty suits lacking an understanding in-breathe and in-depth of the issues facing this nation while pandering to various interest groups. Edwards nearly had to run for President in 2004 since he was unelectable in his own state after six years in the US Senate, and it showed when he was running as VP and failed to win North Carolina and it wasn't even that close.

So postulates Jester.
Isn't a "Jester" also called a "fool" or "clown?

Just askin.....
No matter how you do the daily math, the OP worked 5 hours in TWO WEEKS, not one day. So both of you have bad math.

Read the post before you add things to it that are not posted. No Where does he mention
''TWO WEEKS''. He is telling us he has been part time since 9-11 and what he is making on
any given workday. The poster states' that he is venting.

My reply was to the math of a 24 hour day, that was not inclusive of everyday daily duties
and the fact our work day is 8.5hrs for a F/T agent.

Thats' how that adds up ?

bob 😱ff: :stupid:
Lets say we net 120.00 per day on a 8.5 hours shift.
Total- 120.00
haircut 20.00
gas 50.00
Wow, and don't forget we need to eat. This is for 1 person. Now if we have a wife and three kids you can just forget about the gas. Alot of us running around with long hair!
Some people have principles. Some people never believed that need was a claim, regardless of how much others earned, and thus, the appeal of so-called "social justice", "living wage", or other egalitarian bromides never was that appealing.

By the way, Edwards, along with the other Democratic front runners are a sad collection of empty suits lacking an understanding in-breathe and in-depth of the issues facing this nation while pandering to various interest groups. Edwards nearly had to run for President in 2004 since he was unelectable in his own state after six years in the US Senate, and it showed when he was running as VP and failed to win North Carolina and it wasn't even that close.

So postulates Jester.

Republicans seem to like Edwards. Business Week

Relevant? Q & A.

You were a trial lawyer representing injured people and making millions on Big Business. Some say this country is way too litigious, and that's one of the reasons it's not as competitive as it once was. Is America too litigious?

The first thing I would point out is that I was a small-business owner and ran a small business. Helped run a small business in the beginning, and then ran my own small business for two decades. So I actually know a lot of the issues that businesses are faced with as a result of my own personal experience. What I believe is that the jury system represents democracy in action. Are there things that can be done to create improvement? Yes, there are. For example, I've proposed that in the case of medical malpractice, we put more responsibility on the attorneys who are considering filing cases, requiring them to have independent experts determine whether the case is meritorious or not, and then require the lawyers to certify that the case is meritorious before filing it. And I would hold the lawyers, not the individuals, responsible financially, so that we don't get cases into the legal system that don't belong there and clog up the system.
Work a 5 hr shift at $18 an hr. I earned 90 bucks today before taxes and deductions, for medical, union dues, social security, federal, state,life insurance, dental, etc. After all deductions, I make a grand total of $62.40 a day net pay. Today I filled my gas tank, and got a haircut. It totaled $65.00. So for today, I'm still in the hole.

The OP mentioned full paycheck expenses, and only 5 hours of pay. One must conclude that there are no other money factors. I don't pay my dues or isnurance daily, I do that bi weekly. I don't need gas daily, and if you do, you need a new car. I don't get a haircut daily. But only one 5 hour shift is mentioned. Since nothing else is daily, the 5 hours can't be either.
The OP mentioned full paycheck expenses, and only 5 hours of pay. One must conclude that there are no other money factors. I don't pay my dues or isnurance daily, I do that bi weekly. I don't need gas daily, and if you do, you need a new car. I don't get a haircut daily. But only one 5 hour shift is mentioned. Since nothing else is daily, the 5 hours can't be either.

So your post of ''TWO WEEKS'' is incorrect...........so add what justifies your
thought process. Now post something else contradicting the posters thoughts.
You obviously have the company's interest first while the poster seeks to better
his own interest while pointing out the lack of motivation provided by his employer.
He isn't crying but venting and you don't feel he had or has this right. Move on if you
don't agree but I commend him for at the least for stating his thoughts on his topic and
he had asked,

''I'm not looking for sympathy, or any ADVICE, from all the KNOW-IT-ALLS, who post here.''

but you choose to ignore this and berate him for speaking up, shame.

bob :down:
Sharktooth! I'm with you. Lawyers need to represent their clients without help of any other party. A really good lawyer represents themselves. So, I add John Edwards has a reputation. If he's successful he will also have the parties that hate him because of it. He represents beating the system and everyone hates being beaten. If it is for the victim and not corporate, I Say YES! We need the smartest and family person to beat the ODDS!
So your post of ''TWO WEEKS'' is incorrect

How so? I still havne't seen the OP agree with or dispute either position. Since the OP chose to use a full paychecks deductions, I'm going to make what I believe to be a logical conclusion that it's a full paychecks wages as well.

Now post something else contradicting the posters thoughts.
You obviously have the company's interest first while the poster seeks to better
his own interest while pointing out the lack of motivation provided by his employer.

OK, that's funny. I didn't get $7800 in income last year that I would have were I on the Fleet East agreement. I want my money too. Furthermore, I have seen a continuing lack of any moral or ethical grounding amoungst most of the management in my station. Further, it bugs the hell out of me that PArker makes around 5 million a year while I make under 30K. Be that as it may, when you gripe, make it accurate. Hell, if I wanted I could show how I'm losing like $1000 by picking up a 4 hour shift. But that's not accurate. I spend about $50 a week in gas. But I work over 40 hours a week, so it's so inaccuare to say 5 hours doesn't pay for that tank of gas that it's actually a lie IMO.

He isn't crying but venting and you don't feel he had or has this right. Move on if you
don't agree but I commend him for at the least for stating his thoughts on his topic and
he had asked,

''I'm not looking for sympathy, or any ADVICE, from all the KNOW-IT-ALLS, who post here.''

but you choose to ignore this and berate him for speaking up, shame.

bob :down:

Wow, so one in entitled to gripe in a public forum on the internet, do so without providing complete and accurate information, and is then immune from comments about it? And let's take it a step further. OK, the OP is right. S/He is losing money working here after 30 years. Then I ask this. Why spend time posting here? That time could be well spent looking for a second, or another, job that pays better. Yes, we all get paid less then we think we should. But if it was that much of a problem, you shouldn't be wortking here. If you actually keep workign at a place that can't support you and your family, and don't look for other jobs that will, you deserve exactly what you get. Low wages or not, we all work here AT WILL.

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