700, your source please?
From the website "Unionfreeamerica.com"
Jobs with the railways and airlines are covered by the Railway Labor Act. The folks who wrote the Railway Labor Act couldn't imagine not having unions so the only way to get rid of a union under that law is to replace it with another. If you work for an railroad or airline and you want to be Union Free about the only thing you can do is write to your representatives in Congress and ask them to change the law. Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
From the National Right to Work website:
Decertification under the Railway Labor Act
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Under the Railway Labor Act, railway and airline employees have the right to oust a union as their exclusive bargaining agent if a majority of the employees in a bargaining unit sign cards authorizing an employee in that bargaining unit to serve as their representative, and that employee files an application for “Investigation of Representational Dispute†with the National Mediation Board (NMB). The NMB would then hold an election between the union and the independent representative. Detailed information about the NMB’s representation procedures can be found on its web site. The case that established the right of railway and airline employees to opt for non-representation is Russell v. NMB, 714 F.2d 1332 (5th Cir. 1983), in which a Foundation attorney represented the employees who wanted no representation. Unfortunately, you will not find any reference to this decision on the NMB’s web site, but the procedures described on that web site do apply to a “decertification†election under Russell. If you would like a copy of the Russell decision, please let us know (include your postal address), and we will mail it to you. Also, if you want legal advice in pursuing “decertification†under Russell, please notify us and your request for assistance will be referred to a Staff Attorney.
Of course the unions have tried to keep the Russell decision out of the knowledge of workers, including campaigns to remove any information regarding Russell from the workplace. And woe be to that individual that represents decertification, the union goons would make his life a living hell, using union goon tactics that were so in vogue among the thugs of yesteryear. Yeah, I want the mafia to know who I am, and where I live! :blink:
Face it, the Airline unions are living in the past, the waaaay past of when railroads meant something.
The world has changed, no one holds a gun to your head and makes you work for an airline, and the customer doesn't give a rats ass about your troubles.