700UW said:
If they want to change the economics, then the airlines need to charge more for the tickets when fuel goes up.
Oh that is rich, I suppose you never got out the old ASU Guide to find the cheapest hotel for when you non-rev somewhere nice?
What part of the free market don't you get?
The consumer is right, they want the best price, they want competition, they are what decides whether a company makes money or not. The union doesn't, the union just wants to have its members make as much money as possible, so they get their cut.
Piss off the customer, and kiss your jobs goodbye, doesn't matter what kind of management you have or how great your contract is, no one is just gonna give you money to operate (except for the federal government, and that spigot is CLOSED!)
And under the Railway Labor act (designed to protect this nation from the lack of rail service 70 years ago) airline employees are in it too. Want to decertify and not have a union at US? No chance, just a replacement union.
I'm so glad you all are protected by archaic regulations favoring the union.
It ain't 1974, you have real competition, and there are people who will do your jobs for less, get over it, get a better job, or just keep working in the industry and shut the hell up, the customer doesn't care, you are just a product, easily replaced at the customer's whim.