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The View From The Passenger's Seat.

us0004us said:
a piece of luggage is just a bag that a customer

has paid money so that they may arrive at a destination

at the same moment..on the same aircraft..

safe and without harm

The mindset of the current airline passenger is to try to fly for free.They are now reaping what they have sown which is cheap airfares with cheap service to go with it.They are just getting what they are willing to pay for.
At the current rate of ticket price reductions pretty soon the passengers will have to load their own luggage because they airline will not be able to afford baggage handlers.
It is the Wal-Marting of America, get use to it folks, outsourcing is here to stay.

They need to listen to Henry Ford, yes Henry Ford who was not labor friendly.

"I have to pay my workers enough so they can live and buy the cars they build."
700UW said:
And least our group does not have a god complex.

And when I am at work I give it my all to help turn the airplane as quickly as possible.

How many times have you refused to take an airplane when the autopilot is on MEL.

Don't you get paid to fly the plane, not a computer?

The MEL for the Airbus requires both autopilots for dispatch.
goingboeing said:
The mindset of the current airline passenger is to try to fly for free.They are now reaping what they have sown which is cheap airfares with cheap service to go with it.They are just getting what they are willing to pay for.
At the current rate of ticket price reductions pretty soon the passengers will have to load their own luggage because they airline will not be able to afford baggage handlers.

Bad customer, bad customer.

You are right on with some of your ideas. I don't (wouldn't) work for USAirways.
I am however a union member but I am not a communist. There is plenty enough blame to spread around. The bottom line is that USAirways business model has failed as have many others. Unions should not bear all of the blame but need to set an example for others to follow as should management. Unfortunately, management and labor are both too busy pointing their fingers at each other in a blame game while the ship is rapidly sinking. This one will go down in history as a perfect example of poor leadership with no real management skills. You have my sympathy. I do not work for Airtran but will be investing in it heavily in the near future.
this whole situation is a sad sad one...considering ther are soooo many U employees that are or have been collecting unemployment that would have been more than happy to have their jobs back. I bet these people would have came in and worked no questions asked on x-mas eve, and on x-mas. look at mid atlantic i do not think that any cancellations were due to employee call offs.
noluv said:
this whole situation is a sad sad one...considering ther are soooo many U employees that are or have been collecting unemployment that would have been more than happy to have their jobs back. I bet these people would have came in and worked no questions asked on x-mas eve, and on x-mas. look at mid atlantic i do not think that any cancellations were due to employee call offs.
Boy are you out of touch sweet heart!

The ones unemployed are glad they are done with U and it's grief. FACT!
deano -

believe it or not there are still people out there who do work for 50% less than they were making at mainline. why you ask????? because they actually love what they do. it is not that they cannot find other jobs making more. you probably would find that hard to understand considering you obviously have no pride in yourself. it seems by what you said that all you care about is $$$$ and f--- everyone and anyone else. would you like it if this situation happened to someone in your family??? i think you would be the first one on the horn contacting the local news.
justanadd said:
Another waste of taxpayer dollars, what is there to investigate we all know what happened
Mineta is an ABSOLUTE waste of tax dollars.
noluv said:
deano -

believe it or not there are still people out there who do work for 50% less than they were making at mainline. why you ask????? because they actually love what they do. it is not that they cannot find other jobs making more. you probably would find that hard to understand considering you obviously have no pride in yourself. it seems by what you said that all you care about is $$$$ and f--- everyone and anyone else. would you like it if this situation happened to someone in your family??? i think you would be the first one on the horn contacting the local news.
You don't know me in any form and are so far off base you are making yourself look the fool you obviously are.

FACT: People that are away from U are doing better, MENTALLITY and in many cases financially as well. How do I know, I KNOW and really don't give two whits whether you believe it or not.

So put that is you righteous pipe and shove it deep where the sun doesn't shine.
This letter to the editor (Charlotte Observer, 29Dec2004) is worth repeating....

Decline of unions costs even nonmembers

In response to "Sick-out demonstrates irrelevance of unions" (Dec. 28):As homeowners, we're always pleased when surrounding properties sell for a higher price, as it increases the value of our own. Yet we don't apply the same logic when workers command higher wages and benefits. We need not be union members to reap the benefits of a unionized country.

The decline of the labor movement in America, making the fear of unions a distant memory, affects even nonunionized sectors. Top executives have installed a revolving door of personal greed, bonuses are paid without regard to profits, pensions are abolished and work is outsourced at an alarming rate.

Bob Bair thinks unions have "run their course" and the blue collar worker is no longer exploited. I ask you, Mr. Bair, what will it take for you to feel exploited?
NYPD said:
This letter to the editor (Charlotte Observer, 29Dec2004) is worth repeating....

Decline of unions costs even nonmembers

Bob Bair thinks unions have "run their course" and the blue collar worker is no longer exploited.

That's is like the snake saying to Eve, trust me.

He is the same snake he was then as he is now except his lie comes in a different package so fools will believe him, right Mr. Bair?
Passenger, your input is wasted on the pissed off union goons on this site. You see, they could care less about you, they just want to whine and have the airline industry be like it was in the 70's when they had no need to be innovative, competitive, and customer focused.

Fear not, the few drops of poision that the pissed off employees have put in the pot is quite strong, it will kill US and for a few months, and at least they will have a smug feeling that they "showed them!"

Next time you see them, they will be showing you light fixtures at Home Depot.
(as non union employees)

Oh, by the way, for all the pissed off US employees, the customers are responsible for your paycheck, your house, your security and all that, treat the customer like crap, and the customer goes to another airline that gives a damn, and US goes chapter 7. Which, after reading the tripe here, it should go, the sooner the better.
700UW said:
If they want to change the economics, then the airlines need to charge more for the tickets when fuel goes up.

Oh that is rich, I suppose you never got out the old ASU Guide to find the cheapest hotel for when you non-rev somewhere nice?

What part of the free market don't you get?

The consumer is right, they want the best price, they want competition, they are what decides whether a company makes money or not. The union doesn't, the union just wants to have its members make as much money as possible, so they get their cut.

Piss off the customer, and kiss your jobs goodbye, doesn't matter what kind of management you have or how great your contract is, no one is just gonna give you money to operate (except for the federal government, and that spigot is CLOSED!)

And under the Railway Labor act (designed to protect this nation from the lack of rail service 70 years ago) airline employees are in it too. Want to decertify and not have a union at US? No chance, just a replacement union.

I'm so glad you all are protected by archaic regulations favoring the union.

It ain't 1974, you have real competition, and there are people who will do your jobs for less, get over it, get a better job, or just keep working in the industry and shut the hell up, the customer doesn't care, you are just a product, easily replaced at the customer's whim.
You can decertify under the RLA, check again.

And airline models are a failure, they do not sell the product for what it costs.

Fuel has doubled, ticket prices have dropped, simple math tells you it is a recipe for financial meltdown.

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