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If you were a cosulant....

I ride other airlines a lot, and the biggest difference between US (and pretty much every other airline for that matter) and Southwest is that Southwest seems to understand their product - that what they're really selling is TIME. Not a frequent flyer program, not a seat, not an aircraft type, not an airport, but time. The difference in emphasis on an ontime operation is stark. They may not always shine in the stats every month, but the effort is clearly there in just about every facet of the operation. Probably in large part because of a well paid work force that has not had to endure serial downsizing and concessions.

Pacemaker, this is one of the best posts I've seen here in a long long time. (Not to say the others in this thread aren't good.) You hit the concept head on. For the business folks like Art and Piney, TIME is their most important commodity... get me there safe and ON TIME (assuming no "beyond our control" issues).

Tempe, on the other hand, has their heads so far up their rectums that they can't see the real issue(s) here. WN has never had that problem... nor has Midwest for that matter.
For an airline which is obsessed with being "cost neutral," they sure are missing the boat by giving up the best free consulting advice available. It's really quite simple: Get over your egos.
Listen to your customers. Listen to your employees. And for goodness sake, stop managing by spreadsheet!
Your suggestions HIT IT ON THE HEAD. The only other suggestion I would make would be to invite ALL of the Dopes Up to The Rooftop on the Rio Salado (the view is probably stunning) and tell them JUMP! They are hopeless, the airline isn't......it just NEEDS MANAGEMENT.
Your suggestions HIT IT ON THE HEAD. The only other suggestion I would make would be to invite ALL of the Dopes Up to The Rooftop on the Rio Salado (the view is probably stunning) and tell them JUMP! They are hopeless, the airline isn't......it just NEEDS MANAGEMENT.

My only other suggestion would be to hire Art as US's CEO. In my business, we often look first to the customer side when we recruit, because we know the customer understands......our customers!!! And customers usually have relationships with the employees, so there is a built-in trust factor - something US has been badly lacking for a very long time.

All together now: Art for CEO!!!
I'll bet these consultants never took on a project that was a continual headache, source of indigestion and a " WHERE DO WE EVEN BEGIN" approach. Hopefully WE will get an formal assessment that HASN'T been tampered by The Spindoctors. (The analysis reportedly winds up at the end of August).
The consultants need to tell marketing to give back the east routes to the east crews and planes and same with the west. The west can't keep supporting those horrible routes crew and plane wise with a PHX base.
give back all the money you stole from the employees. happy employees can make even the poorest of business models work
I still think THEY need to Jump. :up:
I'm still sticking with the notion they NEED TO JUMP! Then again, maybe if we can lure them Up to the Rooftop to check out our Rickshaws :lol: I would be tempted to toss a few of Them from their perch HEAD FIRST, and hopefully landing on their Sorry Arsces. PATHETIC!