The Social Security Lie

Well dell, you'll get NO arguement from me, as to SS needing to make adjustments as we/it goes forward.
Yup, people ARE living longer. Eligibility levels will need to be Raised.
I have no problem with.....'southwind....having to Work Longer, and PAY MORE into SS and not be able to draw it until (say) '70'.

At 67 1/2, .....still working, ......drawing 100% SS, ....paying ZERO SS taxes,... very healthy,.... NEVER smoked a day in my life,..... MOM is 88 and healthy as a horse,..... and me really planning on seeing " 90 ",.... Social Security is the 'Best Game in Town ' !!

Stay Healthy... ' southwind .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) : )

God may have blessed you with good health, genetics and attitude Bears, but a long life is never guaranteed. I knew a guy who , at one point or another, has said the same thing you did only to be killed in a car wreck the morning after his retirement party. He went to get the morning paper for breakfast. You want to hear the ironic part? His wife collected on his ss and hooked up with with an old flame who also was on ss. Never remarried because the money was good.
God may have blessed you with good health, genetics and attitude Bears, but a long life is never guaranteed. I knew a guy who , at one point or another, has said the same thing you did only to be killed in a car wreck the morning after his retirement party. He went to get the morning paper for breakfast. You want to hear the ironic part? His wife collected on his ss and hooked up with with an old flame who also was on ss. Never remarried because the money was good.

You are Sooooo right, and believe it or not,.........I Don't take Anything for granted. (though my 'compositions would at times leave people not so sure) !
You've got a Point ' Dog.
No matter which way the poor Bas-tard turns, he loses.
Whether it's the election, the fiscal-cliff, having to PAY SS taxes, the up-coming 'Debt Ceiling' (his 'boys will CAVE-IN on that too)..having to work until he's '70', the 2014 elections,..the 2016 elections,......I mean..lets face it. 'Our Boy" can't catch a F'n break !

Oh well.
Consider yourself lucky, that us "REDNECKS" are around, to take care of you old geezers !
Consider yourself lucky, that us "REDNECKS" are around, to take care of you old geezers !

Listen...Peckerhead,..You'll NEVER get an argument from ME, about what you just posted.

WHY don't WE..relate to one another(along the topic line) This.

YOU,.......get up 5 mornings a week, go to WORK, break your BALLS, and PAY the SS taxes faithfully,......Sooooo, YOUR MONEY...goes to ME...Every Month, like 'clock work' !

Sound Good ?
IT WORKS FOR ME !!!!!!!!!!!!

Take good care (health) of yourself. I don't want you TO MISS ANY W O R K !!! : ) : )