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China Benefits From North Korea’s Crazy Blustering

.....But yeah, at least he is not HRC. Suckers.

"The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.....At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family."


"The enormous blast instantly destroyed most of the city and claimed some 45,000 lives; another 19,000 people are estimated to have died from radiation exposure or other direct effects within four months."...."On the ground, however, the scene was more horrific than spectacular. "In the following waves [after the initial blast] people’s bodies were terribly squeezed, then their internal organs ruptured," wrote a journalist with LIFE magazine. "Then the blast blew the broken bodies at 500 to 1,000 miles per hour through the flaming, rubble-filled air. Practically everybody within a radius of 6,500 feet was killed or seriously injured and all buildings crushed or disemboweled."

Still feeling some strange need to give Hillary a nurturing hug? I mean, after all; she's clearly on your side, has nothing but your best interests at heart and is so very deeply concerned with the safety of American citizens to boot....Right? 😉 Hint: You couldn't cough up enough cash for any of the Clinton clan to so much as ineptly pretend to give you a civil "Hello" or even the time of day, and your "caring" liberal politicians couldn't actually care less about you,or even so much as whether or not you wake up tomorrow morning..."Sucker"...No matter how poorly "educated" or badly begun; one needn't remain a "Useful Idiot" for one's whole life....Just sayin'...
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War on the Korean Peninsula is near. Trump needs this to feed his strongman stigma and to take the heat of Russia investigation/collusion off him.

I predict a US strike on missle launch site within the next 60 days. How China reacts will be key. Trump is meeting with them and setting the stage.

Holy ****, Glenn. Get a grip. Russian investigation? No US nukes fired until after the 2011 depression.

How about dealing with a totally failed foreign policy directly attributable to the last 8 years and two previous presidents and a limp d**k congress before that?

Did you see the release from the Chinese Pravada news a week or so ago where China threatened to intervene before the US and take out his nuke capability with a nuclear attack? They said if they see any missiles being prepped for nuclear attack.....they will respond. China's economy can't deal with a war unless directly, attacked which isn't too likely. Notice Lil Kim's latest rocket crapped out 4 seconds after liftoff? Reports are implying US hacked them......I'd put my money on the Chi-Coms before that.

China was shocked beyond belief at the hit on Lil Kim's half Bro in Malaysia. Big time shocked. You see the article where we claimed to be training a SEAL group in Seoul to take out Lil Kim? I think that was for copy.....unless there's been some changes from the Church findings, wacking leaders is supposed to be a no no. I would put money on the Chi-Coms having agents within Lil Kim's hierarchy to take care of things if and when they got out of hand. I wouldn't be too surprised to see Lil Kim kicking the bucket real soon.

China refused coal shipments from NK a week or two ago......One of NK's bigger cash cows.....and instead bought it from the US. That says loads.

So US is moving 3 more carrier groups to the area now.
US does anything to NK, there will be a lot of dead in Seoul. It's China's game.

Trump: "I alone can fix this" ... "I know more than the generals" , so there's that.

He does, proved that in Syria and Afghanistan these past weeks. Trump made me proud to have as a CIC, giving the war making decisions to the people who do it for a living, instead of micro managing like other Presidents.
I agree with the failed NK foreign policy of the the last 16 years. Part of that could not be avoided with the boom of the China economy and Wal-Mart cheap crap that USA got addicted to.

As for the Russia investigation...I predict indictments will come to some very close to Trump within the next 6 months. It will be very ugly, Nixon times three.

It will be substantially larger than the 2011 depression 😉
I agree with the failed NK foreign policy of the the last 16 years. Part of that could not be avoided with the boom of the China economy and Wal-Mart cheap crap that USA got addicted to.

As for the Russia investigation...I predict indictments will come to some very close to Trump within the next 6 months. It will be very ugly, Nixon times three.

It will be substantially larger than the 2011 depression 😉

I doubt it seriously. You notice several of those rusky spies working with in the Trump transition team recently registered as foreign agents per DOJ guidance, Manafort in particular. Paige reported Ivan tried to recruit him.....I believe all have stated they are willing to testify.

I'll give you your 6 months but its going to be Obama's merry pranksters violating all kinds laws. Don't forget Adam Schiffs look on his face after Nunes showed him what he was privy to about the Trump campaign being spied upon....


Not to worry, Schiff gets rid of Nunes and gets Trey Gowdy in return.

Notice after Schiff saw the info, kinda took the wind out of the Dem campaign for Russian medlling.

Then Trump slapped his puppet master Putin upside the head with a bunch of Tomahawks.
we'll stand by and see if that proves as accurate as your election predictions were
War on the Korean Peninsula is near. Trump needs this to feed his strongman stigma and to take the heat of Russia investigation/collusion off him.

I predict a US strike on missle launch site within the next 60 days. How China reacts will be key. Trump is meeting with them and setting the stage.

Say Lil Kim hits the west coast......that takes care of the popular vote issue.
Say Lil Kim hits the west coast......that takes care of the popular vote issue.

Indeed. It'd be kinda' tough to even imagine what sort of "spin" the loving liberals could possibly put on that, even after "Slick WIllie" Clinton basically GAVE North Korea the bomb and his equally worthless whore Hillary handed Putin almost a quarter of America's uranium access for a few million bucks put into the Clinton piggy bank, but well...the clueless/mindless liberal novitiates are probably still too busy cheering on "Death-to-America!" Iran's nuclear weapons program funded by their messiah obama to much notice anything at the present time anyway...or much actually notice ANYTHING ever for that matter, unless/until it literally kills them. Actual sheep have far better sense.

I've forcibly come to believe that the whole "liberal thing" stems from a degree of both "school" indoctrination and wholesale ignorance of even the likes of basic physics...which is perhaps understandable, given that even basic physics knowledge would strike against the very heart of fantasies of unicorns forever frolicking under perpetual rainbows.

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I agree with the failed NK foreign policy of the the last 16 years. Part of that could not be avoided with the boom of the China economy and Wal-Mart cheap crap that USA got addicted to.

As for the Russia investigation...I predict indictments will come to some very close to Trump within the next 6 months. It will be very ugly, Nixon times three.

It will be substantially larger than the 2011 depression 😉

"Part of that could not be avoided.."? = Total, complete and utter BS. If you've even ANY possible excuse to offer for North Korea now having nuclear weapons, well, let's hear it?...?

What's your take on your traitor/messiah obama basically doing his best to not only fund but actually hand Iran nuclear weapons on a multi-billion dollar plate?

You may now scurry back to your nearest liberal "safe space" and suck on a crayon or two...or whatever it takes to make you "feel" better, I suppose...otherwise you just might have to ineptly attempt an understanding as to just WTF is actually going on in the world.

Umm...Do you actually have any sufficient "safe space" around and such an amazing abundance of utter ignorance that magically allows your continued fantasy that the above posted and following isn't of real concern? Do (even CAN) you even imagine for a moment that your beloved Clintons/Obama/etc have somehow magically prevented such weapons from eventually being used against the USA/you/etc?

"Loving" liberals routinely miss an essential and however tragic element of all of human history, perhaps because precious few "group hugs" and ANY concerns for "feelings" are involved? Clausewitz: "War is the extension of politics by other means". Simply because the current crop of utterly mindless/spineless liberals can't even begin to grasp that in NO way impedes our enemies fully understanding the concept.

Mr. Putin et al I've no worries about. As did the former Soviet Union; Putin fully understands that nuclear war would mean personal suicide as well...but you mindless "liberals" seem utterly clueless to the fact that the likes of North Korea and Iran's "Death to America!"...umm..."leadership" evidence no such actually sane concerns.....And it's YOUR Clintons/Obama sorts of treasonous swine that have actively enabled them. Most of you liberals would, in my very honest estimation, cringe, cower and piss yourselves if ever immediately and personally confronted with a life-or-death/right-here/right-now fight....and yet you're all apparently just perfectly fine with arming America's obvious enemies with the ability to kill/incinerate/render-to-atoms millions of your cowardly selves mere minutes after a launch....Words just fail me sometimes.

Sigh...If there were simply some way to render enemy ordnance only selectively deadly to mindless liberals instead of actually decent Americans... 😉

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