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I'll type slow Dell. We should never have been in Iraq. Bush sent us to Iraq to look for WMD's because we didn't want the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud. Casey Sheenan was killed in this hunt for the WMD's that threatened life in the US as we know it. This happened in April 2004. One month later, Bush is making light of the fact that we DIDN'T find these WMD's...looking behind curtains and under sofas because "they gotta be around here somewhere". He might as well have danced on the grave of every soldier who died "fighting for our freedoms" over there. Or did you think that was kind of funny?

Like I said....show me specifically where Bush made fun of people killed in Iraq....not some lame liberal BS one size fits all like in your liberal fashion you try to portray.

Bush looking under his couch after being lambasted more than he should....How did that directly make fun of one person killed in Iraq?

Quit changing the response......
My God Dell...If I said I supported the troops but not the war, your side called me terrorist supporting troop haters because you couldn't support the troops without supporting the mission. They were all interconnected. I wonder if Johnson had made jokes about the "ghost images" in the Gulf of Tonkin if it would have been some knee slapping fun.

Bush sent troops in harms way because he said that Iraq possessed weapons that were a threat to the US. Why....we knew EXACTLY where to find them. Only we didn't find them. And American soldiers died. And he made fun of that. And by doing that (because they are all interconnected), he made fun of the deaths of a thousand Americans. If I can't support the troops without supporting the mission, he can't make fun of the reason for being there without making fun of all those who have died in vain.
My God Dell...If I said I supported the troops but not the war, your side called me terrorist supporting troop haters because you couldn't support the troops without supporting the mission. They were all interconnected. I wonder if Johnson had made jokes about the "ghost images" in the Gulf of Tonkin if it would have been some knee slapping fun.

Bush sent troops in harms way because he said that Iraq possessed weapons that were a threat to the US. Why....we knew EXACTLY where to find them. Only we didn't find them. And American soldiers died. And he made fun of that. And by doing that (because they are all interconnected), he made fun of the deaths of a thousand Americans. If I can't support the troops without supporting the mission, he can't make fun of the reason for being there without making fun of all those who have died in vain.

You have evidence of the exact locations of Iraqi WMD's?

Bush alone did not sign off on the WMD party....If I remember, a whole bunch of lefties were convinced beyond a shadow of doubt......Am I wrong?
Oh...the old "Bill Clinton believed he had them too". And you know something? He DID have them - Don Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam after Reagan GAVE him the WMD's that he eventually used on his own people. But nobody seemed to want to invade without UN backing. Those liberal pantywaists.
Oh...the old "Bill Clinton believed he had them too". And you know something? He DID have them - Don Rumsfeld shook hands with Saddam after Reagan GAVE him the WMD's that he eventually used on his own people. But nobody seemed to want to invade without UN backing. Those liberal pantywaists.

KC, you are squirming.....give us some facts not liberal BS.
KC, you are squirming.....give us some facts not liberal BS.
They all but said they knew exactly where they were. We KNEW....because that was the justification for the war. You mean we would have invaded if we DIDN'T have a clue where they were. There's some maps from 1991 and 1992 that the CIA had....you don't think we would invade on old data would you?
They all but said they knew exactly where they were. We KNEW....because that was the justification for the war. You mean we would have invaded if we DIDN'T have a clue where they were. There's some maps from 1991 and 1992 that the CIA had....you don't think we would invade on old data would you?

All but said....LOL

Nice try.

We didn't invade on rumor alone, they went with the nod of how many other countries??? Of course, how silly of me,Bush lied to them.
rat....sorry, but when the commander in chief urged the enemy to attack the troops with his bring 'em on comments, he should have been impeached on the grounds of treason.

Joking about the reason that Cindy Sheehan's son was in Iraq - ONE MONTH after her son was killed there? Maybe not making fun of a dead person, but certainly poking some serious fun at the reason her son (and others) was killed. But the right did a fantastic job as painting her as a looney. How dare she question the president...she should just slap another yellow ribbon on the back of her SUV like the rest of the good patriots.

Can't tell you how many times your Annointed One should have been dealing with impeachment, but, if that happened, all the people pushing it would be........you ready.................hold your breath................RACISTS !
I think it is good we have this timely diatribe about Bush all the while China is backing up NK offshore, just licking their chops for a reason to take back Taiwan, and with a paper tiger, like Obama,, it won't be much of an issue.
KC, you are squirming.....give us some facts not liberal BS.

dell,.........excuse me for replying to a statement directed @ K C Flyer.

YOU started this topic off with a article from the..... " W A S H I N G T O N ...T I M E S ".
Thats the F'n Equivalent of my local........" M A N C H E S T E R...U N I O N...L E A D E R ", which was a 'favorite of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY years back.


YOU followed it up with a quote from " FAUX NEWS " !

Screaming Liberals / Howler Monkeys ?
S O R R Y ...BOYS, but the 'shoe doesn't FIT ' !

How EL-CHIMPO can LOOK in the Mirror every day, after all the deaths and PERMANENT Injuries caused by IRAQ, is beyond my comprehension. DIRTY DICK,.....sure..NO PROBLEM for that EVIL CSer.

HEY. You know what, I just had a thought. Maybe THATS why EL-CHIMPO has been laying-low since 2008' because that 'Challenged P-rick' actually DOES have a conscience.

Listen,.....all I can say is;

"LEAN FORWARD"...for.."4 MORE YEARS" : )


'southwindBAG,........"GET back in Your CAGE" !
All but said....LOL

Nice try.

We didn't invade on rumor alone, they went with the nod of how many other countries??? Of course, how silly of me,Bush lied to them.
Yes, we had teh backing of Ecuador and Ghana. How could I forget.
dell,.........excuse me for replying to a statement directed @ K C Flyer.

YOU started this topic off with a article from the..... " W A S H I N G T O N ...T I M E S ".
Thats the F'n Equivalent of my local........" M A N C H E S T E R...U N I O N...L E A D E R ", which was a 'favorite of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY years back.

Dude, Washington Times is Yin Yang Huffpo.....
You know what's really classy? Authorizing the execution of American citizens on US soil without due process of the law.

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