I'll type slow Dell. We should never have been in Iraq. Bush sent us to Iraq to look for WMD's because we didn't want the smoking gun to come in the form of a mushroom cloud. Casey Sheenan was killed in this hunt for the WMD's that threatened life in the US as we know it. This happened in April 2004. One month later, Bush is making light of the fact that we DIDN'T find these WMD's...looking behind curtains and under sofas because "they gotta be around here somewhere". He might as well have danced on the grave of every soldier who died "fighting for our freedoms" over there. Or did you think that was kind of funny?
Like I said....show me specifically where Bush made fun of people killed in Iraq....not some lame liberal BS one size fits all like in your liberal fashion you try to portray.
Bush looking under his couch after being lambasted more than he should....How did that directly make fun of one person killed in Iraq?
Quit changing the response......