On 4/3/2003 3:39:22 PM LavMan wrote:
Tim, when the company and the IAM Mechanic and Related took a paycut in 1992/1993, we got the money back 200%.
On 4/3/2003 3:39:22 PM LavMan wrote:
Tim, when the company and the IAM Mechanic and Related took a paycut in 1992/1993, we got the money back 200%.
True. But the economic environment was very different then. Economy was growing, and the "DotCom" boom was just beginning. Iraq the 1st was over.
Now the "DotCom" bust is lingering. The economy is in the tank. We are still, as a country and as a planet, in shock (and aftershock) over 9-11. The new, bloated TSA is now making air travel a true hassle and squeezing money out of the airlines. And we have Iraq the 2nd in full swing. But even when Iraq 2 is over, our country (and our economy) will pay for years of "nation building" in Iraq and Afghanistan. (And does anyone think that George II will stop at Iraq? Assuming he''s still in office, I''ll bet he starts up with North Korea next.)
No. We won''t see the 5% "deferral" returned. Ever. It''s a pay cut, pure and simple.