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The Screwings Continue one more week of vacation gone

OK, the issue at TUL is duly noted. Thanks for not shooting the questioner for a change.
chris perry said:
(1) The Company will post requests for Flex vacation preference for the following year on Company bulletin boards or other appropriate methods. Flex vacation bidding will commence on November 15th with all bidding completed no later than December 15th. word per word in the new agreement a clear violation...
That just states the time frame when Flex Vacation bidding should start and be finished by. There is nothing in article 8 that states that we are entitled to Flex Vacation. Don't get me wrong, I am angry that it's been taken away. I have bought a week every year since it started.
could probably add this under the post.......
who gives a sh*t anymore?
Started by dfw gen, 23 Apr 2014
Just working a little O/T or a CS you can just as easily just give the day away.
Don't be too sure the CS policy won't change either. After all, CS is not contractual.
Working for AA one year of vacation for the first five years of employment I'm sure the new hires would love to buy that extra week.
I would rather just bang in sick in conjunction with my days off so much easier LOL
MetalMover said:
Don't be too sure the CS policy won't change either. After all, CS is not contractual.
Great Post, "YES" I do know that CS'ing is just a perk we have and it's not contractual.
But how many around the system know this, it's just something we have had and "if they take it away we will file a grievance". How many do you think will say that? 
I hope that it does not change, and again it should be something that Tulsa's leaders should really look into, Bringing this program in is a win/win for both the employee and company. Better attendance and less sick time used for non sick related days.
Having a flexible way to be with family or accomplish needed home duties is something that even management can see is a positive thing for workers.
Great Post, "YES" I do know that CS'ing is just a perk we have and it's not contractual.
But how many around the system know this, it's just something we have had and "if they take it away we will file a grievance". How many do you think will say that? 
I hope that it does not change, and again it should be something that Tulsa's leaders should really look into, Bringing this program in is a win/win for both the employee and company. Better attendance and less sick time used for non sick related days.
Having a flexible way to be with family or accomplish needed home duties is something that even management can see is a positive thing for workers.
That's my point. There can be no grievance if it is not in the contract. 
Can anyone post the current US CS policy? I have a hunch what is current at US will make its way to AA.
You can file a grievance on past practice, it doesn't have to be contractual to file a grievance.
700UW said:
You can file a grievance on past practice, it doesn't have to be contractual to file a grievance.
True, but the nuts and bolts of a grievance would be was the CBA violated...
Correct. You can grieve something outside the CBA, but an arbitrator will simply rule against the union if it ever gets that far.
700UW said:
You can file a grievance on past practice, it doesn't have to be contractual to file a grievance.
But any company can change its policies and the union if there is one can't do anything to prevent that. This is just part of the business. Anything NOT in the contract can be done away with. Even if it's in the contract the companies have found ways to use the system to remove the perks we have had through out the decades.
We the employees may not like it but as many of the TWU leadership and Management have told us all, if you don't like it, "there's the door". Or the best one just be thankful you have a job. 
Changes are coming it's going to be how we all deal with them that is going to make the difference.
MetalMover said:
That's my point. There can be no grievance if it is not in the contract. 
Can anyone post the current US CS policy? I have a hunch what is current at US will make its way to AA.
Do you think that this TWU/IAM alliance is going to work for your benefit?
Do you see either union making a difference?
What has either done for YOUR class and craft?
To stop this it's time for a change a new way of thinking.
It's not a time for us at AA to  say USAirways is making all the changes. 
WE the mechanics at both US/AA need to come together as one and work toward one goal a CBA that will now and in the future give us what we deserve and have enjoyed.
I buy flex yearly.
CS'ing is only allowed far and few between for a privileged few.
If you are late you cannot cs for a month. If your online training is not up to date you cannot cs for a month following completion of training. You have a max of two CS's a month (two days) if you are in good standing. In other words CS'ing is a joke. Our hangar has it set up so CS'ing can only be used for emergencies. Our shop stewards, crew chiefs and eboarders are so far up managements arse that they don't care how management enforces the policy. 
Almost spewed coffee out of my nose, sure rely on the contract and grievance with the union.
Let me tell you the outcome.
1.they can do that brother
2.our hands are tied.
3.better pick your battles wisely.
4.we will get them next time.
5.we are going to put our hands in their pockets and get some of that money.
Thank you for starting my day with a healthy laugh.

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