Here's hoping NXNW takes the early out at NW.
We don't need you spewing your bile at The new "D-E-L-T-A" airlines !![]()
As the potentially largest union on the property, if this deal goes through, the Cabin Crew of the new company can demand to be involved and share equally with a "ME TOO Clause" with any other labor group...INCLUDING pilots. Or...they SHUT the airline down.
Here's hoping NXNW takes the early out at NW.
We don't need you spewing your bile at The new "D-E-L-T-A" airlines !![]()
It is interesting to hear you talk about shutting down a company.
Did you talk about shutting down a company as you hip hopped around to three different unions (IBT, PFAA, afa-CWA) looking for something that could protect you?
Did you talk about shutting down a company as your last concessionary contract was voted in by the slimmest of margins?
Did you talk about shutting down a company as you walked past the AMFA picket lines?
Clearly, the group that is coming onto Delta property with over 60 years of union representation has been impotent against NWA management.
You are bringing a losing record into a company where the majority does not support organizing under the afa-CWA banner and think that you will have power to shut down the company?
And you say we have our heads in the sand?
Try it our way for a year. If it does not work out, we can try your way later.
You will find out soon enough what prevented scared of their shadow types from backing AMFA. (calling Delta INDIA)
I hope you aren't joking around about the thousands of jobs that our DL family farmed out. Not really that funny. I personally feel better about the new Delta/ old NWA administration. With them you knew where they stood on their employees. At Delta they call you family and then sell you out for a buck. Delta's farm out program and its employees ability to turn the other cheek each time this happens is what scares me. When is enough going to be enough?Reservations in India, whats next, payroll in Jamaica! (no thats reality, payroll is in Jamaica), ya mon, erie.
Plenty. Delta is pulling out of markets and handing seats over to us. Comair has closed up shop in a few stations with more to come. Thanks in advance to my new airline and Rich. He promised no more outsourcing. I believe, do you?So how many NW outstations are going to be above 49 flights after September?
So how many NW outstations are going to be above 49 flights after September?
Let alone near the merger
Food for thought
NW might still want to worry about what the current NW might do to them...
Did you or did you not honor a legal picket line when AMFA struck?
Please, no drivel, Yes or NO answer is all I ask.
Thank you.
I hope you aren't joking around about the thousands of jobs that our DL family farmed out. Not really that funny. I personally feel better about the new Delta/ old NWA administration. With them you knew where they stood on their employees. At Delta they call you family and then sell you out for a buck. Delta's farm out program and its employees ability to turn the other cheek each time this happens is what scares me. When is enough going to be enough?
Sadly, you ain't seen nothing yet. Had NW been non union upon their arrival...there would be no NW! Most companies are more valuable broken apart than it's sum.
What kind of scope language does non union Delta employees have in the event of the break up of the company?
Where does it say Delta has to honor your seniority in bidding?
Perhaps these new NW bosses would like to implement their dream plan from NW..."using cheap foreign Crews for all international thereby saving the company billions". Surely, Delta's "direct BS relationship" will protect employees.
Folks, we have almost two decades with these people. They are ruthless money driven creatures who will not think twice about setting your family into the street. They did it to 5000 NW mechanics (some with 40 years of company dedication) with out blinking an eye...a plan devised BEFORE Anderson left NW.
Their history demonstrates they are THE most ruthless gang in the airline business. You really have no idea what kind of monster you have let into your house.
What is the value of ALL his assurances to NW employees before billions in concessions worth now? If you think they will treat you any better than senior NW mechanics "just because the new airline is called Delta" you are in trouble. Think what you want, if this goes through the survivors will be the ones who learned from this gang's past actions. Everybody else...road kill.
I can assure you...I have ALWAYS put actions behind my words.