Very strange I went to and looked up DELTA, there is no mention of L1011's but I know they had them . It was a DL L1011 FLIGHT 191 that crashed in wind shear coming into DFW in 1985. Little more searching showed DL had 70 L1011's DL had a total of 70 L1011's various models 200-250-500 and flew 56 at one time. [font=Lucida Grande']Ship 702 flew Delta's first revenue L-1011 flight on December 15, 1973, with 39 passengers from Atlanta to Philadelphia. [/font][font=Lucida Grande']Tristar 1 N728DA flew Delta's final L-1011 service on July 31, 2001. It was a roundtrip from Atlanta to Orlando, FL, and back to Atlanta. DL did extensive service on them, to my understanding they stripped them down, and zeroed them out. DL used the 500 model for its Trans Atlantic growth in the mid 80's[/font]