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The Management Roadshows (Opinions?)


If any union votes against the restructuring agreements and there is no consensual accord, I feel sorry for those who voted yes. Dave will have no option but to seek to cancel any union contract to obtain the credit facility and loan guarantee.

If this occurs, deeper cuts could occur which may be unnecessary, but that is what the majority would have chosen, by knowing before the vote of the risks associated with the S.1113 hearing.


Well if what you say occurs, especially with war with Iraq on the horizon, I believe it may now be time for 36,000 employees to send out their resumes and to sell their homes. Eastern Airlines, the Sequel as UAL777flyer said.

Good luck to you.

Chip...You are compounding exactly what I'm talking about..Your Compulsive beats of the drum...after whatever the topic is? Has grown tiresome to many. We do not need you feeling compelled to constantly overstate the known , or the known as they company projects it. We all get it!! People are sick to death of the One Trick Pony Show. Something/Anything? needs to break this impass. I realize for the 100,000,00th time what needs to be achieved to fit the criteria...as does anyone else that has read the companies stance, your views of the companies stance , or anything else. The Mechanics are insulted by the proposal on the table...the insult is compounded by a re-vote being made because of thier supposed confussion or ignorance of the subject matter at hand. Day after Day..Night after Night..YOU!, just like the latest Management briefings are only compunding and soldifying this problem. We do not need another lecture ..We need open communications..and alterate methods to break this negative , downhill spiral we are on. This I can assure you..and anyone else is fact. This Vote coming up on the 17th...Rightfully or Wrongfully? Doesn't have a snowballs chance in the infernal regions of passing. Nardello himself stated that a failed mutual agreement will lead to what we know as Abrogation of the IAM contract...he further stated that this would lead to negative press in the Charlotte Observer and countless other forms of the media. This will then create a more negative perception of the airline for the flying public , thus spelling the end for us all anyway. So!, to conclude this...Let all sides accept the NO that's coming , as of right now!! Then get thier collective arses back to the bargaining table this minute. We still have time to reach a more agreeable circumstance prior to tuesday (Doomsday). Saying the same thing , over and over is going nowhere fast Chip. The sooner you grasp it..and the sooner the Company and the IAM grasp it? Then maybe a resolve can be had? The last offer standing is a Death Sentence to the whole ball of wax!!!! Denial of the above?...Is Ignorance or Blind Stupidity. Pick which suits the situation best? So before you start preaching to me again Chip, Try to remember for the 100,000,000th time...I was in agreement to do what's deemed necessary to keep us flying from the beginning. I have grown to accept the fact , That the majority..and now the growing majority , DO NOT share this view at all. The people that count..and even you! Need to accept the writing on the wall too!!....and then get back to working the problem from a new angle. This is the only possible way to make this work! End of Sermon...for now
Chip...I wish the best to you as well!! I mean this from the bottom of my heart!! I still see us having hope...If both sides of the coin , can come to terms with the impending doom , that is known ..or will be known as Black Tuesday. Like I said..Time is still there to change things. But change has to come from the combined acceptance of what is not going to Fly. Until this becomes accepted as Fact,Gospel or the Writing on the Wall? I can assure you of what won't be flying into the future. You are correct in accepting the possible or eventual need for an updated resume. I'm in exactly that same state of readiness..along with my personal finances. I hope with all my heart and soul..that this is 100% wasted preparation for all parties concerned!!. It would be? with the acceptance of the current party line not reaching or connecting with the masses. Time still favors contiuned negotiations..failure to try?...is indeed the greatest failure in life!!...Good Luck Captain!! My views , were/are never intended to insult you personally...AOG-N-IT

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