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The Management Roadshows (Opinions?)

Chip, I have no problem with the company trying to keep good managers in place, but for them to pay to keep who we have is ludicrious! I really don't think we have a to worry about our good management leaving. Most of the good ones have already left. I deal with alot of the other employee groups on a daily basis and for the most part their feeling are the same.

I could deal with the contract if it was for a shorter time frame, but not 6+ years. The question was also brought up at our management roadshow about their duration of givebacks and why it was shorter but the question was not answered.

I don't believe the part about Dave being labor friendly and that is the reason we get the chance to re-vote. If the company could benifit from the Judge's ruling I believe they would have taken it to him on the 10th.

Bottom line 5yrs from now if I am still working for U who knows where, when I listen to employees complaining about wages(lack of) and work rules(lack of) I can turn to them and say well....I voted NO!!!!
Cat111, you keep mentioning in ALL your posts that there is life outside US Air. Sounds like you really don't care the IAM may pull an Eastern and drag down the company. You think the IAM group would learn from that, sounds like a reasonable thought to me...We don't like the offer so we'll screw everybody(Not that that is going to happen) but hearing you gloat about life outside US Air, why don't you and any of your friends who think the same way simply vote yes and either give your notice or quit-retire or early out, which ever pretains. After all there is life after US Air so why should it matter. The rest of us at Us Air still have a job and future and providing for our families and the disgruntled mechanics that think like you about life after U can get on with that life. I bet you'll never go, simply becuse it's to much fun running at the mouth about the offer and you probably need the job. If I'm wrong leave and find the other life you keep talking about. Why should you care if you vote yse on the offer you have another life to go to, but maybe we don't. If you leave you won't be working under the contract so what are you worring about...leave.

I'm not bitter or upset, just stating my opinion, when someone keeps talking about life after life...then go and let the rest of us get on with it!!

Leave me a note in my box when you walk for that other life, bet you don't!

There is alwys a SQUEEKY wheel, they NEED to be heard.

Remember, vote yes and leave...the new pay and work rules WON'T affect you at all---there is life after U after ALL

Right CAT
CAT 111

Maybe Flufdriver will stick around like you to suck every dollar from this sorry company. The folks at United Airlines said the pilots alone have suck there company dry... Like many aviation analyst said when United pilots was awarded there last contract industry damaging. But you pilots have the world thinking you are some kind of gods then require god like pay. Sorry my father is a retired pilot, he said long ago pilots to include ALPA has everybody believing there worth that much. Flufdriver Walmart.com is waiting for you, but wait you are over qualified maybe next time. Flufdriver you should watch your mouth, all your posts seem to be inflammatory and directed at mechanics.
Lakeguy, My identity is of little concern...and I know your question was from a friendly position. Rest assured my friend..We have had dealings along the way. What matters most...Is not who I am?..or who the next person is? The question should be! What do you do?...and do you do it , with great resolve? I can honestly say Yes I do. This is precisely my point in this thread. Nobody..regardless of position..or personal ratings, should be recieving perks at this point. Perks do not make financial sense. Loyalty should not have to be bought. When asking others to give until it hurts..or in many cases hampers everything. To stand in front of a room of the laboring class..and ask the Have Nots to give...and then see the Pressed Shirts continue to profit. Well folks..That's frankly the most dis-tasteful thing imagineable. I have no desire to be part of the downfall of this company...and I certainly have no desire to whip the No vote into vogue. My purpose was to spell out the areas where combined efforts..and Shared Sacrifice should become a bonding issue between all groups...including the leadership of this company!! I feel that the events of the last year , have only accelerated much needed change. Change does not come without a price or sacrifice. You can either vote for positive change , by trying to do your part to save USAirways from complete distruction...or you can vote to kill any possible future. My speaking out on such issues , is in hope of waking up the leadership to the negative impact oversights , they are bringing forth. The leadership needs to understand the abbrasive rub that these bonuses are causing. The outcome could wiegh heavily on these issues. There is still time to smooth the road to progress..I think a vote in CCY needs to take place too. They need to ask themselves...are we part of the solution?..or is our mercenary greed being part of the problem? Mercenary is the only term that comes to mind...If the bonuses are the only thing keeping them here? I have to conclude that a loyalty check and test of thier resolve is in order too!!
Hey Side Stick, (I voted NO for the ALPA TA) Explain to me how Southwest has 1200 mechanics for over 400 aircraft and U has 4200 mechanics for less? Who is sucking the company dry? I see it as ALPA is subsidizing you again (just like we did in 1992 when we took a 10% pay cut to subsidize your strike). That is why I voted no. I refuse to subsidise other employee groups. I guess the difference between me and most other pilots is I have something else to do, so I do not live in perpetual fear. I really do not care to hear the typical rhetoric about how pilots make more...I was a mechanic in the Air Force when I was 18. I have been on both sides of the fence and I know neither side has a clue of what the other does. So just take a chill pill and worry about yourself and what the judge will have to say.
Do you have any idea what principals are. From a previous post you said you have children. Do you teach them pricipals? Do you teach them to stand up for themselves?
Do you teach them to walk away from adversity? Please seperate yourself from the theatics and step outside your private world. Forget the situation that we all face and your constant badgering of the labor groups that threaten you. Could you for once answer this? Leave out the current situation. Just answer how you feel about someone who stands for principal, who is willing to stand for what they believe in? If you will answer this..leaving out the current situation, the I will repect you.
[BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style=MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px]

[BR][BR][FONT color=#0033cc][STRONG]Aatofixer, your group scabed on us, you had a side agreement with the company not to honor our picket line and all the pilots who did not fly the grounded airplanes got full pay. You even had scab pilots come in and volunteer to clean planes and run parts. The next round of negoiations went 4 /12 years [/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG]Southwest farms out maintenance to facilities all over the country, workers who have no stake in taking pride in their work. US Mechanics take pride in their work and you have total quality control over the process. As a matter of fact they are bring more work inhouse becuase we do it better and cheaper then vendors.[/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG]And we also do the work becuase we have the scope language in our contract that both the union and the company has agreed too.[/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG]I think it was the pilots who are overpaid and for years would not let US fly regional jets, maybe ALPA should take a bigger hit to subsidize us, you are the ones who played the cat and mouse game.[/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG]We took a paycut after our 5 day strike and gave up numerous work rules in the 92 agreement which gave up 50% of the line jobs in the system. In this last contract we gave them the right to close mtc stations as long as they maintain 22 three shift stations. We agreed to pay more for our benefits and numorous other item.[/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG][/STRONG][BR][BR][STRONG]So I suggest you stick tl flying airplanes for 3 days a week while we work a full 40 hour week 5 days and somethimes more hours to keep this planes, safe, clean and reliable for our public passengers and not some over egoed sky god who needs to come down to the real world.[/STRONG][/FONT][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Your Welcome,
I also voted no on the last contract in 1999.
The main reason I voted no on that contract was I didn't like the way they they were treating the new hires with the license pay and I didn't want the parity plus one.
If I knew this web site was here I would have been posting back then.
Things have certainly deteriorated when these posts are reduced to name calling. I find sky god particularly offensive. Right up there with underworked and overpaid. It just underscores what Cavalier has been stating in other posts about the no votes being driven by emotion. This whole mess has to end one way or another before we self-destruct.
I trust every mechanic at U to provide me a safe A/C. You guys have NEVER let me down. Likewise, I've never brought you an A/C bent from abuse or negligence. I trust you and you trust me. Cooperation is our path to the future. Let's all ratchet these posts down a notch and stick to the issues...OK?

A320 Driver

Res, I agree with you on principle. Webster's defines principle as the ultimate source or cause. The ultimate source or cause of our problem is for whatever reason the company's costs exceed revenues and US has the highest labor expense in the industry.

The bottom line is without consensual or court-ordered cuts the company cannot obtain its credit facility or have access to the capital markets. If either the IAM-M or CWA restructuring agreements are rejected, which are required by the ATSB and DIP financiers, the union(s) will force Dave to seek to cancel agreements in the S.1113 hearing.

Can you tell me how the company can operate without the credit facility and loan guarantee?

Therefore, the principle is that without the cuts the company will likely liquidate and tens of thousands of jobs will be lost in a terrible economy.

I guess my principle is to protect as many jobs as possible and face today's economic reality, versus being bitter and contributing to the company's failure. I believe without labor cost reductions, the airline will fail and tens of thousands of employees, their families, and the communities we serve will be badly hurt.

Res, with all due respect, I disagree with your comment of, Forget the situation that we all face and your constant badgering of the labor groups that threaten you.

I'm protected if this airline fails and the discussion is not about me, it's about the company surviving and the success of the business entity.

Res, nobody likes this situation and there will be significant pain for all, but an on-going company as a viable concern is at stake and to meet the demands of the financiers Dave must have the cuts, either consensual or court-ordered.

Because of this fact, how do you believe Judge Mitchell will rule? Will the Judge allow the company to fail or will the Judge cancel any union contract that has not been restructured based on the financing requirements?


Total Posts: 2
Last Post: 9/12/2002
Member Since: 9/12/2002

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Do you have any idea what principals are. From a previous post you said you have children. Do you teach them pricipals? Do you teach them to stand up for themselves?
Do you teach them to walk away from adversity? Please seperate yourself from the theatics and step outside your private world. Forget the situation that we all face and your constant badgering of the labor groups that threaten you. Could you for once answer this? Leave out the current situation. Just answer how you feel about someone who stands for principal, who is willing to stand for what they believe in? If you will answer this..leaving out the current situation, the I will repect you.


Chip is very good at stating the FACTS. FACTS that equal dire consequences if ignored. I can't fault him for simply stating FACTS. Standing for principal when the FACT is, you stand a more than an even chance of standing on nothing, which is a FACT.
Had road shows today. It appears even more people are voting no. Mechanics are very, very upset and I would say it is going to fail by a much higher margin than before. It looks like they are going to consider reviewing and adjusting the offer between now and the time it goes to the judge. It appears they don't want to go to the judge either and are starting to realize we can possible agree on something else that we all can live with.
Just a little Tid Bit...I had a brief conversation with one of the local IAM Reps. on Wednesday morning..This was a post Nardello Roadshow inquiry in passing. The Rep I spoke too...Said exactly what I've been saying to Chip Munn all along. The more that is said...the more people feel Force Fed and Fed Up..and the more No Votes are going to be cultivated. Basically , Management as shot themselves in the foot , with the continued information campaigne. These meetings have solidified the discord for many..and have converted plenty against them. The only thing the majority wants to hear...Is about something less invaisive to vote on. Sadly..until that happens?..or people come to terms with what's in front of them? We are on a collision course with history. I'm hoping that both sides can see a need for a happier medium ground. Most whom have read my previous posts..Know that I am not an IAM friend or supporter. They have not done one positive thing for me , since my acreetion into thier Band of Thieves However...until they are run out of town..or are finished selling us down the river? They are the only thing seperating us from being complete Free Will victims. I have no problems with pumping them for insight in the meantime. You just have to be smart enough to seperate the truth from either parties line. Again , Sadly..The IAM's position , memicks that of the companies. I guess this spells Bought and Paid for to too many!. It certainly does for me!!
A sampling of mech sentiments at PIT, just reinforcement of the NO vote and possibly more added to the list. The meetings appeared to be generally civil and at times sympathetic to the presenter for having to carry the water for Dave&friends. Also the repercussions of a NO vote included not only shredding of contracts, but the judge's option to uphold contract for further negotiation? I'm not sure this particular VP meant to reveal that scenario.

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