The Lovely US Club In CLT

Theses kind of things are local management issues. And I find over and over middle managment will not do anything unless instucted, if that is the case then we do not need middle managers. You people are empowered to fix these kind of issues you must go over the locals heads until you get someone that will do something.
Take the initiative yourself, first find out who can supply replacements and how much they cost then take that to your managment, if they do not do anything tell them right to thier face that you will take it over thier heads. Despite all the sandcastle bashing here they will absolutely support action over inaction. One of the big issues now is the East culture of "It ain't my job" or "I wasn't told to fix that".
As Nike said Just do it!
Theses kind of things are local management issues. And I find over and over middle managment will not do anything unless instucted, if that is the case then we do not need middle managers.
Typical castle response.....blame some one else.

Are you ever embarrassed about what this airline has become?
I find over and over middle managment will not do anything unless instucted.

One of the big issues now is the East culture.

As Nike said Just do it!

'Instuction' on 'managment' from some one who can't spell either word. How ironic.

Followed by Eastie bashing and a stolen cliche.
Theses kind of things are local management issues.

Well, the only problem I see with that is we are talking about Phl, really is no management in place. I seem to recall Philly is just a revolving door of management, each brought in to "fix" the place? Who is running it this week? Surely those from the Tempe have seen the Club first hand on their many trips through Philly?
I don't give a $h!t if you have 99 middle managers. WHO appoints them? Ummmmm that would be TEMPE. Sorry brother but THEY are responsible for their "middle managing". The buck stops with Tempe. You can spin it however you so choose. This place has gone so far down hill and those pictures among others we have seen of aircraft are absolute testimony that we are ran bare bones by a ghetto management with NO TALENT. PERIOD. How some of you spin it out of control is stellar. You see those pictures and blame local middle management? Like nobody from Tempe has EVER strolled through that club? C'mon. Jeeeeez. :rolleyes:
I don't give a $h!t if you have 99 middle managers. WHO appoints them? Ummmmm that would be TEMPE. Sorry brother but THEY are responsible for their "middle managing". The buck stops with Tempe. You can spin it however you so choose. This place has gone so far down hill and those pictures among others we have seen of aircraft are absolute testimony that we are ran bare bones by a ghetto management with NO TALENT. PERIOD. How some of you spin it out of control is stellar. You see those pictures and blame local middle management? Like nobody from Tempe has EVER strolled through that club? C'mon. Jeeeeez. :rolleyes:

Tempe, didn't appoint these people they are all long time US employees. And the problem over and over is your inability to act or think for yourselves! It is inbreed into you to do only one thing for 30 yrs and do only as told and never look left or right and never question anything!
Could you come up for air already? I'll ask again, "Do you seriously think that higher ups in Tempe have NEVER walked through that club"? Come on already. Bottom line is THEY are in charge of who is in charge and THEY should have seen the wear. I'm sure it's no secret that the club is THAT warn among employees there. TEMPE knows just how bad things are but will string it along until they are FORCED to make a change. At that point they will most certainly (track record as proof)blame someone else or have those like YOU to do it for them. It is what it is, a JUNK management team running a JUNK operation. It's pretty evident and blatant. :rolleyes: spin on my friend, spin on..............................
Tempe, didn't appoint these people they are all long time US employees. And the problem over and over is your inability to act or think for yourselves! It is inbreed into you to do only one thing for 30 yrs and do only as told and never look left or right and never question anything!

Don't worry. Resistance is futal. You will be assimilated.
Used to be the only time you would see furniture like that on US property was an employee smoking room in the bottom of the terminal somewhere, and even then someone would put a blanket over it to cover up the stains.

Hooray !!! looks like the employee breakrooms will be getting there make over after.. (another failed promise from managemet) .. A couple blue plastic

chairs is what this management thinks is a makeover..
Tempe, didn't appoint these people they are all long time US employees. And the problem over and over is your inability to act or think for yourselves! It is inbreed into you to do only one thing for 30 yrs and do only as told and never look left or right and never question anything!

Yea but those lowly miserable east coast people have to get approval from you cactus worshipers. and Guess what.. they don't get it. SOOOO

the buck does go back to tempe and right in Dougs pocket.. REALLY what does Doug know about running a professional airline.. he can't even

dress like one. :eek: :eek:
I received a one day pass for the Club as one of my perks related to one of the US credit cards. So, back in August I had a 3 hour lay over in CLT. I was so excited to use this pass. I was totally in disbelief when I visited the main Club at CLT. I cannot believe anyone would pay money to sit in trash. Literally, coffee cups and saucers, wrappers and other assorted items on every table. I arrived at 9am with a 1230pm departure. No one on staff bothered to clean the area until about 1030am. The restrooms were filthy! The restrooms in the concourses were much cleaner and had an attendant. The only thing that I enjoyed was they view. A great place to plane watch.
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Theses kind of things are local management issues. And I find over and over middle managment will not do anything unless instucted, if that is the case then we do not need middle managers. You people are empowered to fix these kind of issues you must go over the locals heads until you get someone that will do something.
Take the initiative yourself, first find out who can supply replacements and how much they cost then take that to your managment, if they do not do anything tell them right to thier face that you will take it over thier heads. Despite all the sandcastle bashing here they will absolutely support action over inaction. One of the big issues now is the East culture of "It ain't my job" or "I wasn't told to fix that".
As Nike said Just do it!

See, this is where, with all due respect, you are simply incorrect...

I don't work for US...but, lets just say I am, more or less, "married into" the company, so I have a reasonably good handle on the "corporate culture" inside the company. I also have a business that works with and manages these types of issues for a living.

It is not a "local management issue." It's a "corporate culture issue." If you had ever worked for PI, you might understand.

In the PI "culture," employees were not only empowered for REAL (unlike the pretend empowerment current management supposedly gives it's people now), they were also given tools to manage through. For example, F/As were given coupon books for extra FF miles when a pax wasn't completely satisfied. At CO today, employees are truly empowered to keep customers happy. The CCY version of US had similar tools...and just 3 weeks ago, on a WN flight BWI-PVD, F/As were offering stand bys the option to get on an earlier fligth without paying the increased fare and free drinks were offered on board....because the flight was 20 minutes late. Can ANYONE imagine the Sand Castle version of US doing this?

When middle managers "do nothing" it's not because they are knuckle dragging, you are indirectly suggesting when you say something like "I find over and over middle managment will not do anything unless instucted." Not only is that condescending and elitist, it's also not correct....and spelled incorrectly I might add. ;)

When middle management (or any employee for that matter) does nothing or doesn't act, it's not because they need the stick, it's because they need the carrot. They need to see the vision, they need to know they won't be dragged to the curb and beaten with the stick if and when they make a mistake.

"Top Down" managed companies like the Sand Castle version of US Airways, where employees are completely NOT empowered, do nothing and need to be told to do everything...because making a mistake is not acceptable.

Employees WANT to grow. They WANT to do a good job. The WANT to succeed. Human nature WANTS to build and move to the next level.

Suggesting this is somehow "middle management's issue/fault" shows many, many disconnects. The style of management you suggest and the style these Sand Castle people are exhibiting is OLD, OLD, OLD went away in the early '80's.

Take a peek at companies like Microsoft....or in your industry, Continental or Midwest, for companies that are more "bottom up" managed. That is, the front line people build the plan....


Right now, your insecure, fearful leader is trying to carry the whole load on his shoulders. That gig will implode....I promise everyone.

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