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The liquidation Analysis report filed by US AIRWAYS

On 1/9/2003 8:40:44 PM BottomFeeder wrote:


You said you are "PRO WORKER" and you seem to for get all the other "WORKERS" that you don't serve. The only thing you care about is the preception that you are so smart. You already know the answer even before the question is asked.

Tell me how you know for sure that a NO vote will not close the doors. Will you back your answer with FACTS and not opinons? Will you stand up in front of the all the employees and tell them you were wrong if this place closes down? How could you live with yourself if you are wrong?
Tell me how you know for sure that a YES vote will not close the doors....[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']
Flufdriver.....Please put your thinking cap on and listen CAREFULLY...... The vote is No....and has already been placed. Obviously you are probably a pilot and very worried about your job and pension.


I have walked in those shoes.
You seem to have a problem of money=sucess.
You mention pilots and big money.
You mention pride in relation to money.
You seem to relate a job well done to the price.

You are in for a rude awaking if this goes under.
You will not make 22/hr.
You will be lucky to find a job at 9/hr!

Have a nice day!
Just a question on the CAL Express 16.00/hr. How does the rest of the the CAL Express contract stack up?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 8:38:43 AM BottomFeeder wrote:
[P][BR][BR]Flufdriver.....Please put your thinking cap on and listen CAREFULLY...... The vote is No....and has already been placed. Obviously you are probably a pilot and very worried about your job and pension. Many of us would rather start over in our careers somewhere else than work for $9.00 an hour when we were making $22.00 an hour. The company has tried to strip the pride and morale out of every CWA and IAM member by this last attempt of an UNREASONABLE salary scale. Many of us would rather take our chances before the judge. Again...FEAR is no option. We have had enough.[BR]----------------[BR][/P][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR]-----------------------------------------------------------[BR][BR]I have seen this attitude before at the mills. It is the same one that the IAM had at Eastern. " Full Pay Till The Last Day" I hope your unemployement check is as large as your last paycheck. Just think of it as a extended vacation at the tax payers expense.[BR][BR]GOD help us, with this kind of mindset.
[P][/P]Nowhere did I say "Full pay to the last day". We all want to help our company during this time of crises....but to go from $22.00 an hour to $9.00 an hour in the outlying stations is unreasonable. They could have come up with something similiar to Continental Express $16.00/hour. Bottomfeeder....you shouldn't want someone to take something shoved down their throats which is unreasonable. I am sure if you walked in a CWA'er of IAM'ers shoes you would feel the same way. If a pilot was asked to keep flying a 737-200 but take a 50% paycut to say....60,000 would you say this was reasonable? Even at $60,000 you could support a family.....try $20,000 to $25,000 per year to support ...say a family of four who was used to making $45,000 to $50,000. Not many want to shut the airline down....I for one do not. We just want fairness for all. [BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 12:26:07 PM BottomFeeder wrote:
[P]Flufdriver.....Please put your thinking cap on and listen CAREFULLY...... The vote is No....and has already been placed. Obviously you are probably a pilot and very worried about your job and pension.[BR][BR]Networking,[BR][BR]I have walked in those shoes.[BR]You seem to have a problem of money=sucess.[BR]You mention pilots and big money. [BR]You mention pride in relation to money. [BR]You seem to relate a job well done to the price.[BR][BR]You are in for a rude awaking if this goes under.[BR]You will not make 22/hr.[BR]You will be lucky to find a job at 9/hr![BR][BR]Have a nice day! [BR] [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]You are dodging the point.....very easy for someone who realizes the concessions asked of the majority of CWA and IAM are unreasonable. No a job well done is not always related to price....as a matter of fact of all the volunteer jobs I have done (church, school, and yes even USAirways) I have received more positive feed-back and reward than I get from my regular job. This whole distateful mess should go down in the history books in how to strip all the morale out of your employees. If I have to start over again at $9.00 and work my way up...so be it. I will try not and work for a company again that thinks of it's employees as liabilities....not assets. This comes from an employee with a solid work ethic that never calls in sick. Now to you...have a nice day.[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']
On 1/9/2003 9:57:03 PM chipmunn wrote:

Apparently union leaders have been told there will be no more negotiations and any union who rejects a TA could find themself defending their position in front of Judge Mitchell next Thursday.


Chip, that raises and interesting point. Since the judge has the ability to void our contracts and allow the company to set the pay rates, why does it matter how I vote? If the company really needs more, they can go to the judge and make their case. He will either agree and let them void our contracts, or he won't. When you get right down to it, no matter how we vote, if the really need the cuts,they will find a way to get them.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/10/2003 9:04:56 AM gilbertguy wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/9/2003 8:40:44 PM BottomFeeder wrote: [BR][BR]Tim,[BR][BR][BR]You said you are "PRO WORKER" and you seem to for get all the other "WORKERS" that you don't serve. The only thing you care about is the preception that you are so smart. You already know the answer even before the question is asked.[BR][BR]Tell me how you know for sure that a NO vote will not close the doors. Will you back your answer with FACTS and not opinons? Will you stand up in front of the all the employees and tell them you were wrong if this place closes down? How could you live with yourself if you are wrong? [BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR]Tell me how you know for sure that a YES vote will not close the doors....[IMG src="http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif"]
[P]question,[BR]since we are t-0 and counting and assuming that if these t/a fail to pass, many posters believe the doors will close in ch7.....if this is the case would you not think that usairways would be mobilizing [BR]the their secret service agts into the field to protect what assests are left...something to think about as far as chap 7 goes....[BR]gl to all[BR][BR][/P][img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/10.gif']

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