The Foreigner

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What exactly does this prove dell? The only thing that I can see is that people can make all sorts of wild accusations without having any real evidence to back it up. Speaking of evidence does Mr. Fitzpatrick provide any to support his claims? You do know that a former Navy officer saying that the President is not a natural born citizen does not make it true?

I noticed he accuses the President of treason over an event in Samson, Alabama. Does he provide any evidence that the President is somehow responsible for it? From what I've seen no he does not. All he really does is rant and rave and make idiotic statements

From what I've read about what happened in Samson, Alabama it seems that those twenty two MP's did nothing other than stand around. They did not detain/arrest anyone, they did not enter anyone’s home, and they did not prevent local law enforcement from doing their jobs. What probably happened is that some officer at Ft Rucker jumped the gun and over stepped his authority. Not some vast conspiracy like Mr. Fitzpatrick implies.

Maybe this site would be more to your liking.
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  • #199
President Obama has been named in dozens of civil lawsuits alleging he is not eligible to be president, with one man even filing a criminal complaint alleging the commander-in-chief is a fraud, and now a citizen grand jury in Georgia has indicted the sitting president.

The indictment delivered to state and federal prosecutors yesterday is one of the developments
in the dispute over Obama's eligibility to be president under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that presidents be "natural born" citizens.

Just won't go away...Why?
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  • #203
Dell, the dude "created" his own grand jury. What does that tell you? What would you say if I got a couple of my buddies together at a bar and decided to act as a grand jury?

Dude conducts his own Rasmuesen or Gallup and its not cool................ :lol:

Did I tell you Scalia said he needs four votes to take this into the docket.

Someone isn't interested in taking down the first black president.........on the Con side.

Go away for who?

People who are making money off this either through book sales like Jerome Corsi or through "donations" like Philip Berg? Or perhaps people who can't seem to understand the concept that the accuser has to prove their case and not the accused. Which I find really ironic since these same people ramble on and on about the Constitution. Or maybe for the weak minded who will believe just about anything. Like it was illegal to travel to Pakistan without asking if it really was.
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  • #205
Antonin Scalia will hear the argument if he gets four votes..... :shock:

But there is a keen reluctance to opening a Pandora's birth certificate er,I mean box by this Court.
Antonin Scalia will hear the argument if he gets four votes..... :shock:

But there is a keen reluctance to opening a Pandora's birth certificate er,I mean box by this Court.

there's no box ....

if john mccain his rivial in the elections said this was a NON issue , then it's a non issue ...

shall we answer every crack pots call for investigations on numerous subjects ?
"Sheeple" ! Aren't those the ones who voted for the "Annointed One" !

I really do not understand why you cannot add anything of value to any of these topics.

I would really like to see you put together an actual paragraph explaining a position that you have taken on a particular subject.

You have it in you. You must spend at least 5-10 minutes finding the little pictures that you feel compelled to post.

Why not take that 5-10 minutes and come up with an original thought/opinion, supported by some factual/scholarly source?

That is what intellectual adults do.

Antonin Scalia will hear the argument if he gets four votes..... :shock:
No, he will not.

Hearing the argument has nothing to do with how many votes will be cast to uphold or reject an argument.

Whether a case is heard is solely dependent on the merits of the case and its importance in a historical perspective.
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