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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

Try and keep up will you. They have the right to speak their mind and suffer the consequences. Do you believe the KKK or Skin heads should be allowed to speak their mind without stiff opposition and with out consequence? And no I am not comparing the KKK to chick Fil A, it's just an example.

If someone was trying to tell me how to run my life and deprive me of the same rights that other enjoy you are damn straight I would be speaking up and trying to shut them down by any legal means at my disposal. LEGAL MEANS. Chick can say what they want but there are repercussions.

No one at Chik did any of the things that you infer.
They told no one how to run their life,
I asked you to provide specifics where their supporting traditional marriage has harmed anyone. So far you haven't or can't.
Quit changing the dialoge.
If you can't provide any examples as to Chik effecting anyone please admit that.
And you can prove that Chik-fil-a has done this? How?

How is Chik depriving anyone of their equal rights?
How is Chik getting special treatment?
Supporting traditional marriage is not depriving anyone of their equal rights. Please give examples of how Chik-fil-a has deprived anyone of their equal rights by supporting traditional marriage. Please provide examples.
They make donations to organizations who are advocating that same sex marriages not be legalized.

They are not, that is my point. They spoke out and there are repercussions for their actions.

Really? You have to ask that question? Same sex marriage is not traditional so there for support for traditional marriage means you do not support non-traditional marriage. They have made donations to the Family Research Council, Family Exodus, Georgia Family Council, Marriage and Family Foundation just to name a few. All support a ban on gay marriage.
Problem isn't the right to boycott. It's politicians deciding that they're going to single out a corporation to be banned from doing business in their community, based entirely on the fact that their CEO has used his right to free speech and right to profess his faith and what he believes.

Never mind that the corporation hasn't discriminated against anyone. No laws have been broken.

If companies like JCPenney, AT&T, CNBC, Goldman Sachs, Johnson & Johnson, Gap, and Target can openly support gay rights,

If the Mayor of Boston or an Alderman in Chicago were seeking to ban a business because the owner was a professed athiest, we know which side you'd be on.

If the Mayor of some small Baptist town were to try banning JC Penny, Gap or Target because of their support for the LGBT community, I'm sure you'd be decrying that.

Yet when it's the opposite situation, it's hunky-dory?

Sorry, but that's just a little to hypocritical for me.
I would be on the business side. So long as no laws have been violated there is no basis for denying them the right to do business. I have already said this several times.

I have never said it is hunky-dory for any law to be enacted against Chick or any other company. What I said was OK was people rising up in protest. If there are enough like minded people then Chick would go out of business, if not they stay in business. I see nothing wrong with the people speaking up and making change.
They make donations to organizations who are advocating that same sex marriages not be legalized.

They are not, that is my point. They spoke out and there are repercussions for their actions.

Really? You have to ask that question? Same sex marriage is not traditional so there for support for traditional marriage means you do not support non-traditional marriage. They have made donations to the Family Research Council, Family Exodus, Georgia Family Council, Marriage and Family Foundation just to name a few. All support a ban on gay marriage.

So what?
That is their right to do so.
Has it harmed anyone?
Give me examples of where this has harmed anyone.
Where is it written that all of America has to support same sex marriage?
How can 5% of the population attempt to dictate what the other 95% have to accept?
I would be on the business side. So long as no laws have been violated there is no basis for denying them the right to do business. I have already said this several times.

If someone was trying to tell me how to run my life and deprive me of the same rights that other enjoy you are damn straight I would be speaking up and trying to shut them down by any legal means at my disposal. LEGAL MEANS. Chick can say what they want but there are repercussions.

No one at Chik did any of the things that you infer.
They told no one how to run their life,
I asked you to provide specifics where their supporting traditional marriage has harmed anyone. So far you haven't or can't.
Quit changing the dialoge.
If you can't provide any examples as to Chik effecting anyone please admit that.
Yes they have. They have done so by making donations to organizations such as the Family Foundation.

I have two gay friends who have been partners for over 20 years and cannot get married because TX does not allow it. It has hurt them and every other same sex couple in the US who wants to get married but cannot. How many more examples do you want?

Why is it that I have to answer all your questions but you do not answer a single one of mine? Quite tewlling.

Would you sit idle as people were trying to deprive you of equal rights?
So what?
That is their right to do so.
Has it harmed anyone?
Give me examples of where this has harmed anyone.
Where is it written that all of America has to support same sex marriage?
How can 5% of the population attempt to dictate what the other 95% have to accept?

Geez it's like talking to a wall. No chit it's their right to do so. You asked how Chick is depriving people of equal rights. I said they are making donations to organizations that are tasked with doing so. Do you not remember asking that?

Yes, see previous post.

Again, see previous post.

No where. The COTUS says it in the 14[sup]th[/sup] that all people must be treated equal.

Same way the Civil Rights act can. The COTUS says all people are equal in the eyes of the law.
How has what affected who?

Your gay buddies.

Those entities can make all the donations they wish.
It does not affect your gay buddies life in any way, shape or form.
If it does, please show me directly how it has affected them.
I was waiting for a Chik-Fil-A thread since there was so much interest in Southern food.

I know the area well and Boycott Spondivits every chance I get.

Hmm, remember Spondivits from a former life. Seems like I went by the original CFA once too.
Your gay buddies.

Those entities can make all the donations they wish.
It does not affect your gay buddies life in any way, shape or form.
If it does, please show me directly how it has affected them.
Where did I say differently?

I already said how it affects them. They can't get married.

Yes it does. They are not married. They do not enjoy the same rights and benefits as married couples.

Here, read away. All the benefits of marriage verses shacking up
Where did I say differently?

I already said how it affects them. They can't get married.

Yes it does. They are not married. They do not enjoy the same rights and benefits as married couples.

Here, read away. All the benefits of marriage verses shacking up

So they are out of lifes mainstrean not contributing and sitting at home afraid to walk out the door for fear of reprisal by a bunch of cows advocating eating more beef?

Contributions do not directly affect them.
If there were no contributions their plight wouldn't change.
There would still be public resistance from the majority.
Geez it's like talking to a wall. No chit it's their right to do so. You asked how Chick is depriving people of equal rights. I said they are making donations to organizations that are tasked with doing so. Do you not remember asking that?

Yes, see previous post.

Again, see previous post.

No where. The COTUS says it in the 14[sup]th[/sup] that all people must be treated equal.

Same way the Civil Rights act can. The COTUS says all people are equal in the eyes of the law.
So pedophiles, rapists, bestiality lovers are also equal under your interpretation.
BTW, did you update your NAMBLA membership?
The BSA might want to know...
So they are out of lifes mainstrean not contributing and sitting at home afraid to walk out the door for fear of reprisal by a bunch of cows advocating eating more beef?

Contributions do not directly affect them.
If there were no contributions their plight wouldn't change.
There would still be public resistance from the majority.

I give up. The SCOTUS will settle this and that will be that. Equal rights are for everyone, not just the ones you agree with.

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