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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

Second-hand reports on Facebook and elsewhere say that lines have been longer than ever at Chick-Fil-A restaurants over the past three days, so all the noise about the boycott may be backfiring a bit.

Say what you will; conservatives leaders are wicked good at mobilizing, and their followers are just as eager to be mobilized...

And to be clear... BSA views boys as asexual. The stance on orientation is with regard to adult leaders.

Many units have taken a "don't ask, don't tell" approach to orientation, and at least one council has done so as well. I'm of the opinion that is probably the right approach -- let units handle it on an individual basis.

That approach already works with the existing volunteers. I've seen first-hand where individuals of questionable character were not approved for membership, and I've seen volunteers kicked out for not living up to the standards that we're trying to teach the boys.
If character alone was the determining standard, this would be a non-issue.

That's just it, E; the message they're sending- tacit or not- is one that equates homosexuality with poor character.

A de facto DADT policy doesn't erase that.

While true that the majority of units in the US are chartered by Protestant, LDS, or Catholic churches...


What do you call it?
B) xUT

Individual politicians advocating for (or pandering to) their respective constituencies?
San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee tweeted: "Closest #ChickFilA to San Francisco is 40 miles away & I strongly recommend that they not try to come any closer."

Makes a lot of sense to me. Discourage free enterprise and the opportunity for your city to collect tax revenue to score political points. I know it's a higher priority to put a giant pink triangle on a hillside and invite your pal Pelosi for a celebration to score political points.

I see Mayor Lee has his priorities right.
As already stated private organizations can do as they choose. If you receive public funds as the BSA did for quite some time, you have to abide by the laws regarding acceptance of pubic funds including the 14th.

I do not my best not to associate with groups that are openly bigoted or biased. I will never eat at Chick Fil A again. I would never let my kid(s) (if I had any) be part of the BSA as that is not what I would want to teach them. And it why I do not believe in organized religion.

How is Chik-fil-a openly bigoted or biased?
Having support for marriage and faith in God is biased and bigoted?
No more biased and bigoted than Atheism.
How is Chik-fil-a openly bigoted or biased?
Having support for marriage and faith in God is biased and bigoted?
No more biased and bigoted than Atheism.

How is saying that marriage is only for man and woman not biased? Supporting such a belief is biased. I support the right that allows anyone to get married so long as they are able to legally consent. The government should have no say in it. How is what Chick Fil A said any different from people saying that whites should not be able to marry blacks?

Same sex couples would like to enter into the same legal contract but are prohibited from doing so in most states. They are prevented from doing so because of religious beliefs that should be separate from state/Federal law and once it makes it's way to the SCOTUS I believe the issue will finally be settled.

How is atheism bigoted or biased?
How is saying that marriage is only for man and woman not biased? Supporting such a belief is biased. I support the right that allows anyone to get married so long as they are able to legally consent. The government should have no say in it. How is what Chick Fil A said any different from people saying that whites should not be able to marry blacks?

Same sex couples would like to enter into the same legal contract but are prohibited from doing so in most states. They are prevented from doing so because of religious beliefs that should be separate from state/Federal law and once it makes it's way to the SCOTUS I believe the issue will finally be settled.

How is atheism bigoted or biased?

The Bigotry and intolerence of the Left is staggering. Here's a thought. I'll respect "The Gay Lifestyle" the very minute the Left respects "The Christian Lifestyle" Given the track record of the Left it won't be anytime soon

Equally amusing is the blatant hypocrisy of berating and attempting to boycott a business because of their owners stance on Gay Marriage yet these same people have no problem buying gas, knowing that at least some it comes from Islamic Nations that regularly put Homosexuals to death.

Don't you know it's not about FACTS, it's about "feelings". Libtards NEVER allow facts to get in the way of a feel good moment
How is saying that marriage is only for man and woman not biased? Supporting such a belief is biased. I support the right that allows anyone to get married so long as they are able to legally consent. The government should have no say in it. How is what Chick Fil A said any different from people saying that whites should not be able to marry blacks?

Same sex couples would like to enter into the same legal contract but are prohibited from doing so in most states. They are prevented from doing so because of religious beliefs that should be separate from state/Federal law and once it makes it's way to the SCOTUS I believe the issue will finally be settled.

How is atheism bigoted or biased?

Where does it say in the Constitution that Chik or anyone else has to agree with the GLBT agenda?
Chik is biased because they serve gays as equally as straights?
All Chik said was they believe in traditional biblical definition of marriage as I and many others do to. What's wrong with that?
The Bigotry and intolerence of the Left is staggering. Here's a thought. I'll respect "The Gay Lifestyle" the very minute the Left respects "The Christian Lifestyle" Given the track record of the Left it won't be anytime soon

"The Christian Lifestyle" depends on how large or small your self-constructed moral cage is.

The left embraces Christian principles, and believe it or not, has actual Christians among its own.
Exactly how is your belief not being respected? You can pray where and when you want so long as it is not on public property. Your belief is still the dominate belief in the country. No one is incarcerated for praying or believing in what ever version of God they choose. Churches are not being burned down in any significant numbers. Christians are not being persecuted or be denied any rights. Christians are not being denied equal standing under the law. So exactly how is your belief not being respected? Given the history of religious based persecution over the past centuries I'm not going to hold my breath for “Christians” to treat others with respect.

Please tell me where to buy my fuel so that I do not contribute to the ME? Please, I'm begging you, tell me where and I'll be happy to buy it from them. I do buy my electric from a company that is 100% renewable so at least that makes a little difference.

You would not know a fact if it came up and bit you on the a$$. You come up with hare brained ideas like buying fuel that is locally drilled as if anyone sell fuel that is “ME Free”. Are you really that much of a simpleton? I am not going to buy products from companies that I know are against my self interests or those of my friends and family. I have, do and will spend more to avoid vendors with whom I disagree. So again, let me know exactly where to by this ME free fuel.

Definitely in the top 10 list of dumb a$$ statements made on this BB.
Are you really this thick or are you just yanking my chain?

Who said anything about Chick not being allowed to do anything? Where did I even mention that they were not allowed to? I can show you where I specifically said they are allowed to if you would like? Check post #4 in this thread. Clear as day. I don't care what a private company does. The government officials who are blustering about Chick coming to their town are doing just that... blustering. There is no legal basis for preventing Chick from opening up a store where ever they want to.

As far as I am aware they are legally required to serve gays as well as anyone else because of discrimination laws. That is not whats being discussed, what is being discussed (in the real world at least) is the CFO's comment on gay marriage.

Again for the millionth time, not a damn thing but if you run a business that caters to the public and you make a political statement there will be fall out. If Eolesen was right and their business is going up then more power to them, if not... OH well, sucks to be them.

So again, just for you so you can be clear on what I am saying:

Chick can say what ever they damn well please. They are a private company and are free to do so. How ever, when a company makes a political statement, there is the potential for there to be a back draft as there was in this case. If anyone were to make a legal challenge against their right to speak their opinion I will be right behind the ACLU fighting for their right to do so.

Is that clear enough for you?
"The Christian Lifestyle" depends on how large or small your self-constructed moral cage is.

The left embraces Christian principles, and believe it or not, has actual Christians among its own.

I call BS. You know we are all Muslim or Atheists
Are you really this thick or are you just yanking my chain?

Who said anything about Chick not being allowed to do anything? Where did I even mention that they were not allowed to? I can show you where I specifically said they are allowed to if you would like? Check post #4 in this thread. Clear as day. I don't care what a private company does. The government officials who are blustering about Chick coming to their town are doing just that... blustering. There is no legal basis for preventing Chick from opening up a store where ever they want to.

As far as I am aware they are legally required to serve gays as well as anyone else because of discrimination laws. That is not whats being discussed, what is being discussed (in the real world at least) is the CFO's comment on gay marriage.

Again for the millionth time, not a damn thing but if you run a business that caters to the public and you make a political statement there will be fall out. If Eolesen was right and their business is going up then more power to them, if not... OH well, sucks to be them.

So again, just for you so you can be clear on what I am saying:

Chick can say what ever they damn well please. They are a private company and are free to do so. How ever, when a company makes a political statement, there is the potential for there to be a back draft as there was in this case. If anyone were to make a legal challenge against their right to speak their opinion I will be right behind the ACLU fighting for their right to do so.

Is that clear enough for you?

Your opening sentence made it quite clear in post 4 where you are at.

I do not my best not to associate with groups that are openly bigoted or biased. I will never eat at Chick Fil A again.]

How is saying that marriage is only for man and woman not biased? Supporting such a belief is biased.

Biased on what premise?

I'd have to go with you feel they are bigoted and biased and with that said , agree with the general view of the GLBT community or you probably wouldn't be on here espousing about it.

Again, why is it an issue of the world that Chik supports traditional biblical marriage?
So what if they do?
Why are they biased and bigoted for what they said?
It's none of GLBT's business as much as it's none of my business what GLBT's do.
GLBT and MSM make issue of this like Chik is selling sandwiches made from Gay people and must be stopped.
For crying out loud, what happened to the first amendment?
Your opening sentence made it quite clear in post 4 where you are at.

Biased on what premise?

I'd have to go with you feel they are bigoted and biased and with that said , agree with the general view of the GLBT community or you probably wouldn't be on here espousing about it.

Again, why is it an issue of the world that Chik supports traditional biblical marriage?
So what if they do?
Why are they biased and bigoted for what they said?
It's none of GLBT's business as much as it's none of my business what GLBT's do.
GLBT and MSM make issue of this like Chik is selling sandwiches made from Gay people and must be stopped.
For crying out loud, what happened to the first amendment?

So since I do not believe in Islam that makes me biased? I guess in the broadest sense that is true but then that is true of every person. That belief also makes no distinction between the bias of the KKK and someone who does not like the way Wal-Mart treats their employees and does not show there.

I believe that LGBT should be treated equal under the law. No more no less. I believe that anyone who thinks it is OK to treat a certain segment of society differently under the law than anyone else is indeed biased and a bigot.

It is an issue of the world because the Chick decided to make a public statement to the world. I believe they are biased because they believe it is OK to deprive gays access to marry by law. I do not care that Chick does not agree with the gays, I take issue with the fact that they agree with the laws that prohibit it.

I do not agree with the Skin heads but I would never seek to enforce that belief by law. Does that make me biased in the contexts of this discussion? How would that work? I am biased against the Skin heads but I would fight for their right to speak their mind. That is not the same as disagreeing with gays and looking to enforce that disagreement by force of law.

Nothing happened to the 1[sup]st[/sup]. Chick is speaking their mind and those who disagree with Chick are speaking theirs. I was under the impression that is how the 1[sup]st[/sup] worked?
In stating they support traditional marriage they stated they support depriving gays of access to marry by law?
From what I saw they merely said what they believe and what manys others believe.
Where is it written that gays define what is or isn't acceptable in society?
Chik never said thay had issue with the gay community, only stated their biblical position regarding marriage. GLBT doesn't see it that way, apparently everyone has to agree with their position which is unmittigated bullcrap.
In regard to the 1st amendment, GLBT is not offering their opinion, they are attempting to eliminate the opposing view to their lifestyle.

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